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British Scum State of War on Human Rights Of Martin Corey
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Tuesday November 05, 2013 06:26 by Brian Clarke - All Voices

War on the Irish Peace Process
On the 9th of July 2012, Judge Treacy ordered Martin Corey’s immediate release from political internment without trial, stating his human rights had been violated in British Occupied Ireland. This was overruled by the unelected English Viceroyal who ]ordered the internment of the Irishman, against whom there is no evidence of wrongdoing, that could possibly lead to charges in a court of law.
 GULAG BRITAIN On the 9th of July 2012, Judge Treacy ordered Martin Corey’s immediate release from political internment without trial, stating his human rights had been violated in British Occupied Ireland. This was overruled by the unelected English Viceroyal who ]ordered the internment of the Irishman, against whom there is no evidence of wrongdoing, that could possibly lead to charges in a court of law.
Their excuse is that there is secret evidence, that neither the defense nor the general public have a right to access. This evidence has been provided by the British secret service MI5, who have been involved in gun running, the murder of Lawyer, Pat Finucane and Rosemary Nelson along with the torture of political prisoners, in other jurisdictions.
The message is plain and simple in the context of a so called Peace Process. there is no rule of law, it is overruled by an unelected British Viceroyal. There is no right to a fair trial in the instance of Martin Corey. There is no due process, in fact there is no process at all, the British Viceroyal overrules any process, setting aside basic standards of universal justice.
The Irish Peace Process simply does not have process, as in the many other instances, of the political internment of other Irish political activists, who are interned, as result of campaigning for human rights or the removal of the colonial British from Ireland. The British by removing due process, have calculatedly, set about dismantling the peace in Ireland once again. Political internment without trial, has always been regarded, since its introduction in every generation of British occupation and repression, as an act of war against the native Irish people. It's very nature, in the absence of due process, defies the term Peace Process and its obvious injustice defies the term peace.
Political Internment without Trial is an instrument of war by the British Scum State on Human Rights.
Caption: Video Id: eaVBzpZhllg Type: Youtube Video 'Eroding' Freedom: Human rights groups blast UK
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25He is getting better treatment than that meted out to the disappeared.
Or the 33 civilians murdered by MI5 in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings civilians.Political Internment is a cause not a solution to the horrors of occupation and repression.
Letha Allies
Omagh - 29 dead - le Mon hotel etc how many more died in terrorist murder campaigns.
It seems there is a form of collective amnesia in operation in certain quarters when it comes to terrorist murders.
Change the text in the above poster and it could read murdered by terrorists.
Lethal Allies a book on British Government Collusion in the sectarian murders of ordinary innocent Irish people in British Occupied Ireland is written by leading journalist Anne Callwallader and produced by the Pat Finucane centre focused on the ethnic cleansing of the Glenanne Gang which still operates in Ireland.
The book documents members of the British police and the British Army who were part of this gang which murdered hundreds of innocent people, particularly in the 1970s, operating primarily from loyalist farms in counties Armagh and Tyrone.
Yes we can trade different perspectives on the bloodletting of British Occupation and neo-colonialism in Ireland until we the cows come home but the solution is not on that path. If you are sincere about peace then you don't have to be particularly bright to see where the solution lies, it's not rocket science.
Internment without trial is an instrument of War not Peace.
Lethal Allies
Caption: Video Id: GAg-JxBn5sg Type: Youtube Video
The Concentration Camp is a British Invention
I note that the lead story mentions injustice, what about the injustice of the IRA murder squads and their targeting of innocent Irish people, It was not just the British Army and loyalist terror gangs that caused deaths. This is not point scoring this is telling it as it is.
The Security Forces for the most part operated in the public eye (such as your riot photo above) the terrorists operated in the dark away from public scrutiny and perpetrated crimes under their supposed
Right to do so. Even today terrorists are murdering people in Northern Ireland allegedly dispensing their form of justice.
So your question goes both ways, the terrorists should stand up and admit their full part in what happened and not play word games like the one that was played out on TV last night.
As I said previously collective amnesia appears to be in operation in some areas.
By the way republicans collaborated with rogue members of the Irish security forces during their murder campaign so let's not forget that either.
Obviously you haven't read what I have written or Lethal Allies, where all these matters re thoroughly documented and verified. "Security Forces"?, That's a very sick joke, if you care to read Lethal Allies. Terrorism ? it is abundantly obvious that the vast majority of terrorism in British Occupied Ireland over the last 140 years is British Scum State terrorism.
You obviously have a vested interest in continuing on with British State murder and are clearly not interested in a peaceful solution. If you wish to engage in an honest discussion and are remotely interested in peace with justice, try to read and look at some of the tapes posted.This subject is too serious for mercenaries or mental masturbation.
