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Eddie Hobbs Backs 'Service Provider' Facing Charges Of Fraud. Number Of Complaints Set To Increase.

category international | consumer issues | opinion/analysis author Friday November 01, 2013 18:22author by Helen Prentice Report this post to the editors

In May 2013 TV Star Eddie Hobbs' Company, Brendan Investments, publicly backed Metro Property Group in Detroit following news reports of a multi-million dollar lawsuit filed in Federal Court against Metro.The statement, published on Brendan Investments website, claimed that Metro Property Group had been transparent with them and they had no cause for concern.

In May 2013 a muti-million dollar lawsuit was filed in Federal Court against Metro Property Group Detroit, along with others connected to it. Papers filed in Court at the time suggest a partnership between Eddie Hobbs' company, Brendan Investments and Metro Property Group. The Director of Brendan Investments, Hugh O'Neill, stated that there was no partnership and referred to Metro Property Group as "one of it's service providers". At the same time a statement was published on the Brendan Investment website supporting Metro Property Group and reassuring investors that there was no reason to be concerned about the integrity of Metro.

This reassurance could now be considered misplaced given that the former UK agent for Metro Property Group, USA Property Direct, who sold scores of the company's properties in 2011/2012 to investors all over the world, ceased trading following a deluge of complaints from former investors who allege that Metro Property Group has scammed them.

Metro's new UK partner and replacement for USA Property Direct, Axis Property Investment, ceased trading in August 2013. Various blogs on the web put this down to threats of litigation from investors who purchased US property through the company. The now defunct company is still featured on Metro Property's website, in a painful promotional video, encouraging investors to buy into this bankrupt city.

A third UK company who marketed Metro Property Group's homes in 2011, Experience International, is also alleged to be facing litigation from investors who believe they were the victims of fraud.

Quest Property Services, a real estate agent in Abu Dhabi, severed all ties to Metro Property Group in 2012 when the Managing Partner, Peter Samaha, became aware that the properties sold by Metro Property Group were not refurbished or tenanted, as claimed, and that leases provided to his clients by Sameer Beydoun, the CEO of Metro, were most likely forgeries.

In early October of this year an owner of a Metro Property Group home was informed that the property had been scheduled for demolition under the Dangerous Building Act. At the Council hearing the attorney representing the distressed owner explained that Metro Property Group had sold the home to her client in this dangerous condition, while claiming it was fully refurbished and tenanted. It was noted at the hearing by certain Council members and a City attorney that complaints about Metro Property Group were becoming commonplace.

A respected investigative journalist in Detroit, Steve Neavling, recently ran a story on Metro Property Group in which he quoted threats made to investors by the company's CEO Sameer Beydoun and the company's Legal Counsel, Tarek Baydoun. Tarek Baydoun, an open supporter of Hezbollah, intimidated investors who demanded answers from the company and threatened some with jail terms of 20 years in a US prison.

In July 2013 Metro Property Group filed a counterclaim against two of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit in an attempt to stop them speaking about the case. It was noted at the hearing by the Plaintiff's attorney that there were a number of other cases due to be filed against Metro Property Group in the near future, all alleging the same fraud. The Plaintiff's attorney also presented evidence taken from Public Records which showed that Metro Property Group had not even been the owners of the properties featured in the lawsuit when they created the sales details and leases. Public Records also show properties being flipped on by Metro to investors, sometimes within 24 hours, making it impossible that they could have been tenanted or refurbished when the investors purchased them. In some instances the leases, which the Plaintiffs allege are forged, are dated months before the repossessed homes were even listed for sale by the foreclosing banks.

In July 2013 Eddie Hobbs was advising millionaires to invest in the devastation of Detroit. He stated that his company was investing heavily for clients in Metro Detroit. What is not clear is whether Mr. Hobbs' Brendan Investments is still using Metro property Group as it's "service provider".

author by anonpublication date Fri Nov 01, 2013 20:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For those unaware Detroit filed for bankruptcy in July 2013 although this is being challenged in the courts although it is likely it will go through. Detroit has lost at least 25% of the population in the last decade and there are huge tracts of the city abandoned and with crumbling houses. It is hard to think how Metro and Brendan investments were going to make anything out of this.

The other point to note is that many of the banks and other fraudsters in the US carried out "Robo" signing of foreclosures which meant that they automatically signed repossessions on houses and their owners who weren't even in difficulty. There were some investigations and the banks got off quite lightly with numerous fines. The question then is were some of these properties affected by that process?

author by Seamuspublication date Sat Nov 02, 2013 06:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The reason that those agents are facing litigation is because they had a duty of care to their clients. Some of them were pushing these dumps on to investors for years even though the problems had started almost from the beginning . The reason they did it was because of the huge commissions they were paid. $10K to $15K per property is not unusual.

The lawsuit against Metro Property Group lays the whole scam out very clearly. It involves creating a set of fancy details for a run down house that they don't even own. Finding an investor who they or their agents con into believing the house is fully refurbished and tenanted and earning an income. Completing on the sale themselves and passing it on to the investor as quickly as possible at a huge mark up - tens of thousands of dollars. Paying the investor 'rent' for a few months, which is the investor's own money being paid back to them. Faking an eviction so they can stop paying the 'rent'. The investor gets left with a crumbling ruin they can't rent out which will cost them thousands in repairs, fines and taxes.

There are something like 70 exhibits on record in this lawsuit and they make very juicy reading.

Any company that has gone on promoting Metro Property in light of these allegations and the stack of evidence on file should be brought to account as an example to others. They simply can't claim they didn't know.

In my opinion it is madness to be pushing Detroit, a bankrupt and very corrupt City with a massively dwindling population, as somewhere to put 'smart money'. Throwing in a company who are being sued for fraud as your 'service provider' would be professional suicide.

Related Link: http://motorcitymuckraker.com/2013/09/27/big-detroit-property-firm-accused-of-global-ponzi-scheme/
author by Tpublication date Sat Nov 02, 2013 16:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Oddly the statement with regard to Metro referred to above could not be found on the Brendan Investments website, but a check of some cached pages showed it up and it is in the attached image.

The Independent also reported on it at the time -10th May 2013 and their coverage titled 'Hobbs backs service company in US dispute' can be found at: http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/hobbs-backs-servic....html

The actual text of the statement was:

Dear Clients/Shareholders,

We have become aware of a case filed in the United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division recently against our main US service company, Metro Property Group (Metro). It is to be noted that no claim or alleged impropriety is made against Brendan Investments.

