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Britain Guilty in 3 of 4 European Court of Human Rights Cases

category international | crime and justice | news report author Tuesday July 09, 2013 05:26author by Brian Clarke - AllVoices Report this post to the editors

Internment Without Trial

The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist. - Winston Churchill - Internment

Research commissioned by a group of British, backbench, Tory MPs conclude, that European judges have ruled more than 270 cases taken against Britain, has “breached a Convention right”. The final report, written by Robert Broadhurst, a legal researcher, found that since Britain signed up to the European Court of Human Right’s jurisdiction in 1966, there are more than 350 rulings on UK violation of human rights.The number of judgments made against the UK violating human rights stands at 271, against only 86 ruling otherwise”.
European Court of Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights

Sir Nicolas Bratza QC, the President of Strasbourg-based European court, in response to repeated attacks from the British Prime Minister David Cameron, against the Human Rights Court, he accused “senior British politicians” of failing to understand the European Courts role and history. Writing "Britain should be defending European justice, not attacking it", he said: "The UK can be proud of its real contribution to this unique system and its influence in bringing about effective human rights protection throughout the European continent. It would be deeply regrettable if it were to allow its commitment to that system to be called into question by a failure to defend it against its detractors or to offer its strong support for the vital work of the court."

The European court has 47 judges, representing each member state of the Council of Europe. Research shows that Britain has a horrific record of human rights abuse, losing three out of four cases taken to the court against it, which was established in the wake of the Second World War. The British tactical response is to dismantle the power of the courts, in the same manner, that its is currently systematically dismantling the Irish Peace Process.

There have been many rulings against Britain in the European Court of Human Rights with regard to Irish people. In the early 1970's, when the British once again introduced internment without trial, Britain was found guilty by the European Court of Human Rights.The Irish Government, on behalf of the hooded political internees, who had been subject to the five methods used later in Abu Graib, took a case to the European Commission on Human Rights . The Commission stated that it "considered the combined use of the five methods to amount to torture, when Martin Corey and fellow political internees were battered and tortured, by he British at that time.

The relatives of three Irish people, Danny McCann, Sean Savage and Mairead Farrell, murdered by the British SAS in Gibraltar, were so disgusted at the response of the British legal system, that they took their case to the European Court of Human Rights in 1995. The court found that the three had been unlawfully killed, ruling that the human rights of the 'Gibraltar Three' were infringed by Britain, in breach of Article 2 - right to life when Britain's SAS, shot dead the clearly unarmed volunteers, execution style, at close range, on explicit orders, of Margaret Thatcher and senior members of the British Tory Cabinet.

Now according to the BBC, lawyers are to challenge the internment without trial of of an Irish republican from Lurgan, County Armagh, in the European court. Martin Corey, who is a 63 year old man, has been politically interned without trial for over three years, without any charges being brought against him. Martin was released in 1992, prior to the Irish Peace Process, after serving almost twenty years in Long Kesh Concentration Camp in British Occupied Ireland.

Over three years ago, Martin a member of Republican Sinn Fein, a legal political party, was politically interned, with his legal team not beingtold why he is considered to be a risk, so his lawyers are now taking the case to the European Court. According to a BBC interview with his lawyer, Peter Murphy, has said Martin was being denied the right to a fair trial.

"It's like internment all over again in the sense that he hasn't been given the chance to defend his position," Mr Murphy said. When we ask questions about the nature of the allegations and evidence against our client we are told nothing. In any criminal court you can meet your accuser, you have a chance to cross-examine them, and you have a chance to defend yourself because you're given the detail of what the allegations are against you.We don't have any of that, so our client is in a very difficult situation in that he's sitting in prison not knowing why he's there."

A judge, who is one of the few remaining experts on European Law in British Occupied Ireland, after the British Government have assassinated all other lawyers who were European Law experts, ordered the immediate release of Martin, on the grounds that his Human Rights under European Law were being ignored and abused by the British. However when Martin was taken to the front gate to be released and about to embrace his family, another dictatorial order, from the unelected, English Viceroyal, who is the de facto overlord of the British colony, overruling all courts and parliament with imperial internment without trial.

