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NATO is Slaughtering Civilians Not Saving them in Tripoli Now![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() NATO carrying out imperial ambitions of France, UK and US. Within days of the UN resolution for the Libyan no-fly zone a few months back, it has been known that this was purely a very thin cover for European and US ambitions of regime change to place a better puppet in power and to grab the billions in oil revenues that Libyan had in the bank. These revenues have already been seized. The claim that NATO were bombing Libyan to save civilians was always a bit like 'fucking for virginity' and was extremely suspect coming from an organisation that was busy killing and maiming people in Afghanistan alongside the US. In the past few weeks the mainstream pro-repressive pro-murder press has been giving a massive propanganda boost to the so called rebels. These ragbag assertment of cut-throats and extremists and even Al Qaeda jihad forces who had very little support were supported by thousands of continuous bombing raids by NATO and now last night NATO were instrumental in bombing Tripoli and straffing (heavy calibar gunships) civilians from helicopters. Crimes against humanity have been and are being committed by NATO and the terrorists that they have aided and abetted over the past few months as they terrorize the people of Libya, maim and murder them.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. ....Earlier this month, al-Qaeda issued a call for supporters to back the Libyan rebellion, which it said would lead to the imposition of "the state of Islam" in the country. Related Links: NATO Bombs Kill 85 Civilians | Leak of a 70 page Criminal NATO Plan to Occupy Libya by Jason Ditz and here too | Libyan Deaths, Media Silence by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) The Old Imperialist Project to Divide Libya in Three has been Executed by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya | Time to End Nato's War in Libya by Dennis Kucinich | Who Will Save Libya From Its Western Saviours by Jean Bricmont and Diana Johnstone | Charges mount of NATO war crimes in Libya | NATO’s terror bombing of Libya | The war in Libya and the crisis of the European Union -Part 1 Part 3 | Fierce fighting continues in Tripoli | For dictators, Britain does red carpet or carpet-bombing | Washington tried to snatch $1.5 billion to pay its NTC employees | Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable | NATO’s Puppet Regime in Libya Falls Apart (Aug 15th) | The CIA’s Fake “Arab Spring” Becoming A Long, Hot Summer Of War | Al Qaeda: Pawns of CIA Insurrection from Libya to Yemen | Gaddafi under siege: Two CIA-backed groups, an al-Qaeda-linked LIFG on top of power stakes Podcasts/Video Libyan Rebel Supreme Commander Younis, Two Colonels Murdered by al Qaeda Faction / Libyan rebel rivalry weakens NATO -Interview of W. Tarpley in July | 'NATO starving civilians in Libya -Jul 8th | Report on Libya -interview on Guns and Butter show (June 29th) -Tarpley | Inteview of Matthew Rothschild on article: Stop the Bombing of Libya | Inteview of Jason Ditz on his article: Italian Foreign Minister’s call for an end to the Libya War after NATO airstrikes killed many civilians
Here is a report last night from Thierry Meyssan who is in Tripoli. Tripoli, Libya, Aug. 22, 2011, 1 AM CET– On Saturday evening, at 8pm, when the hour of Iftar marked the breaking of the Ramadan fast, the NATO command launched its “Operation Siren” against Libya. The Sirens were the loudspeakers of the mosques, which were used to launch Al Qaeda’s call to revolt against the Qaddafi government. Immediately the sleeper cells of the Benghazi rebels went into action. These were small groups with great mobility, which carried out multiple attacks. The overnight fighting caused 350 deaths and 3,000 wounded. The situation calmed somewhat on Sunday during the course of the day. Then, a NATO warship sailed up and anchored just off the shore at Tripoli, delivering heavy weapons and debarking Al Qaeda jihadi forces, which were led by NATO officers. Fighting started again during the night. There were intense firefights. NATO drones and aircraft kept bombing in all directions. NATO helicopters strafed civilians in the streets with machine guns to open the way for the jihadis. In the evening, a motorcade of official cars carrying top government figures came under attack. The convoy fled to the Hotel Rixos, where the foreign press is based. NATO did not dare to bomb the hotel because they wanted to avoid killing the journalists. Nevertheless the hotel, which is where I am staying, is now under heavy fire. At 11:30pm, the Health Minister had to announce that the hospitals were full to overflowing. On Sunday evening, there had been 1300 additional dead and 5,000 wounded. NATO had been charged by the UN Security Council with protecting civilians in Libya. In reality, France and Great Britain have just re-started their colonial massacres. At 1am, Khamis Qaddafi came to the Rixos Hotel personally to deliver weapons for the defense of the hotel. He then left. There is now heavy fighting all around the hotel. -Thierry Meyssan But to put this in some context in terms of the leadup to this and going back to the start, it seems this uprising was planned and executed from the start largely by France and the UK with plenty of help from the US. Now some people will read this as article as support for Gadaffi and since he is bad then NATO must be good and it is best then to ignore the awful reality on the ground. As usual things are more nuanced than that and complex on the ground. Sure Gadaffi is bad but so are all the other dictators. But in that bad situation there were plenty of positives but negatives for the West. First Libya had rejected the neoliberal model (bad for Capitalist) and had one of the highest standards of living for people in Africa because Health and Education were free and there were generous other social services. This is very bad for Capitalism and sets a bad example because it raises peoples expectations. What was bad for the Libya people was indeed the lack of freedoms but it wasn't remotely as bad as Saudi Arabia, Baharain, Yemen and other countries is politically. Ah but people will say these regimes are friends of the West or at least some of them and some of them have generous welfare programs for their citizens. But that is exactly the point just made for Libya except you don't lose your hand or head for like the way people do in Saudi. But moving on, the rebels never really had the local support claimed. The Western press though has gone all out to make out the support was far greater than it is. The rebels are derived from the spontaneous uprising of citizens either and they are certainly not in any way remotely liberal or freedom loving. Whatever happens now in Libya and it will be possibly civilian war and remember France, UK and US will have blood on their hands for this, if the new regime gets in power they will strip the country bare, privatise the oiland all the other services and completely impoverish the people. Already a huge of amount of basic infrastructure has been bombed to smithereens. So who is going to rebuild their water supply and sewage systems? Who is going to pay for them. Answer is nobody. Libya is going to look pretty much like Iraq. Another point we should stop to ask is this? Have NATO missiles and the heavy calibar gunship helicopters rounds used depleted uranium (DU). This stuff is deadly and perists in the environment indefinitely contaminating everything in its wake with the radioactive dust. DU has been used widely in Iraq and Afghanistan and has led to a massive increase in cancers, birth defects and numerous other chronic and debiliting illnesses. Is the West going to provide for the medical care of these people now that they appear to have liberated them. Answer No. So lets return to why NATO was bombing Libya? Apparently to save civilians. Net result is a threatened civil war, thousands dead, even more seriously injured, critical sanity infrastructure destroyed and posssible widespread contamination. It is quite ironic and rightly so how we were all shocked and horrified when 80+ people were shot dead in Norway. The person pulling the trigger was quite clearly a terrorist. Yet where is this same press and moral outrage when just a few weeks ago, NATO planes killed 80+ civilians in Libya on Aug 10 near the village of Zlitan. And where is it now that they have bombed a pathway to the capital Tripoli for these so-called rebels and the 1000s killed in the last few days? So in the days ahead take note how the European powers and US media will heavily promote the image of liberation and joy and all disenting views will be sidelined and will not appear but as reported (see links below), there is a huge section of the population that is against these rebels because they know full well that they are proxies for the West and we will see a conflict that will possibly go on for years.
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Aug 27th: Racist murdering of Blacks by Rebels in Libya:
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