We have worked with Metro for the past 2 years and have found the company to be professional. Metro is now dealing with Canadian Funds, USA REITS and high net worth individuals who send due diligence teams to assess Metro’s abilities and professionalism. We have assessed the market in Detroit including service providers over the past 2 years. Many of our investors have met the Metro team and have seen its work first hand and subsequently invested. Metro has provided us with full transparency from the start to the end of the process.

We emphasise that we are involved in all aspects of the due diligence process and in particular the acquisition of the properties and the final hand over of refurbished and rented properties to the client. We have no reason to be concerned about the integrity of Metro, having worked with the company on a daily basis over the past 18 months in particular, but will always remain vigilant to protect the interests of our clients/shareholders.

Of course it should be understood that in this whole affair the BI were not being accused of any wrong doing. The obvious question is about the due diligence in how diligent was it, but we do have to note that Metro may have sold a lot of properties some good and some bad and if we assume the due diligence was done correctly, then BI were probably lucky enough to have just dealt with those transactions that were all upfront and above board. It seems the properties in question in the court case in Metro were from the more run down parts of Detroit, whereas BI seem to emphasise that they were investing in the more upmarket areas of Detroit.

For another perspective, the NamaWineLake blog at the time weighed in with it's thoughts on the matter at:


author by R Woodspublication date Sat Nov 02, 2013 18:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Metro Property Group only operate in specific areas in Detroit. They do not operate in the very very few upmarket areas of Detroit because of the price of the properties. They claim that all the areas they sell in are "First Class". A quick look on their website shows them still selling properties in the exact same areas as those in the lawsuit. All their rental properties are in the exact same areas as the ones in the lawsuits - and they have hundreds of empty rental properties on their books.

Maybe Brendan Investments weren't scammed like the other investors. Perhaps their properties really were refurbished and they really do have real life tenants in them paying actual rent. Time will tell. However when news of the lawsuit first broke Brendan Investments were left scrabbling to shut down their Woodward Capital website which showed a partnership between the two companies and then sent out some quite conflicting statements - see link. It didn't look as though Metro Property were that transparent with them about the impending lawsuit which should give cause for concern surely. Why the problem with the Woodward Capital website? Why was it so imperative it was immediately removed? If Metro are such straight, transparent and trustworthy types why would that site have been an issue?

Related Link: http://www.debbieschlussel.com/62514/
author by R Woodspublication date Sat Nov 02, 2013 18:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors



author by Jadepublication date Sun Nov 03, 2013 05:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

All those agents have ceased trading or ditched Metro Property because of threats of litigation from scammed investors who purchased properties through them ……but Hobbs is publicly backing them??

If Brendan Investments trust Metro why were they denying a partnership and giving out conflicting stories? The Woodward Capital web page very clearly states that they have formed a partnership.

author by TJpublication date Sun Nov 03, 2013 16:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Belgrave Group also used Metro Property as their 'service providers'. Many of their former clients have since started blogs in the UK urging others to report the company to the Fraud Office. This is what was quoted in the Financial Times in 2012.

“It is probably one of the worst places on the planet to invest at this time,” says Nigel Gough of Belgrave Group, which stopped doing business in Detroit in 2011. He says houses are regularly vandalised, and boilers, kitchen appliances and copper piping are stolen.

There appears to be something of a pattern here. Perhaps Service Provider is really a euphemism for Fall Guy!

author by Detroit Investorpublication date Tue Nov 05, 2013 15:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Belgrave Group and its so called 'Directors' have all been reported to the UK authroities and they will not be permitted to hide behind the lawsuit faced by Metro Property Group (MPG) even when they shut shop as they will be hounded by a small group of investors until justice is served via the legal system. Belgrave sold unassuming UK investors properties that were allegedly fully refurbished in Detroit and Atlanta, allegedly 50% and more BMV, supposedly fetching yields of 13% plus. The problems investors face in Detroit are not too dissimilar to those in Atlanta where MPG were not involved. Given that two of Belgrave's Directors often visited Detroit & Atlanta to undertake due diligence, inspect different stages of the so called refurbishments and purchase further properties from MPG in Detroit they must have been fully aware of what was occuring at all times provided that what is contained in the lawsuit is correct thus making Belgrave Group accomplices if not the leaders in the scam. Prior to Belgrave involving themselves with MPG they were involved with another outfit that inticed investors to buy properties in run down areas, properties that were never refurbished and could not be tenanted. As a result, many investors walked away losing thousands of pounds whilst Belgrave continued to do business in Detroit and added Atlanta to their scam. There are many positive reviews on various websites regarding Belgrave and Atlanta, the vast majority of which are fictitious and those that are from real investors were paid to post their comments in the form of a discount on further properties that these investors purchased. Nigel Gough of Belgrave spent 2 years selling properties in Detroit to UK investors and when Belgrave's relationship with MPG ended he had the audacity to release a detrimental statement regarding Detroit and then departed from Belgrave also. Criminal charges should be brought against all concerned as well as financial renumeration as this does not affect a minority of investors but the majority. The only 'fall guy' in this operation is the investor as Belgrave, on average, was making $20K profit on each property they bought from MPG, properties that were sold within days if not hours to investors; in Atlanta $20K profit was the minimum amount per property.

author by Seamuspublication date Tue Nov 05, 2013 18:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sounds to me like cut-and-run is the name of the game. How did BI ever get involved with these crooks in the first place, and are they seriously backing them publicly.

author by Jadepublication date Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Agent #1 USA Property Direct - dead in the water following threats of litigation.
Agent #2 Axis Property Investment - dead in the water following threats of litigation.
Agent #3 Experience International - facing litigation.
Agent #4 Quest - got out fast when they discovered Metro were forging leases.
Agent #5 Belgrave Group- brought to the attention of the Rozzers.

Here's the million dollar question (or should that be the million dollars worth of run down property in Detroit question) Who will be lucky Agent #6??

author by Monietpublication date Wed Nov 06, 2013 13:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Surely Hobbs can't really be backing Metro Property Group? The evidence against MPG is overwhelming. I have been scammed out of all my retirement savings by Metro Property Group. It really is as bad as it sounds. MPG fooled many experienced agents into selling their properties, who subsequently went out of business because of it. Brendan Investment clients must be a bit worried.

author by K F Lpublication date Wed Nov 06, 2013 17:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was scammed by Metro Property Group as well. I notice another poster here suggesting that Brendan Investment clients have been sold houses in good areas of Detroit, unlike the victims in the lawsuit. Do Not Kid Yourself. The properties I purchased are in what Metro described as First Class areas. They have been empty for two years because nobody wants to rent them. I paid nearly $50,000 each for them and have now been offered $8,000 for one of them, nobody wants the other one. It is absolutely desperate. This is the same story over and over again with other investors. It is totally ridiculous to suggest that it's Ok for Hobbs to back Metro Property so long as the Brendan Investment clients haven't been scammed. Metro Property Group built their business on lying and cheating to hundreds of investors. Any lawyer looking at the evidence in the lawsuit will know immediately what the scam was that Metro operated on these investors.