The European Court of Human Right’s is the last chance, of 63 years old Martin Corey ever experiencing a limited freedom in British Occupied Ireland ever again.

Related Link: http://bit.ly/PLJ9tK

Caption: Video Id: fM94MvyvBs8 Type: Youtube Video
European Convention on Human Rights

author by Ciaran Gogginspublication date Tue Jul 09, 2013 17:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Strasbourg are a farce - the Marper ruling still has not been implemented. Britain has a "Biometrics Commissioner" who does not use any transparency when dealing with deleting DNA samples of innocent folks. Tear it down and start again. Garnerville delenda est.

author by brionOcleirigh - AllVoicespublication date Wed Jul 10, 2013 00:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, Gerard a chara, but right now it's the only thing that Martin Corey has got, if he is not going to spend the rest of his life interned without trial. Ten years ago John McAnulty wrote the article below and I have been desperately searching around for something positive, that the peace process has brought to the equation in the last ten years, other than a load of hot air?

I don't want to keep knocking British Sinn Fein but in the instance of Martin Corey, their treatment of an old comrade and their tacit support to Internment without trial, is utter betrayal to all of Wolfe Tone's principles, from the French revolution. Their non-response to their electorate, on specific issues raised by many, around the Weston Park non agreement is delinquent. Anyway back to John McAnulty's article.

"All I can see is even more and more repression with the introduction of internment without trial. A secret trial is no trial where the internee cannot defend him or herself. courts, secret evidence cannot be challenged.

One word kept coming to the fore in press reports when the Stevens report into collusion between British state forces and Loyalist death squads was released. That word was astounding.

The report was in fact astounding in all sorts of directions and dimensions.

It was astounding to have a representative of the British state openly admit the involvement of state forces in the sectarian murder of Catholic civilians.

It was astounding to have an open admission of the involvement of state forces in the murder of human rights lawyer Pat Finucane – an officer of their own court system.

It was astounding to have the British state openly admit the involvement of a senior member of the British Government of the time – Douglas Hogg – in smearing Finucane and other lawyers representing republican prisoners.

Even more astounding was the frank admission that elements of the local police – the RUC – and British army undertook a campaign of intimidation against the investigating team – including an arson attack on an office which successfully destroyed many files.

But there are other elements that make all that went before pale into insignificance. The first is the idea that we have seen the Stevens report. Only 19 pages – just over 1 for each of the 13 years of the investigation – have been released. The thousands of pages of the real report are to be buried in the innermost chambers of the state. Only 2 deaths out of thousands – that of Pat Finucane and Brian Lambert (a Protestant student mistaken for a Catholic) are dealt with. The solution, according to Stevens, is a managerial one. Simply a change of structures and better record-keeping will bring to an end decades when the British tore up any pretence of legitimacy, unleashed the worst forms of state terror and fed lifeblood to the Frankenstein monster of the Loyalist death squads

In fact the Stevens statement is a whitewash, immediately dismissed by the Finucane family. Hanging over Steven’s shoulder is the memory of John Stalker, the last British Police officer to investigate state crime in Ireland. He became the object of a criminal investigation and retired under a cloud. The Stevens team operate with a clear understanding of the constraints on them. One reason for the detail on the Finucane killing is that The evidence of state collusion is overwhelming. The majority of those involved in the planning and execution of the crime were in the pay of the British and a number have made public confessions of their role. Two of the most prominent figures died recently. William Stobie was killed by the loyalist gangs and Brian Nelson, who oversaw the murder of countless Catholics while employed by the state, died of apparently natural causes while in hiding under state protection.
Stevens’ thesis is that this was a problem of out-of control agents and their handlers. The solution was better management, communication and record-keeping. A few middle-ranking officers should possibly be the subject of criminal investigation that would predictably go nowhere. With the RUC’s name changed to the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) all would be well.

This nowhere corresponds to the facts. The sectarian killings were all of a piece with a state ‘shoot to kill’ policy, torture (which British cabinet documents released after 30 years, recently revealed to have been government policy), the Belfast and Derry Pogroms, led by state forces, which unleashed the present troubles, internment, Bloody Sunday, emergency powers and no-jury courts.

