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My lungs are full of Asbestos

category international | worker & community struggles and protests | opinion/analysis author Tuesday September 17, 2013 17:51author by Cara - Sackedbymyunion ex Belfast Docker Report this post to the editors

Why does Jack O'Connor and the Arts refuse to stage my Stageplay -One Big Onion

At Belfast Docks ITGWU continued the swing to the Right - which began when they sacked Jim Larkin - the same Jim Larkin that Jack O'Connor and SIPTU are honouring - with tongues firmly in cheeks and laughing all the way to the bank with their massive salaries.

It is understandable - I suppose - from a corrupt point of view, that Jack O'Connor would want to cover up the Union's behaviour at Belfast Docks - the same way they'd forgotten that they sacked Larkin. However, what is not understandable - at least to me - is why the so-called Independent and free thinking writers and actors in the Dublin Arts Scene are rowing in behind Jack O'Connor and refusing to stage my play after a successful reading of the play.

The tittle One Big Onion is a reflection of the layers of corruption within the union. Jack O'Connor heads this corruption and I'm sick telling him so at large meetings, but he won't sue me for defamation - although he threatened to do so. Then his Belfast solicitor, one John O'Neill told him I was speaking the Truth.

Ed: redacted statement

For proof of what I maintain, see my profile on Linkedin, Sackedmyunion on Twitter and the documentary
proof on To put a legal face on their Union and Employers Court they put everything in writing - and unbelievably the EX UNION CHAIRMAN JIM AUSTIN was the Court Prosecutor.


Editor: This story has been redacted somewhat and a number of comments have been removed in relation to Hugh Murphy and Attic because many of the allegations cannot be satisfactorily substantiated. The story has been re-instated so that the focus can be shifted to the core issue which is that of exposure to Asbestos in Belfast. Any further comments in relation to Attic which are tangential to the core issue will be removed or result in the entire article being removed.

Related Link:
author by Ex Siptu employee - Unemployed voicespublication date Tue Sep 24, 2013 13:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reading Hugh Murphy's article people might think it is far fetched or hard to believe but let's do a little recall today. Mat Merrigan Siptu travelled the globe on a Siptu visa card. When confronted his response was bizarre. He said he did not realise he was doing any wrong and hence it is believed he paid back the amount in full. The same Mr Merrigan was asked to come in by an Oireachtas committee to answer serious questions on his role in Siptu. He has failed to do so up to the present time. Sean Sherlock's sister is one of the chief economists in Siptu and there lies the cosy cartel.

In the current recession where people are struggling to make ends meet O'Connor and his cronies have a bank vault of e40 million plus other properties worldwide. At the moment O'Connor cancelled the major facelift of Liberty Hall and for the moment these reasons are sketchy but it is believed it was fear of a back-lash from Irish taxpayers and members. Just look at the salary that O'Connor has right now. It is in the region of e178,000 plus expenses and penion. Can somebody explain to me how a Labour man, a Trade Union man can be paid the same wage as Enda Kenny. Yet the harsh reality in denial Ireland is that nobody has the gumption to ask the serious questions, In the last few months I watched with sadness the shafting of the workers in Clerys, still not knowing whether the store will open with the new owners Gordon Brothers at the helm. As one former Clerys worker told me the deal was done five years ago between Gordon Brothers who bought it over between the buyers, the trade union and Clery's management/owners.

I will close by saying when you pay into Siptu now ask the question are you paying for the benefits of workers or for Jack O'Connor''s exceptional salary or are you paying to get decent representation. Some months ago reading the Guardian newspaper I came across a court case where some unfortunate people were compensated through the English courts in relation to the asbestos at Belfast docks. Again this news was not highlighted by one Irish journalist down south. So who has them censored. There are so many questions and no answers. Why?

author by Hard up worker - Low paid in Siptupublication date Tue Sep 24, 2013 13:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What happened to the Holiday Home in Fairview, and the Unemployed Branch? Could we return to the time when my Trade Siptu Union cared for its members - and not be dependent upon the fact - that I have a job or not? Where is the working class unity which the early Union fostered, whereby union leaders - like Larkin believed in defending workers and their rights - and not defending their own position, salary and pension?

Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that my Union is fostering a culture of silence, rather than one of discontent. The Lock Out was a failure for workers, but to see the celebrations taking place one would wonder what they are celebrating. Was it the swing to the Right in ITGWU, when they rejected the principles of their founder, Jim Larkin, and upon his return from America - actually sacked him from the Union for wanting to continue the fight for workers rights.

The rank and file will have to devise a way: to prevent: and to identify the suckups before they get into positions of power where they then get well paid for sucking up.

