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Comments (13 of 13)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Oh dear - the crowd did nothing to help (apart from swear) and calling Shatter a Zionist is in itself racist.
How is calling somebody a zionist racist? , zionists or Jews for that matter are not a race.
You should watch the Rodney King video before you try to invoke its power.
Stop calling wolfe!
i saw the title and was expecting something very serious, this looked like extremely abusive teenagers. where are the clubs, where are the people getting beaten?
calling Shatter a Zionist is in itself racist.
you'd have to wonder if the person that posted that is more than a little bit mentally-challenged..
"Zionist" is a POLITICAL label - it refers to the POLITICAL ideology of Zionism, a Jewish-supremacist Nazi-like ideology conjured up by the descendants of converts to the religion of Judaism back in the 19th Century, in response to the German "Volk" movement
It is not now, nor can it ever be a "racist" designation, no matter how many times idiots (or Zionists - but I repeat myself) claim that it is.
Alan Shatter is most certainly a Zionist. anyone that would claim otherwise (including Shatter himself) is a born liar
Jews are not a race? Riiight. They are a faith group who encompass an ethnic identity (similar to Sikhs).
I agree that comparisons to Rodney King are rather over egging the pudding!
Finally nobody here hates plod more than I do - but the "Go home" did not refer to "Africa" but to their houses flats etc!
"Jews are not a race? Riiight."
YES it is right - nothing but RELIGION unites an Ethiopian Jew with a Russian Jew for example - they generally would not even have slightly similar skin colouring - wheras an Ethiopian Jew would have a lot more incommon with andEthiopian Christian. The hypothetical Russian Jew would find that absent religion, he had little in common with both the Ethiopian Jew and Ethiopian Christian. So clearly not a race to any but the most deluded.
simply sticking a few extra "i"s in a word doesn't make what you say have any resemblance to reality, no matter how many times, nor how loudly, nor how sarcastically you say it.
They are a faith group.
EXACTLY! They are a FAITH group, nothing more, nothing less - Members of the same RELIGION - You are even inadvertently admitting that they are not a race - you clearly are not honest enough to overtly admit that, or else you are not intelligent enough to notice that it contradicts your first statement
who encompass an ethnic identity
An absolutely moronic statement - The hypothetical Ethiopian Jew and Russian Jew mentioned above share NOTHING but religion - absent the religion, and they have nothing in common,
There is NO shared ethnic identity between those two - simply stupidly repeatedly claiming that there is, will make you nothing but a liar
Zionists use the name because the name appears fearful - Jews are using the name jews because the name makes them appear religious
I imagine the goons in blue are laughing madly - far left infighting again.
To conclude my observations -
Graffiti seen on Berlin wall 1933 "Jews go to Palestine" 2013 "Jews out of Palestine".
because it is complete and utter bullshit, as usual....
To conclude my observations -
Graffiti seen on Berlin wall 1933 "Jews go to Palestine" 2013 "Jews out of Palestine".
We all know you just made that up out of thin air.
Rather sly of you to insert "Jews" where others have said "Zionists" - very typical for a supporter of hate-filled Jewish supremacy
You are the person here that brought up "Jews" in the first place. all others referenced "Zionists". any references to "Jews" by others was merely in response to your complete and utter bullshit in the first place.
You zio-trolls really struggle with the whole concept of basic honesty, don't you?
One thing we can be almost 100% certain of is that in present day Berlin one would have an extremely hard time find ANY graffitti that said "JEWS out of Palestine".
If such did appear, it would last less than 48hrs before it would be scrubbed off - and if such graffitti DID appear it would probably have been put there by Zio-scum such as yourself for propaganda purposes - so they could point to it later and and make a fake claim of"persecution"
You really are a terrible liar, you know that
Oh dear - we started with a thread on racist police and now it is "Ze Chews!" I see that my detractor is not using his/her name. Says a lot actually. IP address Templemore.
we started with a thread on racist police and now it is "Ze Chews!"
Once again , you gormless troglodyte halfwit, YOU are the one that brought "Jews" into it-
No one other than YOU mentioned "Jews" as usual it's the moronic racist Zio-shites that always do that - and you have been ranting about "ze CHEWS" non-stop as far as I can see.
I see that my detractor is not using his/her name. Says a lot actually.
O'Rly? SO what does it say, mr clueless?
To me it says that you are pretending that Ciaran Goggins is your real name - like anyone gives a damn.
Thick as pigshite from what I can see.
IP address Templemore.
You are truly a master at Idiocy. Possibly the stupidest person ever to post here ( bar Felix Quigley, . . . of course)