The report does not correspond to Irish history either. That history is of British determination to protect their interests in Ireland, of setting up a grubby sectarian state to divide the Irish working class and of regularly unleashing sectarian gangs on the Catholic population – in fact for most of the history of the partitioned northern state the gangs wore state uniforms as ‘B’ and ‘C’ special constables.

The publication of the report poses a number of difficulties for the British. Nationalist workers will not accept Steven’s fairy tales that this is a problem of a past time. They know that a more recent murder, that of human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson, was the result of collusion and that investigators complained that the RUC members questioned about this killing were uncooperative, drunk and threatening. They know that there is continuing collusion to placate and buy off Loyalist factions. This makes the idea that the Good Friday agreement should be redrawn to demand the disbandment of the IRA highly unpopular.

A further problem is the sectarian reaction of Unionism. David Trimble, the unionist leader who collapsed the local Stormont administration on mere suspicion of IRA intelligence activity, sees no crisis in the findings of collusion in sectarian murder – it can be dealt with by a parliamentary sub-committee. A close associate of Trimbles, Ken Maginnis, repeats the charge that the dead Finucane was an IRA associate and, in language reminiscent of the American deep South and the ‘uppitty nigra’ accused Finucane of being too prominent and ‘drawing attention to himself’.

The problem here is that the British solution to the Irish problem is that these bigots return to coalition with Sinn Fein. It really is difficult to see any scale of republican surrender that would make this a stable solution.

There is however a problem of response. The Finucane family have called for a public inquiry. They are aware of the danger of further whitewash reports and call for international figures to be involved. In the past the demand for inquiry has been a favoured demand of the Irish bourgeoisie as a method of ‘closure’ that would firmly push all sorts of unpleasant questions into the past. It’s high point was British agreement to a judicial inquiry into Bloody Sunday led by Lord Saville. It has become clear that the most likely outcome is yet another blurring of what was a pretty straightforward massacre of civilians, witnessed by thousands including TV and print journalists. Very recently Saville has indicated that he will give exception to state witnesses where intelligence issues are involved – something that would make a judicial inquiry meaningless.

The Irish Bourgeoisie have now pulled back. Dennis Bradley, a former priest, now a leader of the police authority and one of the architects of Republican involvement in the Good Friday agreement, now argues against further inquiry. However there is a left critique also– that further inquiry which leads to further whitewash will simply demoralise. What is key is that we demand that responsibility rest at the top of the chain of command, with the British Government. We should also recognise the central illusion of the Good Friday agreement –that Britain means well in Ireland – has been exposed for those that care to notice. British killing in Ireland will stop when Britain leaves Ireland.

Note: members of 1st para now hold leadership of British forces in Iraq where they have repeated their methods in Derry on a bigger scale."

SS UK Bombshell British Occupied Ireland
SS UK Bombshell British Occupied Ireland

Related Link: http://bit.ly/15uJACI
author by newsmedia - nmnpublication date Wed Jul 10, 2013 00:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Make what you will of this comment.

Only a fool argues with a fool.

Take that as your guide or dismiss. We really don't give a hoot.

author by Brian Clarke - AllVoicespublication date Wed Jul 10, 2013 01:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute !

Woodsy Owl
Woodsy Owl

Related Link: http://bit.ly/15uPyDH
author by Lizbeth2013publication date Thu Jul 11, 2013 16:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

La Risa de Dios.

Va por la oscura calle, triste un ex-dictador,
va,olvidado por todos (no conoció el amor).
Con paso aletargado la recta linea sigue
hacia el final de sus días. Un hombre lo persigue.
Los recuerdos los acechan detrás de cada sombra,
En el silencio grave, voz gutural lo nombra.
Está débil y viejo. Sobre sus hombros quedan
culpas inmemoriales. Solo cuando no puedan
en nada ya fijarse esos cansados ojos,
dejaran de asediarle los hórridos despojos,
imágenes dolientes, sepulcrales figuras
que crearon su odio feroz y sus torturas...

