Independent Media Centre Ireland

Brain Drain

category national | racism & migration related issues | other press author Saturday January 04, 2014 21:16author by Wayne Flanagan Tobin - Local election candidate Pembroke South Dock

Brain Drain

Brain Drain - by Wayne Flanagan Tobin Local Election Candidate

Unfortunately this country is experiencing a ‘brain drain’ as we lose our many of our best graduates and hardest workers to emigration. Former President Mary Robinson recently noted that it hardly matters whether young people are skilled or unskilled in relation to experiencing unemployment.

This country currently lacks the kind of fresh ideas that will be absolutely critical if we are to successfully tackle the scourge of youth unemployment. I am asking you therefore to support young people like myself to forge further links with other young people in the community and to develop innovative proposals to stimulate our local and national economy. We need to examine the issue of micro- financing and to work closely with local companies.

A report for the National Youth Council of Ireland states that this current wave of mass emigration will leave “irreparable scars for this generation” and highlights how we must re-build sustainable communities to enable them to absorb Irish people wanting to return home.

Since July I have spoken to leading experts in this field and as a local councillor I will have a strong platform to lobby on behalf of this cohort that is already being labelled “the forgotten generation”. At a local level and as a former youth worker I will manage sustainable projects in our communities for young people when they leave school and help them to progress to further education.

I need your help however. I need your support in helping these fresh ideas to advance into the public domain. It would really help if you would guarantee me your 1st preference vote in this year’s local election and change the way you vote. Together we can generate ideas, work with business leaders and ensure we have a healthy growing community. This sense of hopelessness and the associated brain drain must end. Together we must motivate our young people to think big.

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author by Ciara - Generation Emigrationpublication date Sun Jan 05, 2014 00:49author address author phone

I went to Australia but was forced to come back because of no job and I could not get the qualifications I needed upon leaving. The process was isolatory and lonely, the cost to my family huge and nothing. I became depressed and now to voluntary work as I will not be abused by job bridge. I totally agree with the article above-we should be able to stay in our on country given the amount of money a TD gets and the TDs have staff some of whom the are related to. In school in History we learned this was Neoptism. Enough is enough,

author by re:nepotismpublication date Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:47author address author phone

I have witnessed nepotism in two jobs i worked i worked in homeless hostel in limerick and the bosses son got a promotion over other more hard working people.He used to go on liquid lunches on his break,and chat up some polish girl on his way back to work.He didnt work hard at all and was given a disproportionate amount of credit for what little work he did acheive.Im sure there are stories of nepotism up and down the country,another story of nepotism comes from none other than FAS,the new appointed supervisor of FAS only got the job at 35 and 7 children later,with no previous work experience,because here mother worked on the board of FAS in dublin.

On brain drain, i think its a damning indictment of the government and speaks volumes about what they are not doing to tackle this situation we have on our hands.

Instead they have slave labour schemes that displace jobs,and put existing jobs at risk converting paid work into unpaid work.

If you had a choice of a plum job in australia or a job bridge ''job'' exploitation scheme here..Which would you pick???

This country to add insult to injury on top of not creating employment are letting these schemes run riot and make a mockery of the jobs market..

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