You can bet those scumbags at Metro are going to do a runner before the floodgates on this fully open up. It will be interesting to hear what Hobbs et al have to say then. They were so quick to remove that website that partnered them with Metro - why was that?

author by Michigangalpalpublication date Thu Nov 07, 2013 07:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Try Googling Tarek Baydoun the company attorney and enter the word Hezbollah. Baydoun is a fund raiser for this terrorist group and is still under investigation for this. There are examples of his postings on Facebook included as evidence in this particular lawsuit. Really shocking stuff. He also blamed America for the 9/11 attacks and denied it was carried out by Islamic terrorists. Did Brendan Investments decide to turn a blind eye to this as well?

author by Mpjpublication date Thu Nov 07, 2013 07:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hope your government acts quick and hard on these people, it seems most of the people frauded are from overseas. The American govt must act quick and hard on these people to protect the overseas investing in America. What sort of person takes old aged pensioners down. Everything these people own anywhere in the world should have to be sold off and distributed to the people they have frauded, leaving the frauders completely broke without a cent.

author by seamuspublication date Thu Nov 07, 2013 18:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is no excuse whatsoever for continuing to use a company once you know that they have scammed people. Who has been giving Hobbs the idea that Detroit is the place to invest "smart money"? Is it Sameer Beydoun of Metro Property Group, the company that has defrauded hundreds of investors? Get a grip for goodness sake. Here is a company that had to lie and cheat in order to become a success…does that sound like somewhere to invest "smart money"? If Detroit was so damn fantastic why did this company need to fake rental payments? The reasons is because they couldn't get any decent tenants to live in these dumps and any tenants they did get were paying way below the fancy rents Metro claimed they were paying. Whether BI's clients were likewise scammed is irrelevant, and given the desperate situation Metro's other victims find themselves in a couple of years down the line it's highly likely their problems are just about to start.

author by Kathrynpublication date Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We are not the only people to find out what Metro were doing. Other investors last year also presented the evidence to Metro which proved the rental payments had been faked and that they were operating a Ponzi Scheme. Those investors were paid off by Metro to shut them up. Here's an extract of the Settlement Agreement drafted by Tarek Baydoun, Metro's in-house Attorney. James Allen the company attorney (who is rightly now being sued) also bullied and intimidated these investors.

It is expressly understood and accepted by Claimant that, as a condition of this Agreement, Claimant will use his best efforts to prevent any future publicity or disclosure of, and will not hereafter disclose, the fact of the existence, or the details of this settlement, the negotiations preceding this Agreement, or any details of the basis for claims released in this Agreement or the corresponding Purchase Agreement (collectively, “confidential information”), to any person, media, corporation, or other entity whatsoever unless required pursuant to subpoena or court order, with the sole exception of Claimant’s accountants, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or any state or municipal taxing authority;
The Parties acknowledge that a breach by Claimant and/or Claimant’s accountants of the confidentiality provision set forth in this paragraph 4 would cause great damage and injury to Respondents and that such provision provides a material element of Respondents’ consideration for, and inducement to enter into, this
Agreement. The Parties further acknowledge that the assessment of damages in the event of such breach by Claimant would be difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain

According to Brendan Investments's statement Metro were transparent with them. really? So they knew all about this did they and still chose to back them.

Here is what James Allen wrote to another investor who discovered what was going on and threatened to go to the authorities. Did Brendan Investments know about this?

Tell the cop I have a few leads he should look into first. They are on the cover of about a dozen Time Magazines these past 36 editions and they haven’t paid one red cent back for their misdeeds.

here is the email Messics sent in error having lied about the tenants in the properties and being totally unable to produce any leases.

Kathryn didn’t swallow that answer you dictated to me yesterday! Let’s figure this out.
She wants lease agreements. I don’t find any.

The forged leases are filed, the written threats made by Metro are there . Makki's emails where he lies over and over about tenants and evictions are all available to view. The Settlement Agreements are also available. The public records are filed which prove that Metro did not even own the properties when they were creating the sales details. Anybody who can be bothered can see all the evidence in this case. There is no excuse for backing a company that has scammed so many people out of their life savings.

author by Seamuspublication date Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors


So they have been paying investors (who have found out what they were doing) to keep quiet and making them sign gagging orders.

Well either Brendan Investments knew about this or they didn't. If they did then that is really bad news for BI investors. If they didn't know anything about it where does that put Metro' s transparency? And what else haven't Metro told them?

author by Kathrynpublication date Mon Nov 11, 2013 17:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A small amount of due diligence on the part of companies involved with Metro Property Group would make it impossible for them not to know that Metro have been, and still are, giving investors their money back (or some of their money back) when they find out the reality of their so called 'investment' and start making noises about taking legal action. Getting these investors to sign agreements to keep them quiet about it is imperative to Metro- look at the dramatic wording about how much damage it will do to them, if word leaks out, in Tarek Baydoun's draft.

This is all all set out quite clearly in the lawsuit with the hard evidence to back it up - including copies of Settlement Agreements and emails from other scammed investors. It seems inconceivable to me that any company would go on backing Metro Property Group once they had taken the time to read the lawsuit and examine the evidence, let alone a company that is asking for investments of 500 Euros a time……in Detroit! Have Brendan Investments now done this due diligence and that is why affirmation of Metro Property's 'integrity' is gone from their website?

The other agents who sold Metro houses and now face litigation or police investigations may not have had the warning of a massive lawsuit, which carefully details the fraud being operated, although at least one that has closed down was warned but chose to ignore it. It will be for a judge to decide if they failed in their duty of care to their clients.

author by Kathrynpublication date Mon Nov 11, 2013 18:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Brendan Investments require an incredible investment of 500,000 Euros a time apparently.

author by KFLpublication date Mon Nov 11, 2013 18:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Giving Back is the Foundation of Success
Detroit, MI, November 11, 2013 – The Metro Property Group team is a dedicated supporter and contributor to Detroit’s comeback and we strongly believe that to achieve success in your community, your efforts must be evident and visible to the members of the community you operate in.
5 Ways to Give Back
The experts at Metro Property Group have established five categories of showing your community that you’re equally beneficial to them as they are to you.