Va por la misma calle vencido un pensador,
solo va él también, (teorizó sobre el amor).
Con paso despistado camina a la deriva
buscando en la memoria esa palabra esquiva,
esa palabra sola que siempre persiguiera
hasta pensar que fuese, quizás aquí extranjera,
para olvidar la luego, dedicando su mente
a buscar otras nuevas de riqueza aparente.
¿Cuál era esa palabra?... Ella era "VERDAD".
Quiso encontrarla y quiso gritarla libertad.

No solo que verdades nunca, nunca encontró
sino que por buscarlas la libertad perdió.

Mirándolos y, a veces, riendo de los dos
por esa misma calle va caminando Dios.

El orden más completo, el poder en su mano
buscó lograr, perdiendo sus días el tirano.
El orden más perfecto buscó el idealista,
" no hay quien a mis ideas, son lo mejor, resista".

Con la cabeza uno, el otro con los brazos
quisieron imponerse, cayendo en los lazos
que les tendió su propia imperfección
la muerte no respeta a fuerza o razón.

Mirándolos y, a veces, riendo de los dos,
a esos espectros tristes va persiguiendo Dios.

This is an English translation of the original in Spanish. Sorry if not the best.

The Laughter of God

Goes down the dark street, sad one former dictator,
goes, forgotten by everyone (he did not met the love).
With lethargic step follows the straight line
towards the end of his days. A man chases him.
The memories of lurking, are behind every shadow,
In the silence grave, guttural sound, names him.
He is weak and old, over his shoulders has
immemorial blame. Only when he can
at all set those tired eyes,
stop their horrid offals,
images mourners, sepulchral figures,
they created their fierce, hatred and torture ...

Goes down the same street, up a thinker,
he also, with his will, (theorized about love).
With a lost step clueless adrift walks,
he is searching that word that memory elusive
that word alone, that always pursued
to think it was, perhaps this foreign word
then to forget it, devoting his mind
to seek other apparent word, a new wealth.
What was that word? ... She was "truth",
when find it, wanted to shout freedom.

Not only that truth never found,
but he still looks for that lost freedom.

Looking at them and sometimes laughing at the two
along the same street, is walking, God.

The most complete order, the power in their hands,
trying to achieve it, losing his days the tyrant.
The most perfect order sought the idealistic
"No one has my mind.. my ideas are the best, "resist".

With their head, one, the other with his arms,
wanted impose their force, instead, they falling in their own ties,
handed them their own imperfection.
The death, does not respect force or reason.

Looking at them and sometimes, laughing at the two,
to those spectrums sad, is chasing God.

Not worth much fight and revenge. This is not the way that men have to live. I chose this poem, to honor those who are persecuted for the truth and justice. They are the ones who deserve freedom, by the hand of their oppressors. Also, stop to fought among themselves without end, and apologize to one another, to live as God wants, among brothers.
Sorry for my Englsh.

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.ie/cache/imagecache/local/misc/0_0___10_0_0_0_0_0_banner.jpg
author by brionOcleirigh - AllVoicespublication date Sat Jul 13, 2013 04:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

THE POGUES : Streets of Sorrow/Birmingham Six

Oh farewell you streets of sorrow

And farewell you streets of pain

I'll not return to feel more sorrow

Nor to see more young men slain

Through the last six years I've lived through terror

And in the darkened streets the pain

Oh how I long to find some solace

In my mind I curse the strain

So farewell you streets of sorrow

And farewell you streets of pain

No I'll not return to feel more sorrow

Nor to see more young men slain

There were six men in Birmingham

In Guildford there's four

That were picked up and tortured

And framed by the law

And the filth got promotion

But they're still doing time

For being Irish in the wrong place

And at the wrong time

In Ireland they'll put you away in the maze

In England they'll keep you for seven long days

God help you if ever you're caught on these shores

The coppers need someone

And they walk through that door

You'll be counting years

First five, then ten

Growing old in a lonely hell

Round the yard and the stinking cell

From wall to wall, and back again

A curse on the judges, the coppers and screws

Who tortured the innocent, wrongly accused

For the price of promotion

And justice to sell

May the judged by their judges when they rot down in hell

May the whores of the empire lie awake in their beds

And sweat as they count out the sins on their heads

While over in Ireland eight more men lie dead

Kicked down and shot in the back of the head

Martin Corey's Story Link :

Martin Corey  22 Years
Martin Corey 22 Years

Caption: Video Id: RbcsOzmVmy0 Type: Youtube Video
The Pogues - Top 10 X-Rated: Birmingham Six

Related Link: http://www.releasemartincorey.com
author by W. Finnertypublication date Sat Jul 13, 2013 07:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reply to Brian Clarke ...