I'm a member of Siptu and only Siptu members will know what's going on in the Union.

author by Blake - Justicepublication date Sun Oct 06, 2013 16:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

One Big Onion

Conjure up the thought of peeling the onions - layer after layer - the tears forming in your eyes.

Just because an event, a wrong decision happens to be 5 decades ago, doesn't mean to say it is not relevant.

Suicide was a criminal offence up until the 1990's. It took writers like Marina Carr to write the narrative that tackled the issue that some families faced ie the death, the loss, the fact stigma, the silence and worst of all the fact it was a criminal offense and the body of the loved one was not for the Catholic graveyard so hence Shame too. She wrote the play and the Abbey took the chance to produce it.

Asbestosis. Do we understand or do we care or worse is it capitalism and commerce that want the details hidden?

In Manchester recently, Granada TV had to pay £1 million to deal with asbestos contained in the building which like all buildings constructed in that period (1960's) had asbestos. The only way to do this is to idendify it; and then isolate it because to disturb it results in the fine dust polluting the air which in turn can settle in the lungs of the people exposed to it. For some it can be latent so fear is the reminder but for others it manifests as cancer and they die, but not before they have suffered and their families and friends have experienced what asbestosis can do to a human being. Why is it that the medical profession remain so quiet about what asbestosis can do to people?

The question about the play is do we really care anymore about those who were exposed to asbestos and died painful deaths. Think of Christy Hennessy who worked in the building game in the UK and he got it.

author by Brian Flannery. - Justice.publication date Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have being reading Mr Murphy on various for many years now. The point I make is I admire his passion for Justice but dont go down a Vendetta route it backfires Mr Murphy.I admire Wageslaves
Move on this topic and if I may make a sugestion let this up for 24 hours if possible.
The reason I ask is Mr Cantwell states he has nothing to do with Jack O Connor and Siptu well
I can prove this is non factual and If I may get back on site this afternoon I will explain here why
and how I back up my evidence. I am a little bewildered at Mr Cantwells denial of Siptu and O Connor but if possible Wageslave given the time shortly I will outline my Evidence.
Mr Murphy my advice to you is take the advice of the Moderators and calm the waters time and truth finds its own level.
Brian Flannery.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sackedbymyunionpublication date Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have no axe to grind with anyone in Attic Studio. I am simply asking someone from Attc to state - WHY after 5 years and three play readings I AM NO LONGER WELCOME IN ATTIC STUDIO. If it is a coincidence that I was NO LONGER WANTED after I called for actors and stated I wanted to stage One Big Onion myself - then the reason given should clear up MY MISUNDERSTANDING.

I know that Ireland lacks a lot, but the above is the least I should be able to expect in a Democracy. Also, I do not want or invite legal action BUT AS A CENSORED WRITER IN IRELAND -JUST TO BE GIVEN AN ANSWER TO THE ABOVE QUESTION.

author by wageslavepublication date Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hugh, Brian
Ok, I'll leave this up for another few days so some hard evidence for the allegations / links can be produced.

If none is forthcoming then reluctantly I'll have to hide it. Surely you can see our position here?. We have very little funding to speak of and are kept afloat by volunteers. We can't really afford to get involved in personal litigation.

If you are naming names then it has to be a pretty strong case for us to leave it up.

I still think that working to get an independent, (perhaps crowd sourced?) production of your play and get it on video, is the way to go here rather than wasting your energy fighting the likes of Attic. Regardless of how this goes, it's pretty clear you won't get them to run your play at this stage. And that's the actual point of all this after all, isn't it?

Meanwhile, have you considered things like kickstarter to try to raise funds to do the play?
I'm sure many people would sympathise with the cause of workers with asbestosis who got shafted by those charged with looking after their interests.

author by Brian Flannery - Justicepublication date Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wageslave: Thank you for the feedback and for setting out the boundaries and for stating that beyond circumstantial evidence criteria is essential when reporting.

I refer you to the following:

Re: Irish Actors really moving to (UK) Equity by Tom Dowling September 17th 2012 and Siptu.

'The actors Executive are advising fellow actors to refrain from joining Siptu for now until it decides its next move, members have already engaged with Equity on how that might be accomplished. Some Irish actors have always been in Equity while others have transferred in recent years, partially because they work between here and the UK but also their lack of confidence in Siptu to represent them properly. If you have not been informed of recent developments contact Siptu -

Cantwell became involved in talks with Siptu in relation to his disappointment with Siptu's lack of input into the production of plays. So Cantwell does know O'Connor and Siptu is well known to him for a number of years now. Why does he (Cantwell) deny the facts and published links?

Cantwell states in his letter that he does not know O'Connor or that he is a member of Siptu.

Well he is a member of Siptu Film and Entertainment Division Grade 1 (Director. No 11634664).

I am awaiting further confirmation of involvement between Cantwell and Siptu.