I have got an idea for one of those categories…..GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK YOU SCAM ARTISTS!

author by pginbhpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 04:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

My wife and I are also involved in a suing MPG for fraudulently selling to us a house that, at the time the details were raised, was not in their ownership.
All the claimed renovations by MPG were not done, subsequently we have carried them out at our expense, and at the point of transfer to us the property was untenanted although through the HUD document we received a rent proration which did not exist. We then received a monthly rental income from tenants that did not exist. When they did find tenants and the rent dropped, on querying, I was informed the tenants only paid that amount. Not surprising really as the agreement I managed to obtain once we removed the property from their management was for a lesser amount. I also received the offer to purchase the property back, I also received the confidentiality agreement mentioned by Kathryn, I also received bullying emails form Allen Brothers. All of the above is documented and part of the case against MPG. If BI are still willing to stand by them they are clearly either unethical or stupid.

author by Kathrynpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 08:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Those con artists at Metro have started what looks like a campaign to try and win the 'hearts and minds' of the local population. It's a bit late for that. Council Members and City Attorneys have already commented on how many complaints they receive from local people about Metro Property Group. Metro put tenants in houses that are falling apart and then ignore their repeated and desperate complaints. We now have invoices, supplied by Beydoun, that prove the houses were falling apart with missing stairs, caved in ceilings, broken and missing windows etc. One house was a deathtrap with an open gap in the 2nd floor that a child could, and nearly did, fall through and kill themselves. Another had a furnace so old and dangerous it exploded. Metro deliberately hid repair invoices from the owners because those invoices showed the true and appalling state of the properties. The invoices also prove, if any more proof is really needed, that the properties did not have tenants until months after they had been sold to the investors as full refurbished and tenanted. All of this is clearly set out in the lawsuit and the invoices are exhibited - just like all the other hard evidence which proves the fraud.

author by Nozi Parkerpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 08:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here's the latest list of c*** to be avoided. Purchased at an average of $13,000 each at Auction by Makki. Same areas as the stuff in the lawsuit. Coming to lucky investors at $50,000+++ very soon!

12715 Abington Ave, 12871 Abington Ave, 14430 Rutherford, 15311 Rutherford, 15324 Kentfield, 15367 Kentfield, 15405 Heyden, 15418 Kentfield, 16159 Fielding, 16176 Fielding, 16509 Tracey, 16717 Stout, 16830 Plainview, 16851 Gilchrist, 16855 Warwick, 17167 Kentucky, 17181 Ohio, 17190 San Juan, 17321 Kentucky, 17500 Prairie, 18061 Indiana, 18267 Tracey, 18439 Hartwell, 18500 Griggs, 18605 Stoepel, 18674 Hartwell, 18707 Winthrop, 18876 Gainsborough, 18941 Mendota, 18951 Prevost, 18956 Marlowe, 18981 Pinehurst, 19202 Robson, 19457 Littlefield, 19774 Sorrento, 20231 Evergreen, 5027 Grayton, 5745 Yorkshire, 5767 Yorkshire, 5936 Yorkshire, 8203 Normile

author by Finnpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 09:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The comments that follow the blog are from participants in a law suit headed by a highly controversial US lawyer and attempt to try and convict before due process. This would be disallowed under Irish law. There has been a consistent pattern of infecting social media sites by the same posters including economic commentary on the Detroit region that does not correspond to the facts nor the US housing recovery, including there.

Until and unless these suits are properly dealt with by the US court, if they ever get to court, this remains highly speculative, unproven and one-sided. That does not mean that there isn't a case to answer for Metro but it is illogical to presume that Brendan Invts would utilise a rental agent without due diligence on its services or continue without ongoing close examination given the duties of its board and their own stake in the company.

It is wrong for plaintiffs who are running a legal action in the USA to import impropriety or negligence on third parties who have zero involvement in their grievance.

author by Nozi parkerpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 09:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

BI are still involved with Metro, right down to the 'let's rubbish the lawyer because it's the only defence we have' ploy. That must be very reassuring to investors.

author by Finnpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 09:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Clearly you are a plaintiff. There is no attempt to criticise anyone's attorney. Debbie Schlusel is a highly controversial blogger which she sets out to be. You, in various forms, are attempting to try and convict on your grievience out of court by anonymous blogging - that's your decision. It would not be allowed here in Irish law, but you continue to slur an Irish company and it's board who have no involvement in your case. That is wrong.

author by K F Lpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 09:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The reason Brendan Investments are named in the lawsuit is because of the alleged 15 million Euro stake they have in Metro Property Group. Something vehemently denied by BI despite a website detailing a partnership - which was very hastily removed when news of the case became public. Finn seems to think that BI have a Stake in Metro though - and he would probably know.

Finn also seems to think that the plaintiffs are not allowed to discuss the facts in this case - but actually they are - that is what living in a Democracy is all about Finn in case you have forgotten. Forged leases, fake rental payments, sales records, demolition orders, Council meetings, forged Section 8 audits, fines and so on and so on. They are all there in the lawsuit for anybody to see, nothing speculative about them at all.

None so blind as those who will not see…or who really would prefer not to see.

author by Nozi Parkerpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

One who can do without the threats that Metro handed out to the originals. Facts Finn, not speculation…look at the emails penned by those charming guys at Metro.

author by Kathrynpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Directors at Brendan Investments will be subpoenaed so they will have their day in Court to explain what their relationship with Metro actually is.

author by Finnpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 13:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is evident that the Irish firm's involvement post-dates your grievance by at least two years. The firm has stated that it is a Metro customer but you persist in trying to dit in. Just look at your behaviour. You hire a zenophobic blogger as an attorney and instead of pursuing your grievance through the courts you embark on anonymous 'discussions' like this one making allegations that have no basis other than in your imagination. Your grievance is with Metro, your arbitrator is the court, if your case is solid you will win but by pursuing this odd on-line agenda you detract enormously from your credibility including with the last statement about serving papers to an Irish firm for a US civil action. Go sort Metro out if you've a case, leave uninvolved third parties alone, stop behaving wrongfully. Finally if you've got the case you believe you have why embark in this behaviour, why not take it to the police - is it because its a shakedown?

author by Nozi Parkerpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 14:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you to the other victims of Metro Property Group for having the guts to speak out about this rotten company and giving others some hope. Thanks to blogs like this more victims are coming forward all the time, all with the same story, and more cases will be filed soon. Something Metro and their partners are desperate to stop of course. The UK Police are now looking into this thanks to the efforts of Metro's victims. Three or four companies selling Metro c*** are facing litigation or are being investigated by the Police and some have ceased trading. Metro are frantically trying to stop the flood by paying off investors to shut them up. Being on the receiving end of constant threats is not easy and some of Metro's threats have been very frightening, stick with it though you/we are doing a great job.

author by Kathrynpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 15:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is exactly what Metro and their partners are looking to stop…by any means they can. Victims do find their way to these blogs eventually (although unfortunately so do Metro stooges) and the more people who speak out about how they have been scammed the better.