"I am looking forward to working closely with colleagues in the Council, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States to strengthen Europe's foreign policy. We will do this with determination and with full respect for the values that the European Union stands for, above all peace and prosperity, freedom and democracy, the rule of law and the universality and indivisibility of human rights."

For the purpose of reminding her of her own BIG statement regarding human rights, the above excerpt is from a registered letter I sent to Baroness Ashton of Upholland, who is The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Vice President of the European Commission, on December 21st 2009.

She has COMPLETELY ignored the ENTIRE CONTENTS of my registered letter to her dated December 21st 2009, and did not even have the good manners -- or the basic decency -- to provide me with an acknowledgement of receipt for it.

Compare the way she has completely ignored the ENTIRE CONTENTS of my registered letter to her of December 21st 2009, with her BIG statement in the excerpt above (which she VERY PUBLICLY issued some weeks before December 21st 2009), and ask yourself: "how's that for a fine piece of hypocrisy and corruption on the subject of human rights from one of the most senior and highest paid members of the European Union Administration?"

Then ask yourself this: "how can she completely ignore such letters, and still hold on to her highly paid job?".

A scanned of the full text of my registered letter to Baroness Ashton of Upholland dated December 21st 2009, together with scanned copies of the associated Post Office receipts, can be viewed at:

Some readers may wish to note that the letter at the www address just above was copied (also through the registered post) to former Republic of Ireland Prime Minster Brian Cowan: and that he ALSO did not even have the good manners -- or the basic decency -- to provide me with an acknowledgement of receipt for it.

CORRUPTION, CORRUPTION, and more CORRUPTION, and HYPOCRISY, HYPOCRISY, and more HYPOCRISY: that's ALL they're good for it seems?

That's ALL they appear to know?

Related Link:
"Baroness Ashton of Upholland, government corruption, crime, cover ups, impunity ..."

author by W. Finnertypublication date Sun Jul 14, 2013 14:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Baroness Ashton will be entitled to £400,000 at the taxpayer's expense over three years for doing nothing after finishing her five year term as the European Union's foreign minister at the end of 2014."

The above excerpts are from:

Is this £400,000 another PART of her reward from the banksters for fraudulently TALKING publicly in a manner designed to hoodwink "the people" into believing that she fully supports human rights, while all the while ACTING in a way which clearly indicates that she has nothing but TOTAL CONTEMPT for the people who need practical help from her (and her kind) regarding human rights issues: such as those connected with Article 47 of The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union (for example)?

Related Indymedia (Ireland) Comment:

This £400,000 can hardly be part of any bankster inspired/demanded "austerity package", can it?

It does suggest though (to me at least) that the "austerity demands of the banksters" is just a SCAM to enable them to loot and pillage "the people" until they are bled dry: while using corruption-ridden puppet governments (executive, legislative, and judicial) to run their scam: and with BIG "LODZA MONEY" REWARDS for all those "public servants" who help the banksters the most.

Related Link:
"BANKSTERS, Baroness Ashton, GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION, HYPOCRISY, CRIME, cover ups, impunity, Human Rights Ireland ..."

author by Brian Clarke - AllVoicespublication date Sun Jul 14, 2013 15:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Do forgive my late reply William but the festivities of our orange brethren distracted me. Anyway as you will see from the photo below, I am not overly impress; by baroness Ashton, indeed any baroness at all for that matter, she reminds me of one of my previous wives. She look like a grinning idiot, doesn't she?. Now William, you cannot be serious, you cannot possible take these people seriously, I beseech you have acloser look at what you are dealing with.