Brian Flannery

author by wageslavepublication date Thu Oct 10, 2013 16:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Brian, have you a link for that?

author by Brian Flannery - Justicepublication date Fri Oct 11, 2013 14:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Google Graham Cantwell Siptu; there are a number of links including www.powertriphone/blog.htm. He is an award winning Irish director and writer, see further link '...who achieved early acclaim....when Siptu film and entertainment division Grade 1 director is another of the links that exists on Google. Check out the membership section.

I have been talking to former members of Attic Studios in the last number of days and they found Cantwell's letter highly amusing. As one said, how could you stage 10 plays at Liberty Hall without knowing the existence of Jack O'Connor. Wageslave, it is mind boggling. I have more data and may even have access to a photo of a group at Siptu with Cantwell, I am awaiting details from a third party.

Cantwell is associated with many Siptu links.

Why the denial?

I would like Cantwell without prejudice to explain

Brian Flannery

author by wageslavepublication date Fri Oct 11, 2013 17:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thanks for info Brian.

Ok Hugh, It looks like the other side is not being totally honest here so in the interests of truth, I'm leaving this up so further information can accrue on the matter.
But please all, keep to facts and strongly corroborate any personal allegations please.

The crux of this story is really that workers were knowingly allowed to breathe in asbestos fibres without adequate protections by a union hierarchy who were aware of the risks and were charged with protecting the rights of these workers.

Do you have links to info / stories of other workers suffering from Asbestosis as a result ?
can it be proved union hierarchy knew about the risks?

Is the text of your play online for readers to read?

author by Hugh Murphy - Sackedbymyunion and Belfast employers - ex Belfast Dockerpublication date Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi wageslave,

Will get the play posted on the web in the next few days.

Shakespeare was right when he said "Truth will Out" But he forgot to say - eventually.



author by Hugh Murphy - SackedByMyUnionpublication date Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here is my play, One Big Onion and the poem The Judas Goats. If anyone can get in touch with Christy Moore, tell him about this poem.

PDF Document 2_poems.pdf 0.15 Mb

PDF Document a1the_onion.pdf 0.38 Mb

author by Blake - Justicepublication date Wed Oct 16, 2013 14:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Christy Moore is the man we need to read this poem. To most of us asbestos is just another word without much meaning. Every so often, we may hear that a person like Christy Hennessy (song writer, singer) dies from the disease but the truth is it falls under the category cancer and the reality is we don't often seek the cause of the specific cancer.

Wageslave: you prompted me to check it out.

Ireland trails behind the US and the UK. We need to ask Why? Our no foal no fee lawyers apparently are not eager enough to fight these cases but in the absence of knowledge and the continuity of businesses through the decades, the people afflicted with this awful disease fall literally between the cracks. They get sick in their later years, they get diagnosed, they don't have the energy to fight for justice and then they die. It is a ruthless take but the questions need to be raised and why not start with the medical profession who have the evidence. We can then piggy-back on the expertise of the worldwide law firms who seek justice. We need to know about Asbestos because it applies to buildings (which if we take the new tax breaks from yesterdays 2014 Budget for properties built prior to 1915) it most definitely merits consideration.

For some facts:

Kazan Law Asbestos Attorneys are there to advise.

Asbestos is a group of minerals which occur naturally that can be separated into thin fibres. It was a popular building material and used in many different industries because the fibres are resistant to 'heat, fire and chemicals and do not conduct electricity' as detailed by the National Cancer Institute.

"Miracle mineral" is how the Greeks and Romans referred to asbestos and its ability to resist fire. Since the 1800's in the US, asbestos has been mined and used. It was widely used during the Industrial Revolution. Stanford University's Department of Environmental Health and Safety have outlined 'that some of the major industries that typically used asbestos included construction, roofing, shipbuilding and the automotive industry'. What's left.... there is the 'need to know' detail of how to deal with asbestos presently associated with these industries so that they can be identified and not disturbed.

Why? It is direct contact between the person and exposure to the asbestos by inhaling the dangerous fibers when they breathe. Think of situations like the inhalation that can occur during building demolitions, asbestos mining or renovation work. These fibers can be swallowed hence exposure from drinking or consuming contaminated liquids or foods. Ireland is a young country but we need to be aware that people have taken class legal actions in other countries, including Northern Ireland and have been awarded compensation.

In 2005 - World Health Organisation estimated that 125 million people worldwide were exposed to asbestos in the workplace. This was inspite of the known danger for several decades at that time.

Further the WHO estimates 'that diseases stemming from asbestos exposure kill approximately 107,000 people worldwide each year'. We need to consider the imports we receive especially from China and what the components are. It is time now to enforce a system globally of a sense of corporate social responsibility

What can we do immediately:

We need to ensure that workers us 'proteective equipment and follow proper safety procedures whenever handling asbestos'.