Don't forget to count Woodward Capital in with the companies/agents/partners of Metro that have ceased trading.

author by Seamuspublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 17:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Taken from the lawsuit below:

The perpetrators of the Ponzi scheme, Metro Property Group and its principal shareholders and officers, Sameer Beydoun, and Ali Beydoun, have formed a partnership with Irish investment company, Brendan Investments, which has reportedly paid the Ponzi schemers 15 million Euros for a joint venture, Woodward Capital, involving the shabby Detroit homes (and enabling the Defendants to purchase the homes). The non-executive Director of Brendan Investments is the well known Irish celebrity financial adviser, Eddie Hobbs. Since the recent filing of this lawsuit, Hobbs and his Brendan Investments first claimed they never had any partnership and scrubbed a website detailing their very extensive partnership (the website contents, through the “magic” of Google’s cached links, can be viewed here). And a screen capture of the page is viewable below. Later, Hobbs and Brendan Investments changed their story and admitted a partnership with the Defendants for the last 18 months, endorsing the company and Defendants alleged to have engaged in a giant Ponzi scheme, apparently enabled with Brendan Investment funds whether wittingly or unwittingly.

So who are David Clehane and John Keating who appear on the Woodward Capital/Metro Property website. Who are BIMP Brendan Investments Property Management who are the creators of this website? John Keating claims to have worked for Firestone Developments and by coincidence one of the Directors at Firestone Developments is Vincent Regan, a Director of Brendan Investments. Who scrubbed this website and why? Veeery inteeeeresting stuff methinks!

Brendan Investment Directors really ought to have their day in Court in order to set the record straight on this tangled web. Woodward Capital was partnered with Metro within the timeline of the scam which was still carrying on late into 2012 when the plaintiffs found out about it so if it wasn't them they definitely want to make that clear in Court under oath.

author by Seamuspublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 17:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

See below from web.

Dutch Financial Times - Metro Property Group
He has joined forces with Metro Property Group. This local firm. (with an Irish sponsor) has been the largest buyer of single-family houses in Detroit in up-and-.

This page has been scrubbed as well. Who are the Irish sponsors of Metro Property Group? Was this page scrubbed for the same reasons as the Woodward Capital site?

author by Finnpublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 20:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Once again you insist on pursuing conspiracy and intrigue, seeing nothing wrong with your behaviour. Woodward Capital is neither an associated company or subsidiary of BI plc, verifiable not just from the statement issued but from CRO filed PWC audited accounts. The target of your grievance are the agents that sold you property and Metro but you insist on targetting an Irish firm in despite a two year separation in time. You continue to make anonymous and groundless allegations clearly in an effort to cause harm. Metro is your target, you've started a legal action, once again I point out that this bizarre behaviour does your credibility no good.

author by Seamuspublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 07:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So if Finn is right Woodward Capital was a bogus company set up on a Brendan Investment webpage. The webpage detailed Woodward Capital's extensive partnership with Metro Property in Detroit, and had a direct link to that company's website. Presumably the identity of the Irish Woodward Capital Directors on the website was faked if the whole thing was a sham.

Amongst other things Metro Property in Detroit are being sued for creating bogus leases and faking the identity of tenants, behaviour not unlike that of the bogus Woodward Capital on the face of it. Hardly surprising surely that the investors Metro scammed want answers in Court about this company that claims to be a partner of Metro and is rumoured to have put a very large equity share into Metro. The bogus Woodward Capital was 'partnered' with Metro during the time that Metro was paying the investors fake rents and supplying fake leases. If Woodward Capital and its Directors really are fakes that only leaves Brendan Investments, who are great supporters of Metro Property after all, to supply those answers. Shouldn't be a problem.

author by TJpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 08:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have attached 2 sample properties that our partners the Metro Property Group are currently marketing. The typical returns are as follows:
- Gross yields of between 20% to 23%
- Net Yields – Between 12% to 15% after paying property taxes and management fees
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of between 15% - 20% over a 10 year period based on conservative numbers for both inflation and capital growth
I have copied my US partners Sameer and Ali on this email who I have worked with for the past 2 years and who both have an excellent understanding of both the Detroit and US residential property market on a Micro and Macro level. I would be more than happy to discuss our experience of investing in the US with you also if you have any specific queries.

Best Regards,
Hugh O'Neill
Brendan Investments
Pan European Property Plc
Blackrock Hall
Skehard Road
Registered Number: 427894

author by Finnpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 09:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Once again you embark on conspiracy, hearsay and rumour. Woodward Capital is not a related company, as stated publicly but you persist in implying conspiracy. You persist in implying that an Irish company which has absolutely nothing to do with the suit you filed through Schlussel (who publicly suggested 1billion Islamists should follow Osama Bin Laden into the grave), is somehow a legitimate target for your grievance.

You hide behind anonymity, why don't you just contact the firm, why try to denigrate here with patently wrong allegations of wrong doing? The relationship between BI and Metro is that they do business with each other. You say that the Irish firm has invested in Metro but there is zero evidence to support your claim which you describe as a 'rumour' but this 'rumour' has seen its way into your US suit as a 'fact'. What else in the suit is so poorly grounded like allegations of Hezbollah involvement for example?

What remains quite remarkable is your obsession with targeting the Irish firm which is quite clearly blameless in your greviance and which is separated in time from it by two years. This required the firm to state it was incorrectly named in your suit. You now admit to that content being based on 'rumour''.

Look I don't doubt that you've got a grievience against the UK selling agents, what they told you and what was the reality. You may even have a case against a Metro. What I don't understand is why you insist on baiting an unconnected Irish firm, why you hired a part time lawyer with an extraordinary body of xenophobic work, why you are trying your case on discussion boards, instead of in court, why you refused full refunds. It just doesn't add up , sorry

author by TJpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The email from O'Neill is dated 2012 so this 2 year partnership he speaks of was in place at the time that Metro were faking evictions, forging leases, threatening investors etc. Of course there may have been no partnership, facts don't seem to play a big part here. Luckily there is a legal system available which will hopefully get to the bottom of this.