Political Internment
The so called dissident republicans are continuing with a murder campaign do you condemn this?
You fail to acknowledge the role played by terrorists during their murder campaign.
They fought a war with no rules but expected to be treated by the rules of a justice they ignored.
When will the terrorists and their leaders own up to their actions in the same way they demand that the British Government own up. There are many unsolved murders and unpunished murderers amongst the ranks of the terrorists.
As for my vested interest in the British remaining in control in the North, I have none whatsoever, it is upto all the people in the North to make up their minds where they want to be in the future.
As for mental masturbation, seriously is that the best argument you can come up with. There are many other books out there which tell the wider story of troubles. Perhaps the Finucane centre should also do a book on the unsolved republican murders and atrocities and their shot to kill policy.
There were terrorists on both sides who more got their jollies in a more physical than mental sense while carrying out their murders.
I also note you did not contradict me regarding the collusion of republican terrorists with rogue elements of the Irish Security forces. As for your own "Security Forces" comments, it is interesting to note that the "IRA" and every other republican terrorist group (as were the loyalist terrorists) were allegedly protecting their communities but in effect murdered innocent people to suit their own needs.
As has been said so many times before, "There are two sides to a story".
You really have a brass neck defending the war crimes of the British Empire ! Only a sociopath could do this.
Perfidious Albion
Caption: Video Id: pdG12eNBrcI Type: Youtube Video
"It seems there is a form of collective amnesia in operation in certain quarters when it comes to terrorist murders."
Hmmmmmm, I'm inclined to agree with you on that one at least.
A hot topic at the minute.
Sickened after witnessing Mr Gerry "I've never been in the IRA and I certainly never ordered any one to be killed" Adams on the BBC the other night.
His evil twin who acted as Brigade Commander and sentenced people to death has a lot to answer for. But not Gerry himself, who was too busy teaching scripture to poor homeless crippled orphans at the time.
And the shinners as a whole have also developed some sort of mass amnesia as they eagerly jump into bed with those who organised the loyalist death squads who butchered innocent Catholics.
Ach sure tis all in the past now lads. As long as there's jobs and government money coming in then isn't that all that matters.
Why let a little thing like truth, justice or selling out your country get in the way......
The following articel from the Guardian, helps give and insight into life in the murder triangle where Martin Corey was born and its background very different to Dublin which has led to his 23 years in prison, as result of British Occupation and their mentored sectarianism.
Death of a Reporter
Caption: Video Id: 05sigYFww2s Type: Youtube Video
Lethal Allies - British Collusion in Ireland
Only a sociopath murders a mother of ten kids and leaves them orphaned, while refusing to at least leave them her body to bury.
Only a sociopath fails to acknowledge that the murders of innocent people irrespective of religion or political belief as inexcusable and unjust.
Only a sociopath would seek to justify these crimes against their own community by so called members of their own community whilst seeking to attribute blame to others.
Only a sociopath would seek to be treated with justice when they themselves failed to apply that self same justice to their innocent victims.
Only a sociopath would try to defend terrorist murder gangs.
I could go on but what's the point as the definition of sociopath (a word you used) says it all.
a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour.
They do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.
What better definitions there of a terrorist who murders innocent men women and children but fails to see their wrong.
There were sociopaths on both sides. The difference here is that one side was occupying the other's country against the will of it's people, controlled (and still controls) the media narrative and had vastly superior military and spy organisations.
MI6 are still paid well to spy on potential "freedom fighters" and to spin and revise their own ugly role in the north of our country on TV and on the internet to win over the public support of the gullible and ill informed.
But there were two sides to this conflict. And contrary to revisionists, for quite a long time, a majority on this Island silently supported asymmetric resistance to the british occupying forces on this Island until british media propaganda eventually turned the tide of public support amongst the population at large against the violent tactics used in such a campaign of resistance.
The story of IRA violence has been paraded constantly on our TV's and other media over the years in the usual propaganda streams, distorted and without proper context. But now that we have moved on, for proper closure at least, the other story of the underhand and very dirty and violent tactics used by britain in their war of suppression and control over dissidents in this country needs to come out too. As does the truth about all the loyalist or uk government sponsored violent acts and atrocities.
And prisoners given pardons as part of the "peace process" should not be reinterned unless it is the intention of the british to try to deliberately trigger a return to violence from angry dissident groups for whatever Machievellian reasons they would have for such actions.
The case of Marion Price was particularly unfair in this regard
As for the equally "sociopathic" FF / FG / Labour supporters who persist in using serious matters like these to try to score political points against currently popular political rivals on threads like these, I call you out as the greedy self serving trough swilling party apparatchiks that you are and consider you below contempt
Once again the slurs come out "scum" etc.