For those who have been diagnosed with asbestosis, they need due recompense.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sackedbymyunion and Belfast employerspublication date Thu Oct 17, 2013 18:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi wageslave,

Forgot to answer you question ie "is there any proof Union Officials knew about the dangers of Asbestos. The simple answer is yes. UTV's Insight did a programme on Asbestos which included five or six dying Dockers - including Billy Brown - and they all gave testimony, their on stories, that the Union knew full well of the Dangers.

Several years ago, I hand delivered copies of this tape to Bertie Ahern, Brian Cowan and RTE's Talk to Joe, plus many others and never heard a word about it. Also, Northern Visions of Donegall Street did a similar programme.

The episode in my play where Davy attempts to get the Dockers to stop working at Asbestos because "it kills you", is based on true facts.

We were down the hold of a ship slinging Asbestos - ie putting it on to ropes, reaving it, ie putting one end through the other, and hooking it on, and it was winched out of the hold and taken ashore. Paddy the turk Brennan came over the hatch shouting down "get away from that stuff it kills you - it gives you cancer". After a lot of convincing we stopped work and sent for the Union.

The then Union Chairman told Paddy to F*** off and threw into the hatch a shoe box full of cloth masks, the sort Doctors wear, that was the only protection the Union gave us. They masks were useless because as we worked we sucked them into our mouths and could not breathe - because our noses were stuffed with Asbestos. Four of the six men in the hold that day are dead, at least two from chest diseases which I believe was unconfirmed Asbestosis. Arthur Rafferty a Dying Dockers is taking a case against several health boards for mis-diagnosing him.

A funny thing: The cloth masks we were given were left over from a ship we'd been loading with frozen beef, for the middle east, or somewhere like that, and were to stop us from breathing on the meat, because it had been... ritually slaughtered.

author by wageslavepublication date Thu Oct 17, 2013 20:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thanks Hugh.

I wonder is that episode of "insight" available on youtube? if not, do you still have the tape? perhaps someone might be willing to encode it for youtube? Then we could post it here for all to see.


author by Hugh Murphy - Sackedbymyunion and Belfast employerspublication date Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi wageslave,

I sent the last copy I had to Michael D Higgins, after a Garden Party which myself and Arthur Rafferty attended. We joined a long queue and when we got up to the President and his wife, I launched into a speech about Jack O'Connor's corruption and that Belfast Dockers were dying in agony from Asbestos. Michael D' placed me beside his wife and took Arthur's arm. I thought he was going to speak to Arthur but turned him around... and smiled for the camera, and we were led away.

I was very disappointed as I'd been telling Arthur that Michael D was a rebel and didn't toe the Labour Party line. Arthur was the only Dying Docker able to make the journey down, the others were too ill. Arthur was also not feeling too well, and thus was unable to enjoy the free eating and drinking spree that was presented.

I was never sent the photograph.

I burned out the copying thing on my computer by making so many copies. But Arthur Rafferty and Billy Brown have copies. However, I have just been told that it may be possible to get it off the web - and if so will get t posted over the weekend.

An interesting point: On at least two occasions [the nights of my play readings] I asked Graham Cantwell to show the Asbestos tape to Attic Studio members, on one of their many film nights, but got only blather and excuses that they were too busy. This may be the reason he says he's never spoken to me, ie he's protecting his back from being involved in the Asbestos cover up orchestrated by Jack O'Connor.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sackedbymyunion and Belfast employerspublication date Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi wageslave,

You mentioned in one of your postings that there are many unemployed actors who'd be willing to appear in a play which exposes so much - or words to that effect.

However, this is not so. I have a venue and cannot find actors to appear in a shortened version of One Big Onion. This play, as you know deals with and shows the betrayal of Trade Unionism by Jack O'Connor's Union, and the ordering of Belfast Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the employers money.

O'Connor is doing his utmost to cover up these facts, and ICTU's slavish dealings with the union, these can be seen on

Wageslave, if you know of any Actors not under the boot of Jack O'Connor would you ask them to contact me.



author by Carapublication date Sun Oct 20, 2013 19:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Editor: Note this comment is in response to some comments which have been removed because they could not be independently confirmed

Hi, there are many inaccuracies in the allegations by Mr Murphy that I (personally) know not to be true, therefore it leads me to believe that there are possibly more.

1. Judges for the Big Green Apple - Mr Cantwell was NOT a judge at this project in Liberty Hall (there were five judges, none of whom were called Graham!) in fact he wasn't even present on the night! I was.