Offered Full refunds???? Get real and take the time to look at the evidence before making really absurd comments like that one. The plaintiffs begged those scam artists to give them their money back and were repeatedly jeered at, taunted, called names and threatened by the Beydouns and their scumbag attorney.

Actually forget it, if you can't even be bothered to look at the evidence that supports the claim that Metro are running a Ponzi Scheme, even though you are doing business with them, that isn't our problem. Might be a problem to investors who are trusting your judgement though.

author by Kathrynpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think that pretty well sums it up.

author by Finnpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Like you I'm happy to let due process run its course, what I'm still find incredulous is the attempt to involve an uninvolved 3rd party, stitching it into the suit purely based, as admitted here, by 'rumour'. I've no doubt that there is a robust case especially against the selling agent which is a UK firm but flooding one side of a story out with patently false allegations on anonymous discussion boards, in advance of hearing the other side, is not how anyone should either proceed nor assess the facts to discern the truth.

The plaintiff seeks justice but behaves in a manner to deny it to others by this behaviour. Let the legal process run its course, let the plaintiff stand over all of its allegations with evidence that stands up at the standards of a court, and not by an organised on line mob, now tell me that's unreasonable

author by Don't stop Bloggingpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 13:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is how information is shared and new evidence and new victims come forward. Never be put off by the rubbishing and name calling that inevitably comes with it. Investors who manage to get some kind of pay off from Metro are forced to sign agreements which ban them from blogging for this very reason. They don't want word to get out.

Vincent Regan of Brendan Investments was introduced to Metro by a UK agent and the discussions were for a 15million Euro Equity Share in Metro's business. James Allen of Allen Brothers PLLC (a defendant) saw to the legalities of this relationship. At the same time that this 'deal' was put together Metro found sufficient funds to move in to large expensive premises and to become the largest buyer of foreclosed properties in Detroit. This relationship between BI and Metro came at a time when Metro were at the height of their scam. Tarek Baydoun admits to evicting hundreds of tenants every month at this time but has never yet been able to supply one scrap of evidence to show that these were real evictions. Metro were making hundreds of fake rental payments to investors at this time and Makki was lying about Section 8 funding to dozens of investors. The plaintiffs in this lawsuit are absolutely right to want to know if Brendan Investments money was being used to fund the Ponzi Scheme. James Allen will be asked directly what the relationship is/was between the companies, and he will know.

author by Finnpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 14:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Interesting, so that's the extent of the source of the 'rumour' that's seen its way into your lawsuit. It doesn't fit as a basic examination of BI accounts would reveal. There is no way it could bring that kind of cash to bear into any deal. Here are the questions you might consider;

1. Why if as you allege there is a systemic fraud, the US police have not investigated - why just the civil lawsuit? This is the most fundamental point, you allege fraud, threats, conspiracy and extend to slurring an Irish company. Why is there no police investigation?

2. Why, of all the lawyers available you chose a part-timer, a blogger, someone who so clearly hates those of Islam faith, who describes Dearborn as Dearbornistan and who has been given the distinction of being the top bigot in the USA, by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130924/METRO08/309...40118.

3. Why allege that Metro is effectively a cover for Hezbollah?

4. Where are all the hundreds of victims of the 'giant Ponzi scheme'?

5. You've just stated Experience International is closed, not according to its website or its tel line. Why make these claims.

6. You accuse others of telling lies, mis-selling, fraud but you speculate, defame and tell untruths yourself.

7. Why not let the suit take its course, why engage in mud slinging like this unless its designed to negotiate cash?

author by Bored Nowpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 15:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Metro are now paying back scammed investors if threatened with lawsuits, however they have been telling investors that they do not have funds to give full refunds and in most cases are offering these scammed investors a few hundred dollars a month for all eternity. The investors are forced to sign nondisclosure agreements as well. Some investors who have engaged lawyers have managed to get their money back in a lump sum, although not always in full. Sometimes the lawyers have settled for payments over a 12 month period or similar.

The love affair between Brendan Investments and Metro is still obviously going strong so do not be fooled into thinking that Metro have really fallen on hard times. It's business as usual. Demand your money back in full and don't be fobbed off by the con artists. They will do anything to avoid more cases being filed although there are more on the way, big ones.

You guys are lucky, you at least stand a chance of getting something back from these scumbags before they pack up and head for the hills.

Good Luck

Note to Experience clients. This company is not closed, nobody said they were, they are facing litigation though.

author by Finnpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 17:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Can you please answer the questions posed or will the answers expose gaps in your campaign?

1. Why if as you allege there is a systemic fraud, the US police have not investigated - why just the civil lawsuit? This is the most fundamental point, you allege fraud, threats, conspiracy and extend to slurring an Irish company. Why is there no police investigation?

2. Why, of all the lawyers available you chose a part-timer, a blogger, someone who so clearly hates those of Islam faith, who describes Dearborn as Dearbornistan and who has been given the distinction of being the top bigot in the USA, by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130924/METRO08/309...40118.

3. Why allege that Metro is effectively a cover for Hezbollah?

4. Where are all the hundreds of victims of the 'giant Ponzi scheme'?

5. You've just stated Experience International is closed, not according to its website or its tel line. Why make these claims.

6. You accuse others of telling lies, mis-selling, fraud but you speculate, defame and tell untruths yourself.

7. Why not let the suit take its course, why engage in mud slinging like this unless its designed to negotiate cash?

author by Really bored now.publication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 17:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Can you please answer the questions posed or will the answers expose gaps in your campaign? Yes I will and no it won't.

1. Why if as you allege there is a systemic fraud, the US police have not investigated - why just the civil lawsuit? This is the most fundamental point, you allege fraud, threats, conspiracy and extend to slurring an Irish company. Why is there no police investigation? You think the authorities are not aware do you?

2. Why, of all the lawyers available you chose a part-timer, a blogger, someone who so clearly hates those of Islam faith, who describes Dearborn as Dearbornistan and who has been given the distinction of being the top bigot in the USA, by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130924/METRO08/309...40118. Absolutely none of your business and keep your racist insinuations to yourself.

3. Why allege that Metro is effectively a cover for Hezbollah? Nobody did, read the suit properly before commenting.

4. Where are all the hundreds of victims of the 'giant Ponzi scheme'? They are filing their own suits or being paid off by Metro, you seriously don't know that?

