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Clashes in Ukraine signal escalation of US-EU intervention

category international | anti-capitalism | other press author Wednesday February 19, 2014 12:33author by Oliver Campbell and Peter Symonds Report this post to the editors

Fascist elements are among the protesters in Kiev. They are armed and are shooting at police. They are using the cover of protesters to advance a fascist coup.

Violent clashes between police and protesters yesterday in Kiev mark an escalation of the campaign by the pro-Western opposition to oust Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The opposition, backed by the United States and German governments, aims to install a far-right regime committed to integrating Ukraine within the European Union and implementing its demands for austerity measures.

Bloody street-fighting erupted when opposition protesters marched on parliament, demanding it pass a planned law to decrease Yanukovych’s powers. When the vote went against them, the opposition supporters attacked the headquarters of the ruling Party of the Regions. Clashes between police and protesters erupted and spread throughout the city.
This explains a lot
This explains a lot

The opposition demonstrators, many of whom are affiliated with the neo-fascist Svoboda party and other extreme right-wing groups, appeared to be heavily armed. One of the fascistic organisations involved, Right Sector, called for all those with arms to take them to Independence Square and engage in combat with the authorities.

Media footage shows anti-government protesters, some wearing helmets emblazoned with fascist symbols, firing rifles and small arms at riot police, as well as throwing molotov cocktails. During the storming of the Party of Regions headquarters, they killed at least one office worker. Several interior troops were reportedly taken as “prisoners” before government forces secured control of the building.

Former US presidental candidate John McCain in Kiev with US and EU backed opposition in Dec 2013.
Former US presidental candidate John McCain in Kiev with US and EU backed opposition in Dec 2013.

John McCain with Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leader Oleh Tyahnibok, Kiev, December 15, 2013
John McCain with Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leader Oleh Tyahnibok, Kiev, December 15, 2013

author by Crazy Catpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2014 13:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good article from Pepe Escobar of the Roving eye:


author by KMpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2014 13:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Putin isn't going to roll over.

The Kremlin carried out large-scale military exercises along its border with Ukraine yesterday, amid rising tensions with the Western-backed Ukrainian regime that seized power in Saturday’s fascist-led putsch in Kiev.

Announcing the exercises, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said: “In accordance with an order by the president of the Russian Federation, the forces of the western military district were put on alert at 2pm today.”

The military alert was billed as a “surprise comprehensive interoperability test” of armed forces in Russia’s western and central military districts and its air force command. Some 150,000 soldiers, 90 warplanes, 120 attack helicopters, 880 tanks, and 90 ships reportedly participated.

President Yanukovych hasn't given in to the fascist coup.

Ukrainian ex-leader Yanukovych vows fightback

Key video

LIVE: Ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych news conference

Ukraine's ex-President Yanukovych has made his first public appearance since being ousted, telling a news conference in Russia he would fight for his country.

Mr Yanukovych said he was "not overthrown", but was compelled to leave Ukraine after threats to his life.

He said the current parliament was "illegitimate", and described those who drove him from power as "young neo-fascist thugs" representing only a minority of Ukrainians.

Anti-Coup Militia secure Crimean airports.

Ukraine crisis: Airport access cut off by roadblocks

Roadblocks have been set up to prevent access to Sevastopol airport in Crimea after armed men began patrolling air hubs in the region.

Ukraine's interior minister has accused Russian forces of being behind the occupations - Arsen Avakov called their presence an "armed invasion".

But Russia's Black Sea Fleet has denied that Russian servicemen are taking part.

The other main Crimean airport, Simferopol, was also occupied by armed men on Friday.

Christian Fraser reports from the road to Sevastopol airport.

author by anti-fascistpublication date Tue Feb 25, 2014 21:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

nazi symbolism spreads in Ukraine


author by Tpublication date Tue Feb 25, 2014 00:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The ‘Soviet Soldier’ – a monument commemorating the collective sacrifice of the Soviet army against Nazi forces – has been toppled in western Ukraine. This follows the country-wide fall of some two dozen Lenin statues.

The taking down of the ‘Soviet Soldier’ in the town of Stryi, Lvov region, turns a new page in the chaos that gripped the nation in November, and has taken on dangerously nationalist overtones in the past fortnight.

Related Link: http://rt.com/news/war-monument-toppled-ukraine-351/
author by Tpublication date Mon Feb 24, 2014 22:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Russia government has announced it doesn't recognise those who seized power in the Ukrainian neo-nazi coup d'etat backed by the USA and EU. The backers of the coup are keen to quickly rush the entry of Ukraine into the EU and most importantly to get them to join NATO. This has long been part of the USA plan to undermine Russia as the long term goal is to smash the Russian state up into at least 60 different separate states and thereby removing one of the last challengers to USA corporate capitalism.

However the plan for Ukraine probably cannot happen quick enough and it is hard to see how it will manage to force a country where the industrial heartland in the eastern half has strong cultural and economic ties with Russia. What may happen is that they will engage with the EU but a little while down the road, where their industries are destroyed and they become a cheap labour camp of Europe and are straddled with unsustainable debt on top of their existing unsustainable debt, then the average persons idealism about the riches of the EU will be shattered.

It hasn't helped of course that every government since Ukraine independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 has been utterly corrupt. But corruption is not easily removed and certainly now removed by a fascist coup.

What we are more likely to see now in Ukraine is a bloody wave of revenge by fascists thugs seizing power throughout the country. Here is a quote from one of these people promoted by top level officials in Washington and the EU. It is one of the leaders from western Ukraine ultra-nationalist Right Sector Aleksandr Muzychko and he has has pledged to fight against “Jews and Russians until I die.” Asserting the Right Sector’s authority over the situation, Muzychko declared that now that the democratically elected government has been overthrown, “there will be order and discipline” or “Right Sector squads will shoot the bastards on the spot.”

So why is the entire Western press cheering these thugs on ?

author by anonpublication date Sat Feb 22, 2014 20:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Fake photos are being used all over the place especially in Venezeula where the media will shine the spotlight once Ukraine is over. Global Research has an article covering it here

Related Link: http://www.globalresearch.ca/constructing-the-anti-government-protests-in-venezuela-through-deceiption-a-photo-gallery/5369165
author by Tpublication date Thu Feb 20, 2014 22:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The other day the Venezuela government expelled 3 US consular officials who were fomenting unrest amongst students in the universities and who had organised protests recently where a number of people were killed.

Most of these recent protests have largely involved the white privileged middle and upper middle class and do not involve the poor from the slums.

From RT:
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused President Obama of promoting the ongoing protests in the country, and of backing members of the opposition alleged to be behind violence.

In a communique, the Latin American leader demanded that the US explain its motives in “financing, promoting and defending members of the opposition that promote violence against our country.”

Maduro went on to denounce declarations made by President Obama regarding the situation in Venezuela, saying that they presented a “gross interference in internal affairs.”

Related Link: http://rt.com/news/maduro-accuses-obama-venezuela-988/
author by FFSpublication date Wed Feb 19, 2014 13:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is the pretence that this started over a Trade Agreement -

No one riots over a trade agreement - this is clearly organised by the EU and ZATO countries,

author by KMpublication date Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ten of those killed were police, the interior ministry says. Two were traffic police officers. A journalist working for Russian-language newspaper Vesti, Vyacheslav Veremyi, was pulled from a taxi by masked men and shot. (BBC)

This is not just an attack on protesters by the police. Armed gangs of fascists are roaming the streets, shooting police and Russians.

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