2. Mr Murphy has NOT had his membership 'taken away' from him at the Attic Studio. There was a complete membership ovrehaul in the last year (and the website updated and database revisited - many old members were no longer in the business or even in the country). The Attic asked ALL members (current and new) to apply and fill out a form (I was one of these people!) and then they were given a decision. Mr Murphy did not do this at the time. He turned up recently at an Attic Session I attended and disrupted the workshop claiming he was being censored. His rants were taking away from OUR workshop time. One of the facilitators was gracious enough to even ask for a vote from the WHOLE ROOM when he refused to leave (this was very generous in my opinion, Mr Murphy was not a member and he had no right to disrupt our group). Regardless, a vote was taken and the room spoke. Mr Murphy stormed out.

3. Where does it say in Mr Cantwell's letter that he has 'no connection to SIPTU'? I believe (correct me if I am wrong) it says he doesn't know Jack O'Connor in person?

4. This seems to be a personal vendetta against Mr Cantwell. He lives in the UK, but comes home to Ireland sometime to do workshops. He is not responsible for reviewing applications of any individuals who apply to the Attic. This is true. If Mr Murphy thinks something sinister is up then he is way off the mark. He is doing nothing but damage to a community of creatives that wish him no harm but also wish him to cop on, and get on with his life!
I am a working artist in theatre and film, and my blood boils when I see these petty attacks on communities that are doing SO much good in this town, as evidenced recently by the Big Green Apple event at Liberty Hall (also no idea what this event has to do with the attacks, bar the fact that the venue was Liberty Hall).
Please stop Mr Murphy, [inflammatory comment removed by moderator]

author by Hugh Murphy - SackedByMyUnion - Belfast employerspublication date Mon Oct 21, 2013 13:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi wageslave: this is the video from ITV (2006) by Chris Moore called Death on the Docks - thank you, Hugh Murphy

Caption: Video Id: 24sgkwTOHvA Type: Youtube Video
Death on the Docks

author by passing readerpublication date Mon Oct 21, 2013 14:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Re point 2: GC says in his letter above:

"- I have never met Jack O'Connor, I wasn't even aware of who he is until I read this article."


author by Sean Higgins - Part-time actorpublication date Mon Oct 21, 2013 16:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Shame on you. Please watch the video 'Death on the Docks'.

Please have some respect for the people suffering from asbestosis. You have numerous inacurracies in your posting. I am a part-time actor myself and have friends who were involved in Attic Studios some years ago.

1. Cantwell said he did not know O'Connor even existed. Fact
2. Cantwell is sponsored by Siptu. Fact
3. Cantwell has personal friends in Siptu. Fact.
4. Insiders have told me Hugh Murphy was shafted. I believe these people fear Cantwells influence
from London
5. Stop the abuse Cara

There is no vendetta here Cara, believe me. Ask Geraldine McAlinden and Camile Donegan.

I will close by saying you shamefully call Hugh Murphy names, ie 'not sane'. Are you qualified to make such a statement? No you are not. Watch the video (Truth revealed by UTV media). Cantwell is up to his neck in many companies. I know like many others do. I don't take sides here but you must get your facts in order.

Have some respect please for people suffering from this terrible disease? Worldwide acknowledgement of the harm done by asbestos but many have died without acknowledgement especially from the Docks. They need a voice Cara and I believe this will happen now.

Stop your PR bullshit ie Attic Studios and Cantwell.

This is about Asbestos and Truth.

author by Carapublication date Mon Oct 21, 2013 22:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I didn't call anyone names, however Mr Murphy did. I am referencing behaviour, just as you accuse me in your post.
I am not even referencing Asbestosis, nor do I know the connection to this play.

My points were not addressed by your reply. You reference two more names in your post 'Sean' and I do know both those people. So if you can't spell out what you mean, then please do not verge on slander by naming more people from The Attic Studio. I have spoken to the people you mention. An entire roomful of people witnessed it too.

Are you a member of the Attic yourself? Were you there the other night when Mr Murphy disrupted the evening and was completely out of line and asked to leave by the GROUP? If so did you object? If not then you really don't have the authority or personal experience to speak of this, unless of course you were there under another name.

author by Brian Flannery - Justicepublication date Tue Oct 22, 2013 16:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why? Trade Unions fail to represent those who long ago paid their union dues. Questions must be asked.

Mr Murphy - having viewed the video I want to say that I have not forgotten to respond but I am awaiting further relevant information, including videos which could establish the link between Graham Cantwell and Siptu.

The video is harrowing and what really makes the matter so distressing is that it was produced by UTV as far back as 2006. It is beyond human comprehension to grasp the pain and suffering perpetrated on fellow human beings and particularly when these people were your friends. For asbestosis to be finally diagnosed can cover a period of 30-40 years - how little we understand about cancer and the causes? Shame on us.

At the moment I am busy looking into cronyism in the semi-state sector; but let me say, it is this same cronyism that is to be found in the Arts also (even or so it seems in Attic Studios).