This grinning idiot is a Brit piss take of one of the EU's top jobs, playing second fiddle to Rumpy de Pumpy, our God Emperor. Her bombastic title aside from baroness, is High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.' The Mikado, is certainly way beyond her abilities other than her mouth, intellectually and otherwise.Like a lot of those in British public life, the baroness has never, in her entire life, been elected to any public office and she never served as a diplomat.

She married one of Tony Blair's best buddies, upon which Tony got her into the Lords through the back door with sheer nepotism. In the House of Lords, the baroness made all the right mouth moves, that would define her public career as Grand Mikado and Satrap of the Euro province of Britannia, i.e., getting the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords. Her reward for the sacrifice of her country's sovereignty and the ability to get a referendum on this important matter.

She is a euro federalist, an essential to get any job in the EU. Her totally ruthless mercenary nature, with her mediocrity, a history of rise through nepotism is a perfect Euro lander. She fits perfectly in the Commission that has political aspirations, being little more than a club for retired, clapped-out ex-premiers who want some real executive power without going through those ever-so inconvenient things called 'elections'.

Anyway, the baroness been basing her office in Brussels' executive headquarters, with commission officials! As Geoffrey Van Orden explained, "The Eurocrats want to shift foreign policy away from the nation states to the commission. She is the perfect facilitator for this and her whole thrust is in the direction of the commission. Her office is in the commission. It is providing the resources. Her power base is there. I would say to national governments, beware, your foreign policy is at risk." After Lisbon, Barroso is using the weak-willed and feeble-minded Baroness to suit his own political objectives, namely, keeping national diplomats out of the senior European diplomatic corps jobs.
Now I think we are bit off topic and I'm not sure how this is going to help Martin Corey's predicament.
So William, I suggest you be careful, with how you handle the baroness, she usually winds up on top. She reminds me of that poem we learned at school, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci."

Le baroness
Le baroness

Related Link: http://bit.ly/PkE4si
author by W. Finnertypublication date Sun Jul 14, 2013 18:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reply to Brian Clarke - AllVoices at Sun Jul 14, 2013 15:53 ...

"Now I think we are bit off topic and I'm not sure how this is going to help Martin Corey's predicament."

Successfully EXPOSING those who -- like Baroness Ashton operating in "arse-backwards mode" -- put "personalities before principles", and "corruption before integrity" will (I believe) help Martin Corey, and the many others all around the world who are in similar trouble to his.

Human rights law needs to be enforced and upheld just as much -- and many would argue far more -- than motorway speed-limit law (for example).

If governments commit crime through the violation of human rights law, and cause serious injury in consequence, the targets of the government crime in question, including Martin Corey, fully deserve compensation.

How can any such compensation ever take place if people like Baroness Ashton are not exposed for what they really are: having due regard for the fact they are a) very good at fooling the general public (i.e. "the people"), and 2) that they get HUGE support -- both by deed and by omission -- from the bankster-owned and/or bankster-controlled MSM (Main Stream Media).

Note the very clever, smart-Alex pretext provided by the MSM for the £400,000 ...

"The allowance is defended as 'the price for the total independence' of senior EU officials like Lady Ashton, who is also a vice-president of the European Commission ... That way, they can continue to give 100 per cent to the job taxpayers are paying them to do, and there is much less risk of a conflict of interest."

"That way, they can continue to give 100 per cent to the job the BANKSTERS are paying them to do (using the money the banksters create from nowhere out of nothing before "lending" it under compound interest arrangements to the corruption-ridden governments they bribe, bully, blackmail and so on)", is much more like how the statement in the paragraph immediately should read (in my opinion): if truth, as opposed to deception, was the purpose of the statement.

The upholding and enforcement of human rights law, and of valid constitutional law, is to the banksters (and their supporters) what "holy water" is reputed to be like to the "Devil Himself". Personally, I can't agree that this subject is "a bit off topic" in connection with Martin Corey's predicament.

Related Link:
"Banksters, Lord Jacob Rothschild, unconstitutional legislation, William Finnerty ..."

author by Brian Clarke - AllVoicespublication date Tue Jul 16, 2013 13:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm not sure about holy water or the devil you know anymore ?


Related Link: http://bit.ly/15BH6Ah
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