I am most definelty not a FF supporter and not a Fine Gael or labour party member and I have never and never will vote for Sinn Fein.
The people beneath contempt are those who murdered their own people and their supporters who seek to absolve them of these crimes and paint them as heroes.
As for the silent majority of the island supporting asymmetric resistance, that's a joke in itself. It would be interesting to see how you can quantify a majority that is silent and therefore doesn't speak its opinions.
There is no doubt that there were crimes committed by some members the security forces and loyalists the clamour of republican groups to claim some kind of moral high ground by demanding "the truth" and justice whilst failing to admit their own crimes and guilt in the murdering of innocent people by bomb and bullet is what is truly beneath contempt. Such groups also murdered ten members of the Irish security forces during their campaigns.
The majority of this country and indeed this island have voted against terrorism and voted for peace.
As for point scoring, the clamour for the moral high ground mentioned above is one of the greatest point scoring exercises in operation in this country. The supporters of the groupings that keep using "serious matters" like this to gain political points . So crying wolf on this issue is pointless.
As for "the dissidents" you refer to, they are terrorists involved in murder and other criminal activities and deserve the fullest contempt of the people, and the full effect of the law in the North and South. These are true sociopaths who will drag their community back to bloodshed.
interesting to see how people like Dub only seem to want to emphasise the violent response of one side (the victims) of what was clearly an ugly two way conflict triggered in reaction to violent occupation by a colonial power.
Evidently you have a bad case of Stockholm syndrome Dub. Well either that of you are engaged in "astroturfing" (i.e. fake grass roots support) or are doing "rent a troll" for some vested interest. I would guess the latter. Say hi to your handlers for me Dub.
If you read my posts you will see I refer to the facts of loyalist murders and the FACT that some British Security force members committed crimes.
I do not see such recognition or acknowledgement of republican murders here, including the murders of members of the Irish Security Forces. I suggest that your comment re Astro-turfing is actually a fine analogy for this fact.
It also amazes me that if any Irish person or indeed any person disagrees with your stance or opinions, they are considered by you to be "trolls", "sociopaths", "scum" or are being handled by someone. Well I suppose name calling is better than being brought into a field and getting a bullet in the neck and having your body dumped in a bog for disagreeing with your point view.
It should also be noted that aside from the modern computer usage of the word "troll", it's original meaning was to describe an ugly creature who lived in the dark and came out now and again to kill people, so I would suggest you are more careful about throwing words around as a they can always be used two ways.
Again the main issue is no acknowledgement of the crimes committed by republican murder gangs whilst trying to point out crimes by others. A suitable word for this stance could be "Troglodytes".
Brigadier Frank Kitson blended sociological 'normalisation', political policy and legal elasticity. In his book in 1970, he advocated for the Law and the Courts to be used as just another part of the British Army's arsenal. He advocated:
Clearly the return of Internment without trial in the cae of Martin Corey and others is being used as an instrument of War not of a Peace Process.Does Dubstep hold Martin Corey responsible for the invasion of Irag and Lurgan on the Euphrates?
KItson Pseudo Gangs
Caption: Video Id: JPv1aN9PnYM Type: Youtube Video
Statements on Europe
both my posts clearly acknowledge that there was ugly violence on both sides.
The difference being that one side was a well resourced colonial power illegally occupying the other's country. Does this obvious fact not enter into your assessments at all?
So if there was ugly violence on both sides does that mean that the appellation "Scum" as used in the title of this post can be equally attributed.
And your "well resourced colonial power" reasoning doesn't compute when it is remembered that over 728 civilians were murdered by republican terrorists. And this is alongside those civilians murdered by loyalists.
It's ok say there was ugly violence on both sides (we agree on something) but actually condemning the murderers and calling them all equally to account is the main point.
There are posts/threads on this site if I remember correctly which condemn the use of drones and the deaths of civilians by that usage. Yet terrorists, republican and loyalists (to a lesser degree) used remote technology to explode bombs and kill civilians (in at least on case they used a proxy bomber to move their bomb). Now kettle, pot and black pops to mind when reading those stories.
So before condemning others for any perceived injustices, look in the mirror.
Free Martin Corey
Caption: Video Id: _oPPBA9fQPw Type: Youtube Video
Free Martin Corey
Again you do not condemn the terrorists which in itself speaks volumes.
It is also interesting to note what you posted in response (albeit from some urban dictionary)
"scum state
A Police State without basic human rights and extreme injustice,with secret courts, secret evidence and secret sentences, that executes lawyers and journalists."
Read it in relation to terrorist murder victims, such as Jean McConville and Charlie Armstrong and tell me, were their human rights cared for, were their murders (and the murders of so many more) not cases of "extreme injustice" carried out by "secret courts" based on "secret evidence" and we all know now, what the then "secret sentences" were.