Cara, my suggestion to you is to familiarise yourself with the video 'Death on the Docks', empathise with the writer of the play, namely Mr Hugh Murphy, and apologise. One Big Onion, the play is synonymous with Asbestosis/Asbestos/Cancer. To question a person's sanity is a grave error and an apology is most appropriate.

Brian Flannery

author by Carapublication date Tue Oct 22, 2013 17:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you for your suggestion. I stand by my assertion that some of the behaviour witnessed by not just myself was at best irrational. I am not, nor have I made any assertions about an individual, but I can only judge behaviour by what I personally witness. Comments made were also verging on the abusive.
I have not read Mr Murphy's play, nor watched the video. I agree Asbestosis is a horrible thing. In fact it was Mr Murphy himself who has side tracked this whole discussion.

I am neither commenting on any Union wrongdoing, nor Asbestosis itself, but I simply had to speak up when I see a person doing damage to a Community of theatre professionals who work very hard, for misguided reasons. The Attic is obviously not the community for Mr Murphy, and that was made clear to him by a show of hands the other night, not by the 'order' of any individual who doesn't even live in the same City. Mr Murphy himself can attest to this fact.

I wish him well with his play, I really do, if he believes that it will be instrumental in change. There are many places, as others mentioned, that he can seek actors for this. I don't think it is productive for anyone to keep harping on about this imagined censorship. It is ONE group of actors. I don't know why Mr Murphy doesn't simply go to another group, where he won't feel censored. If he feels censored by more groups then I cannot help him. I personally am just speaking up for unfair accusations about a group of which I am part.

Thanks for your time.

author by wageslavepublication date Thu Oct 24, 2013 19:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Link to previous indymedia article on asbestos in Ireland / raybestos / ringaskiddy etc:

Another related video on the dying belfast workers:

Caption: Video Id: ehUZAvmiPa4 Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video

author by Seneca - Take Responsibilitypublication date Tue Oct 29, 2013 16:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The quotation is by Gandhi but since I have forgotten the words, the message is conveyed to give the meaning intended.

Minister O'Reilly is to the fore about his hatred of what cigarettes do to peoples' health, the drinks companies are being chastised because of what addiction does to those who are vulnerable to same.
Minister O'Reilly, a General Practitioner inter alia a list of other roles, is passionate about health and preventive medicine or so it seems. He was captured on camera priming up for the Marathon so this indicates he supports a proactive approach (what the refer to in the US as Wellocracy). Encourage people by all means to learn as much as they can to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, alcoholism, mental health problems, addiction, obesity but be careful not to engage in denial of those environmental components that are beyond a person's power to control and let us not forget the asbestos impact on the health of so many people, yet which is side-stepped by employers, unions, medical professions and others.

To those who suffer from the cancer caused by asbestosis, there is little one can give them financially to enhance their lives from this savage disease that often remains latent for decades. But what you can give is a little of your time; time suffice to be aware, time that allows you to understand what environmental hazards can do to ordinary people and how they can affect their lives and how this impacts on families. Maud I appreciate the posting and I hope you can encourage more to share their experiences and explain how employers were made responsible to compensate the workers who were exposed to asbestos.

Ask, learn, know, seek redress, ensure that no-one today working on buildings that without any doubt have asbestos in their fabric are provided with the information and the safety clothing because this is about preventive medicine and the Wellocracy that is now promoted by the medical profession in the US so therefore the message should have a global aspect so that global companies and MNC's put in place the proper procedures in other words we are asking these companies to act in such a way that corporate social responsibility is their driving force. Asbestos at the Belfast Docks or Harland and Wolf caused deaths and sickness but let not companies choose third world countries because they don't know about asbestos and their legislation lags far behind ours.

Two clips from previous postings: These deserve time and attention; the Marathon is great but what we equally must promote is a proper environment with an awareness of what can cause serious ill-health especially cancer, asthma and other respiratory or neurologicaly conditons.

Hi wageslave: this is the video from ITV (2006) by Chris Moore called Death on the Docks - thank you, Hugh Murphy

another related video on the subject of the dying belfast workers
by wageslave Thu Oct 24, 2013 19:54
Link to previous indymedia article on asbestos in Ireland / raybestos / ringaskiddy etc:


author by wageslave - (moderator)publication date Fri Nov 08, 2013 03:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hugh and others
Please do NOT address any further comments to me personally on this thread or they will be immediately removed as editorial commentary. If you wish to comment about any moderation decisions etc please TAKE IT TO OUR MAILING LIST.

wageslave (mod)

author by Blake - Justice delayed is Justice Deniedpublication date Fri Nov 08, 2013 16:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Why is it that we know so very little about asbestos? Thanks to these postings we are now in a situation that the word invokes the necessary curiosity that goes beyond the diagnosis of cancer, to why do certain people get cancer? Our medical oncologists are eminent in their field but they fail to highlight causes. We know that the HSE is in crisis and we know that medical cards are being withdrawn from cancer patients, and we know that once diagnosed with cancer the treatment is all consuming for the consultants in dealing with treatments, visits, and outcomes. It is the real catch 22. You get diagnosed with cancer and before you can seek its cause, you are dead, your family are bereft, and the doctors are on the roundabout of curative medicine but without emphasis on how vulnerable we really are as people and what we really need to know about asbestos.