5. You've just stated Experience International is closed, not according to its website or its tel line. Why make these claims. Nobody ever said that at any time. Read things properly before commenting.

6. You accuse others of telling lies, mis-selling, fraud but you speculate, defame and tell untruths yourself. No we don't, ever.

7. Why not let the suit take its course, why engage in mud slinging like this unless its designed to negotiate cash? It is taking its course and we didn't think Metro had any cash to negotiate with but nice to know they might have. There are an awful lot of us out here that want our money back.

Nice chatting with you even though you won't take the time to read anything properly before commenting. Good Night.

author by Finnpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 18:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why if as you allege there is a systemic fraud, the US police have not investigated - why just the civil lawsuit? This is the most fundamental point, you allege fraud, threats, conspiracy and extend to slurring an Irish company. Why is there no police investigation? You think the authorities are not aware do you? YOU AVOID THE QUESTION< WHY IS THERE NO US POLICE INVESTIGATION IF AS YOU ALLEGE THERE IS A 'GIANT PONZI SCHEME'. IS IT BECAUSE ITS VIEWED AS PURELY CIVIL, THAT THE EVIDENCE ISNT THERE?

2. Why, of all the lawyers available you chose a part-timer, a blogger, someone who so clearly hates those of Islam faith, who describes Dearborn as Dearbornistan and who has been given the distinction of being the top bigot in the USA, by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130924/METRO08/309...40118. Absolutely none of your business and keep your racist insinuations to yourself. THAT's DELIBERATE MISDIRECTION< SCHLUSSEL IS CLEARLY DERANGED< JUST VISIT HER HATE-FILLED WEBSITE WORKING FROM HOME.

3. Why allege that Metro is effectively a cover for Hezbollah? Nobody did, read the suit properly before commenting. YES IT DID< IT ALLEGED THAT A FORMER METRO DIRECTOR WAS FUND RAISING FOR A TERORIST GROUP.

4. Where are all the hundreds of victims of the 'giant Ponzi scheme'? They are filing their own suits or being paid off by Metro, you seriously don't know that? I BELIEVE IN EVIDENCE AND DUE PROCESS. THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING FURTHER SINCE MAY.

5. You've just stated Experience International is closed, not according to its website or its tel line. Why make these claims. Nobody ever said that at any time. Read things properly before commenting. OK I'LL GIVE YOU A PRESENT OF THAT ONE.

6. You accuse others of telling lies, mis-selling, fraud but you speculate, defame and tell untruths yourself. No we don't, ever. YES YOU DO YOU ALLEGE THAT AN UNINVOLVED IRISH FIRM HAS INVESTED 15 MILLION IN METRO. SEVERAL MONTHS LATER THIS NOW A 'RUMOUR' BUT IT IS STATED AS A FACT IN SCHLUSSELS FILING>

7. Why not let the suit take its course, why engage in mud slinging like this unless its designed to negotiate cash? It is taking its course and we didn't think Metro had any cash to negotiate with but nice to know they might have. There are an awful lot of us out here that want our money back. THIS MAKES NO SENSE< SEE 4 ABOVE AND WHY DOESNT METRO JUST PAY OFF GIVEN THE 15 MILLION YOU STATE THEY'VE RECEIVED?

Nice chatting with you even though you won't take the time to read anything properly before commenting. Good Night.

author by Bored to Deathpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 18:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why didn't you just answer the questions yourself, you had the answers you wanted all along you didn't require any input from anybody.

author by Nutwatchpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 19:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Jeez been following the exchange. This lawyer does seem to work from home and is a fruitcake, I couldn't believe the stuff she gets away with in the USA. It took all of two seconds to find these. You'd want to be nuts yourself to align with her. Mad as bats piss. Don't ya love Americanisms!


Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim



author by US LAWYER NUTJOBpublication date Wed Nov 13, 2013 19:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Lol, from the link above, one of the best blogs I've ever read, had to replicate it. You'll laugh;

Commentator" Debbie Schlussel is the stream of bat's piss that shines out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark. She is the manic and oddly-worded blog post in the darkness, the watcher of the malls, the fire that burns the homes of incorrectly-hued neighbors, the light that brings the truthiness, the shrill honking voice that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of the totally mental. Little Debbie stands out.

And apparently, as is common with floridly nutty people in public life, she's an aspiring censor. Go figure.

You might recall that we've discussed Little Debbie before. When she smirked and chirped over Lara Logan's sexual assault in Egypt we were there. When she worked herself into an unmedicated frenzy over an Arab-American Miss America we were there. When she lunged for her flag-shrouded fainting couch at the prospect of a black man portraying a white man we were there. When she rubbed her sweaty palms together gleefully at the prospect of North Korea imprisoning human rights reports we were there. When she explained that the real tragedy of a mass shooting at an immigration clinic was that immigration clinics are full of foreigners we were there.

So we're happy to be there for Little Debbie today as she erupts into a lawsuit-threatening tirade.

Much of Little Debbie's freakout happened on Twitter, the ideal platform for people who already communicate in word fragments, glottal clicks, and vaguely threatening grunts. I'm having trouble piecing together exactly what set her off on her Twitter feed. Perhaps it was mockery over her recent assertion that Snow White And The Huntsman should be read as Muslim propaganda. Perhaps it was criticism of her suggestion — apparently aimed at a critic who was a non-white doctor — that some doctors wouldn't be doctors without affirmative action.

At any rate, Little Debbie did not react well to criticism. She lashed out at critics, including attacking one for being a "fake convert" Jew and thus somehow inauthentic. When a few people suggested she had used twitter on the sabbath, she began to issue legal threats and demands, demanding retraction and threatening a defamation action, chortling that she would sue in Michigan to make things more expensive for her foes, suggesting that she would attack the careers of her detractors, threatening critical attorneys with bar actions, and ridiculing possible opposing counsel based on their sexual preference. Debbie repeatedly vowed that she knows the law, despite being under the false impression that prevailing plaintiffs in defamation cases get attorney fees. Perhaps she's confused about what country she's in. And, most of all, she pressed her theme that her detractors are just jealous of her awesomeness. [Note: If Little Debbie sends any of these down the memory hole, I have screenshots.]

Her threats were not confined to Twitter — she was also issuing legal threats and demands based on an article about her at Right Wing News. I'd quote it but the whole site is down as of the time of this writing, possibly because she ate it.