Can you answer that question without prevaricating?
So spare me the piteous whining and posting of repetitive propaganda posters. Expose the extreme injustice that was done to innocent civilian by terrorist murder gangs,.
Get off yer white fookin horse and stop fleggin it Billy.Yer white horse is dead, people drive cars these days, unless you are a woman in Saudia Arabia or a motorist in British Occupied Ireland, stuck in yet another Fleg protest, stuck in the past, blocking the inevitable United Island of Ireland of the future.
Parity of Asteem
Caption: Video Id: rP3Mxhi4Uio Type: Youtube Video
Silly Walk City March
I think you are confusing me with the author of this piece. I am not BC.
I still think, whilst you pretend (very badly) to be even handed you are completely one sided and biased in your comments. Exactly what you are claiming others are.
Pot kettle indeed.
Dub, when ones country is invaded by a foreign power, surely it is not unreasonable to mount an appropriate resistance to that? Would you agree?
Why do you insist on emphasising the violent actions taken by the victims of this invasion so much while at the same time playing down equivalent actions of the imperial aggressor who started the whole thing in the first place. Not the behaviour of an honest commenter in my book.
I'm a pacifist and as such I don't condone ANY violence but that said, it is clearly wrong to condemn the actions of one side disproportionately while playing down the actions of the party that started the whole thing.
Precisely Fred,
In fact I would go to great lengths to remove alive any invading insect from y home without harming it. However when someone invades mu home i am obliged to defend my family. A People living in the Murder triangle had their homes invaded by the people in uniform meant to defend them Whole families were wiped out by invafding police and British soldiers.I cannot condemn the women and men who unselfishly stood up for their neighbours, as Martin did as young man. However he served almost twenty years for that. already.
Members of Martin's extended family have received death threats for speaking out against Martin's internment, as members of the Release Martin Corey committee can confirm.I believe as long as few organs of a Free Press exist, such as Indymedia Ireland, that all Irish republicans have a moral responsibility to explore this to the maximum rather than resort to violence.Whether the PSNI and Wall can do that in death throes of Loyalism remains to be seen.
However it would be wrong of me to say, people in their communities should not prepare for the worst and organize defence committees. It is clearly evident that British occupation and social deprivation is the source of the problem. Yes you are correct in saying there are sociopaths on both sides of the divide, that is what the human zoo creates and actually encourages unfortunately. It is not sufficient to condemn atrocities, without addressing the issues that produce violent reactionaries or flesh and blood that want immediate pay back. Peace without justice and the obvious injustice of internment without trial is nonsense as the invading British and their allies well know.
Condemnation, without trying to understand cause and effect is disingenious and usually, though not often the prattle of careerist politicians. Having said that, I personally do not approve of knee capping youth for drug offences or anti-social behaviour,.I believe it is absolutely barbaric and reactionary politics. Gardai, should be introduced initially on a limited basis in the occupied six, to liaise with community leaders, for the arrest of persistent offenders. What is to prevent communities from designating a set number of hours for. community service and re=education. There alos need to be classes on community consciousness and responsibilities. The paramilitary PSNI are quite happy to organize paramilitary vigilantes as a form of social control and counter revolutionary activity.
Having written that I will not hesitate to advocate intelligent self-defence in the community form aggression whether it be the war crimes of Imperialism or native gombeenism.THanks for your support to end political internment without trial.
I responded earlier but it appears my message did not take having sons problems with my phone.
It would appear that anyone that disagrees with some of the concepts posted is to be considered as a Protestant or Orangeman or as supporter of King Billy, and not Irish at all; really if that us your recourse in debate it is pathetic.
You speak of British Army murders on loyalist farms, yet again make no mention of past murders and ongoing murder attempts by republican murder gangs.
"the inevitable all Ireland Republic" mentioned will only come, if ever, by the democratic wishes of the people not through bomb and bullet as has already been proven.
The majority of the people of this island do not support terrorism and do not want anything to do with them.
It is also interesting to note that one poster suggested that the Gardai should be used in Northern Ireland as some kind of community relations officers. This is most unlikely to happen as the Gardai can only serve outside the state on UN missions or on special cases. It's also interesting to note that in many posts on this site the Gardai are castigated and abused for many things including so called Anti republicanism" and a number of them have been murdered by republicans.
As for gulag and other such propaganda posters, there are many images of the troubles that could be used for similar purposes against the republican side so don't try and claim the moral high ground with that kind of tactics.
I shall take my leave now as there are more important issues to be read about.
... when I was 14 years old
'British Scum'.
Most people I know stopped using this childish language when they entered their early twenties. How can you expect someone to read anything you have to say. Grow up, and if you're going to parade as a journalist, have some standards.
Complete joke.