Check this site (banasbestos) on twitter and you get some interesting infographs and the history of asbestos (basically a fire retardant) that goes back to the Greeks 3000+ years BC. It re-emerged in the 1800's and by the 1900's the dangers were recognised and the legal hawks in America and the UK started representing people whose lives were destroyed by cancer caused by asbestos.

For people in Ireland who appear to know so little about asbestos, I would strongly suggest the links, the play, the Judas Goat poem all detailed on Hugh Murphy's postings. Denial is no longer acceptable because those captains of industry fear they may have to compensate workers for exposure. Sometimes you have to tackle the crisis and it is our medical profession, our public health, our legal profession who are silently obliterating realities because of short-terminism and at the same time not really using the opportunities that exist to gain funding for research which is available from the EU. Asbestos is about getting the bigger picture about cancer causes and prevention strategies.

Cancer prevails and asbestos disturbed particularly in buildings built in the 1970s leaves people exposed if they do not have the right protective clothing. Talking to an architect today about asbestos he told me that the problem often related distinctly to the employees on site who inspite of being given protective clothing chose to not comply; he went onto say that if he met such an employee he would order him off the site. If you decide to explore this infographic you will ask questions and seek answers. Employees have an obligation to themselves, their families to adhere to Health and Safety regulations. Ignorance should not be a defence. Health is about take responsibility and observance of the public good.

Ireland and respiratory problems leaves us very exposed by comparison to our neighbours. This begs the question why. The Irish Thoracic Society held a meeting recently at the Mansion House to encourage people to be more interactive about their respiratory health. They will be carrying out assessments so it is highly recommended that if you have had exposure to asbestos to contact them and ask their advice.

This infographic makes it so simple to understand just how exposed people are: Mr James Reilly, Minister for Health, is on a personal mission to eliminate smoking but this is another silent killer that needs to be highlighted.

Twitter / BanAsbestos: INFOGRAPHIC: #Asbestos: The ...;

Jun 5, 2013 - Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.


author by Tpublication date Sat Nov 09, 2013 01:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The dangers of Asbestos were well known back in 1973 at least to The Ecologist magazine found amongst others by the late Edward Goldsmith. In 1973 they had written an article about Asbestos and Cancer and one of the shrills for the industry wrote to them. The text at the link below is their response in the magazine at the time.

It starts:

A great deal is known on the effect of asbestos on human health. Thus Merewether and Price in their extensive survey of asbestos workers in England found that 80 percent of those who had worked 20 years or more in this field displayed symptoms of this disease. Similar evidence was found by Bohme in Germany. He showed that morbidity rates increased with length of exposure, reaching a 79 percent rate for workers exposed for more than 10 years. Other studies have obtained similar results....

Full text at above link.

author by Blake - Justicepublication date Thu Nov 21, 2013 15:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Persistence in the pursuit of what is morally right eventually acknowledged in Wales.

Hugh Murphy's connectedness with the plight of the Belfast dockers, their exposure to asbestos, the collusion between the employers and the trade union ITGWU now Siptu to not provide adequate safety gear and who negligently and recklessly left the workers exposed to asbestos fibres. Scans now tell us that the fibres lodged in their bodies, often the lungs, sometimes for decades, without due consideration from those trade unions who represented the workers. Sea change may be about to happen. Denial will no longer be the excuse for trade unions as representatives of workers and employers who selectively chose to ignore the link between exposure to asbestos, the decades while it remains latent, the eventual onslaught of cancer. Justice may now prevail as these conspirators against employees are being stood down by the legal and political process. Now political agendas are fighting the cause and in Wales this month the NHS recognises that the costs must be borne by the employers via their insurance.

Let this be a warning now that employers must be stringent to ensure that their employees are protected. In Ireland, the fact that companies especially in construction rarely survive from one generation to another, means that the State will now be faced with having to introduce legislation similar to Wales. The medical profession in Ireland appear so reticent that one can only assume that the political agenda encourages silence. Asbestos exposure causes cancer. Cancer merits research funding and surely there must be funds made available from the EU for research especially related to asbestos origins and the ordinary citizens need to feel assured that the medical profession are focused on accessing available funding from sources like the EU. For this to happen the people of Ireland need to recognise the links between work environments, exposure to asbestos and cancer.