It's difficult to see how Little Debbie thinks she can prevail in a defamation action. She's a public figure, and she'd have to prove that her detractors acted with actual malice in saying that she tweeted on the sabbath. Even if she could do that, she'd have to prove damages. I ask you — how can you possibly make the reputation of someone like Debbie Schlussel any worse than it already is? Also, I must ask Debbie herself: you rant and rage about how Americans are insufficiently muscular and aggressive in the face of the various foes you perceive. Is this the sort of strength, the sort of bold Americanism, the sort of fighting spirit you are looking for — encouraging people to run to the courts to sue when someone is very mildly mean to them on Twitter? You sniveling pissant.

Many perceive Little Debbie as a buffoon. Certainly she's a foolish, pathetic woman, a freak who pushes hate to the ragged edges of dark self-parody. Perhaps it's all a marketing schtick, not that it matters for evaluation of her character. But even if she's a buffoon, and whether or not her behavior is an extended Andy Kaufman set piece, she's troubling. First, she's troubling because some media figures inexplicably treat her as a serious commentator. Second, she's troublesome because censorious legal threats, even when issued by the aggressively unhinged, chill speech. In fact, legal threats by the unhinged are particularly chilling of speech, because threatened people perceive (often correctly) that the unhinged will sue without regard to reason or legal merit.

Our legal system lets crazy people sue you for no good reason and inflict huge expense and disruption upon you, often with no recourse. We've seen that in the case of Brett Kimberlin, who abuses an incompetent legal system to silence critics. Schlussel looks like just the sort of person to do the same. What can we do about it? Well, as I've argued before, we can advocate and agitate until we have either a federal anti-SLAPP statute or an anti-SLAPP statute in every case. We can publicize behavior like Debbie's for two purposes: first, to invoke the Streissand Effect and ensure that any threat brings tenfold negative publicity, and second, to attract supporters who will take up the fight with the threatened. Those of us who are lawyers can offer pro bono help, as we at Popehat are able to do from time to time. Join the fight. Take up the cause.

author by seamuspublication date Sun Nov 17, 2013 16:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Tangled Web
author by Seamuspublication date Tue Nov 12, 2013 17:33Report this post to the editors
Taken from the lawsuit below:

The perpetrators of the Ponzi scheme, Metro Property Group and its principal shareholders and officers, Sameer Beydoun, and Ali Beydoun, have formed a partnership with Irish investment company, Brendan Investments, which has reportedly paid the Ponzi schemers 15 million Euros for a joint venture, Woodward Capital, involving the shabby Detroit homes (and enabling the Defendants to purchase the homes). The non-executive Director of Brendan Investments is the well known Irish celebrity financial adviser, Eddie Hobbs. Since the recent filing of this lawsuit, Hobbs and his Brendan Investments first claimed they never had any partnership and scrubbed a website detailing their very extensive partnership (the website contents, through the “magic” of Google’s cached links, can be viewed here). And a screen capture of the page is viewable below. Later, Hobbs and Brendan Investments changed their story and admitted a partnership with the Defendants for the last 18 months, endorsing the company and Defendants alleged to have engaged in a giant Ponzi scheme, apparently enabled with Brendan Investment funds whether wittingly or unwittingly.

So who are David Clehane and John Keating who appear on the Woodward Capital/Metro Property website. Who are BIMP Brendan Investments Property Management who are the creators of this website? John Keating claims to have worked for Firestone Developments and by coincidence one of the Directors at Firestone Developments is Vincent Regan, a Director of Brendan Investments. Who scrubbed this website and why? Veeery inteeeeresting stuff methinks!

Brendan Investment Directors really ought to have their day in Court in order to set the record straight on this tangled web. Woodward Capital was partnered with Metro within the timeline of the scam which was still carrying on late into 2012 when the plaintiffs found out about it so if it wasn't them they definitely want to make that clear in Court under oath.

PS. Metro is in a Dutch publication making much of having Irish sponsors - Who could they possible be.

author by tonto - nonepublication date Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

reading all of these comments I have only one thing to ask. WHY is it there is not one comment or reply
from the bossman of BI MR EDDY HOBBS. I REST MY CASE.

author by Finnpublication date Tue Nov 19, 2013 07:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

C'mon you're just repeating the allegation by a 'bats piss' attorney, voted by the Council of American Islamic Relations CAIR as the USA's top biggot but when this is put to you in the form of some pretty reasonable questions as above you duck, why?

Why no police investigation, why no on-line evidence of any others coming out of the woodwork since your campaign, why continuously deride the clear statements of no involvement by the Irish company, separated in time by two years?

Why do you persist in faceless mud slinging but then expect credibility? Why not let it to due process? Is this simply a shake down by a bankrupt in UAE based on property bought from dodgy UK agents, the response to which was to file an OTT law suit through the USA's most bigoted solicitor, then engage in defamatory attacks on an uninvolved Irish firm? The properties are, what 30 to 40 grand but you are demanding, what 6 million each?

Put it together and it looks like a shakedown. You are posting here on an Irish site from the middle east as a UK ex-pat, thousands of miles from where you allege the ponzi scheme exists, why? Isn't it the case that you are trying to pressurise your target and you couldn't care a hoot about either the truth or who gets hit, so long as you get the cash, right? Who did you do when you went bankrupt?

author by Seamuspublication date Thu Nov 21, 2013 15:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Another interesting link here written by a law firm who specialises in fraud.


author by Finnpublication date Thu Nov 21, 2013 20:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The link repeats the 'bats piss' attorney's incredulous court filing in May, Schlussel branded by the Council for American Islamic Relations as THE most bigoted person in the USA. The filing alleged one person was a front for Hezbollah finance. Schlussel is deranged based on her own comments on the death of Bin Laden and on the slaughter in Norway, yet she's the attorney, why?

The same UAE based UK ex-pat and former agent for UK based USA direct is the same person populating any discussion, and there's been very few, over the past six months but avoids answering revealing questions,

Why no police investigation of this 'giant' scheme?
What 'charges' there are none, it's a civil dispute and suit?
Where are the hundreds of victims, the web has but one revolving companaint, you in the UAE?
Why does the filing contain an unsupported allegation against an Irish firm that you now admit is purely based on 'rumour'?
What else is untrue?
How do you expect to be taken credibly when you hire a raving xenophobic part time lawyer?
Why continue to act as prosecution, judge and jury anonymously on websites before letting due process takes its course?
What's the game here except try to shake down cash on a case that you are afraid to take into court?
Why not come on record with your name and address, if it's true as you claim, you are protected?

author by Seamuspublication date Thu Nov 21, 2013 21:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

..the hell is this Finn character on about? Anybody know?

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