One Big Onion, the play by Hugh Murphy and the poem the Judas Goat (links in earlier postings) are a wake up call for the medical profession particularly, but most importantly, it's a wake up call to the immorality and greed of the trade unions who literally jumped ship and sided neatly with the employers against the workers in the case of the Belfast Docks. The reality is that the role of the ITGWU/Siptu and other trade unions should have been to stand by the workers, not to align with the employers who also compromised the integrity of the medical profession, and fought for the outcome of the legislation that is passing through Parliament in Wales, this month.

Asbestos NHS treatment cost recovery bill is voted into law
Insurers have claimed legislation would not benefit asbestos sufferers or the NHS
A bill to recover the costs of treating Welsh asbestos patients from businesses or insurers has been passed by assembly members.

It is estimated the new law could raise up to £1m a year for the Welsh NHS.

The bill's sponsor, Labour AM Mick Antoniw, said it would help people whose lives had been blighted by "this terrible disease".

The insurance industry has raised concerns, questioning whether the move is within the assembly's powers.

The NHS seek payment from the Insurers but ultimately recognition means the best medical provision possible for people diagnosed with cancer related to asbestos.

author by Hugh Murphy - Sackeded by my union and Belfast employerspublication date Sat Nov 23, 2013 15:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I came across this in my in box

Wales: Legislation that recognises Asbestosis. Employers will now have to pay
by Blake - Justice Thu Nov 21, 2013 15:59
Persistence in the pursuit of what is morally right eventually acknowledged in Wales.

Hugh Murphy's connectedness with the plight of the Belfast dockers, their exposure to asbestos, the collusion between the employers and the trade union ITGWU now Siptu to not provide adequate safety gear and who negligently and recklessly left the workers exposed to asbestos fibres. Scans now tell us that the fibres lodged in their bodies, often the lungs, sometimes for decades, without due consideration from those trade unions who represented the workers. Sea change may be about to happen. Denial will no longer be the excuse for trade unions as representatives of workers and employers who selectively chose to ignore the link between exposure to asbestos, the decades while it remains latent, the eventual onslaught of cancer. Justice may now prevail as these conspirators against employees are being stood down by the legal and political process. Now political agendas are fighting the cause and in Wales this month the NHS recognises that the costs must be borne by the employers via their insurance.

Let this be a warning now that employers must be stringent to ensure that their employees are protected. In Ireland, the fact that companies especially in construction rarely survive from one generation to another, means that the State will now be faced with having to introduce legislation similar to Wales. The medical profession in Ireland appear so reticent that one can only assume that the political agenda encourages silence. Asbestos exposure causes cancer. Cancer merits research funding and surely there must be funds made available from the EU for research especially related to asbestos origins and the ordinary citizens need to feel assured that the medical profession are focused on accessing available funding from sources like the EU. For this to happen the people of Ireland need to recognise the links between work environments, exposure to asbestos and cancer.

One Big Onion, the play by Hugh Murphy and the poem the Judas Goat (links in earlier postings) are a wake up call for the medical profession particularly, but most importantly, it's a wake up call to the immorality and greed of the trade unions who literally jumped ship and sided neatly with the employers against the workers in the case of the Belfast Docks. The reality is that the role of the ITGWU/Siptu and other trade unions should have been to stand by the workers, not to align with the employers who also compromised the integrity of the medical profession, and fought for the outcome of the legislation that is passing through Parliament in Wales, this month.

Asbestos NHS treatment cost recovery bill is voted into law
Insurers have claimed legislation would not benefit asbestos sufferers or the NHS
A bill to recover the costs of treating Welsh asbestos patients from businesses or insurers has been passed by assembly members.

It is estimated the new law could raise up to £1m a year for the Welsh NHS.

The bill's sponsor, Labour AM Mick Antoniw, said it would help people whose lives had been blighted by "this terrible disease".

The insurance industry has raised concerns, questioning whether the move is within the assembly's powers.

The NHS seek payment from the Insurers but ultimately recognition means the best medical provision possible for people diagnosed with cancer related to asbestos. Reply Reply to all Forward

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Related Link:
author by wageslave - (moderator)publication date Sat Nov 23, 2013 20:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is not my intention to further stymie your posts at all here hugh, so carry on, but just to note, i've disengaged from this thread and have asked before and you have ignored me so here is your last warning:
do not address any further posts to me by name or they will be hidden under site guidelines as "editorial commentary". are we clear?
Wageslave (moderator)

author by Hugh Murphy - SackedByMyUnionpublication date Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

from Anderstown News, Saturday July 9 1994 (page 13)

Here is the missing link I couldn't furnish yesterday... -Hugh Murphy

article scan
article scan

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