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Galway Mosque for Muslims who cannot attend HAJJ

category galway | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Monday July 28, 2014 15:35author by reporter Report this post to the editors

Planning Application for a Mosque ,not a Mosque according to International Sharia Council

Galway City Council granted planning permission for a Mosque in Galway City last year however it seems it may not be a Mosque at all. The Sharia Council maintain that the Ahmadiyyas Mosque is an insult to Islam and this group have been banned from attending the Hajj in Mecca since the 1970s following a conference in Pakistan which seen Saudi Arabia bann this group from entering its most sacred territory.

The Galway City Councils decision to grant Islamic status to an "excommunicated " group of moslems has set tension s high in Galway.

on a side note: Galway was once home for a time to the notorious Douglas V Duff Galway RIC whom was in Jerusalem during the 1928/9 riots in the Holy city which led in no small part to the events unfolding in Gaza today.

Here is a little background:
Douglas Duff

[Ed note: some off topic material on Douglas Duff hidden and link added instead]

The Sharia Council have written to the Galway City Council outlining the error of giving mosque status to Ahmadiyyas and a copy of that letter is available here:

As'salaam wa'alaikum wa rahmatullah (May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you),

Alhamdulillah wa salaam alaa afdala mursalin, Praise be to Allah and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the final messenger.

Dear [name removed],

Thank you for your enquiry and question.

This group is a problematic group who has conflicting beliefs and ideology against the mainstream Muslim. They have being opposed by the Muslims wherever they appears. Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and others declared them as being non- Muslim. The National Assembly of Pakistan in 1974 made this declaration followed by Saudi Arabia Muslim world League in the very year. As a result, Saudi Arabia does not see them fit to be allowed to perform the Muslim yearly pilgrimage of Hajj in Makah.

Of all the conspiracies hatched against Islam in modern times, the most dangerous is their false claim to Prophethood made by Mirza Gulam Ahmed in the beginning of this century. This claim has been the main cause of wide spread mental chaos amongst the Muslims for the last century.

The Holy Quran stated:

((O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything.))

((Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.))
(The Holy Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)

The Prophetic Tradition states:

“There will arise thirty impostors in my Ummah and each one of them will pronounce to the world that he is a prophet, but I am the last in the line of the Prophets of Allah and no Prophet will come after me.”
(Abu Dawood, Tirmizi)

“Allah will send no Apostle after me”
(Musnad Ahmad, Abu Tufail, Nasa'i, Abu Dawud)

“No Prophet will come after me and there will, therefore, be no other community of followers of any new Prophet.”
(Baihaqi, Tabarani)

Among their main controversies with mainstream Muslim are:

1. Ridiculing the major doctrines of Islam by declaring that there is a final Prophet after Muhammad (peace be upon him).

2. Misinterpret meaning of The Quran and the traditional sayings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

3. Attributing derogatory terminology (fundamentalist, intolerant, backward, ...) with Islam and main stream Muslims.

4. Making fun of Muslim scholars thought speeches, poetry and movies;

5. Glorifying and associating themselves with successful public personalities who reject and appose main stream Muslim.

6. Sided with anti Muslim sentiments, presenting themselves as moderates Muslim.

7. Supporting organizations and individuals who reject Islamic doctrine through false publications against the character of the Prophet (SAW), authenticity of the Holy Quran and all Hadith, and the doctrines of Islam.

Planting pseudo-scholars who preach a very destructive and baseless version of Islam.

Because of these reasons the mainstreams Muslims do not attend their mosque and disassociate themselves with this group. Most of their mosque established in the world ended up closed down and abandoned due to lack of attendance from the wider Muslim community. I think, allowing this group to be funded for building this mosque will only result in dividing the Muslim community.

Sheikh Wassim AbdAllah (Abu Ibrahim)
Islamic Sharia Council
Department of Religious Affairs

wa'salaamu aliekum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu,
The Islamic Sharia Council
Tel: 020 8558 0581 | Fax: 020 8558 7872
34 Francis Road, Leyton, London E10 6PW

(Please note the advice and guidance from the Islamic Sharia Council is
based on Islamic law. The Islamic Shaira Council has no legal liability.)

As this structure would have to be a house of worship for Muslims who must attend Mecca, it is unclear why it has been allowed to be given mosque status by the council as a false application or description of use is illegal under local authorities rules. The sinister side is that blasphemy is required to be prohibited by Article 40.6.1.i. of the 1937 Constitution and this may lead to the first successful prosecution in the state as the Sharia Council and mainstream Islam are offended by this group

The Galway City Council planning Dept were not available for comment however the Ombudsman is believed to have been approached for a decision to investigate.

Related Link:
author by KMpublication date Mon Sep 29, 2014 19:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hope you will take up the invitation to write a full article on your Faith and Mosque and publish it here.I think the original article here misrepresented your type of Islam. For how is it right for one Muslim to say another is not a Muslim?I know you represent a peaceful Faith and believe in the separation of Religion and State.

Other Islamic Denominations are also attacked by self-appointed fundamentalists and accused of not being true Muslims.

Heres an article about your Mosque.

European Muslim radicals ‘misguided
Ahmadiyya leader urges peace and humility as he opens community’s first Irish mosque

Europeans volunteering to fight for radical Islam are “misguided”, the world head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has said.
Fifth Khalifa His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who was in Galway to open his community’s first Irish mosque, criticised the “killings and bloodshed”, which conveyed a “negative image” of Islam.

Speaking to The Irish Times after the inauguration, the Ahmadiyya spiritual leader said he was “always upset” by establishment of any radical organisation fighting in the name of Islam, as he had been when al- Qaeda was formed. “Nowadays the world is in total chaos,” he said.

During his one-hour sermon to inaugurate the Masjid Maryam or Mosque of Mary in Ballybrit on Friday, he repeatedly urged his community to pursue a path of “peace, love and humility” and to set an example that would allow the faith to grow. ...

Related Link:
author by Wageslave - Moderatorpublication date Fri Sep 05, 2014 09:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You are free to comment or post articles on this website just like anyone else. This is a self publishing website. We do not write the articles, the public do, I.e. You.

Some member of the public decided to write about your mosque. you are free to respond.

this website has not done anyone any injustice. It has merely provided a self publishing service to the public free of charge. It has also provided a commentary which allows you to freely respond to the article (as you have done). If you feel the article is unfair and should not be published then report it telling us exactly why and we will decide if it should stay or not. You are also free to write your own article about your new mosque and publish it here too if you feel like it. this is known as free speech. Avail of it or don't. your choice.

Wageslave (moderator)

author by Imam Ibrahim - Ahmadiyya Muslim community publication date Fri Sep 05, 2014 07:09author email inoonan786 at gmail dot comauthor address Galway Mosque Masjid Maryam , old cottages Bally Brit , galwayauthor phone 0863250291Report this post to the editors

This Sheikh from Layton London belongs to a very serious anti Ahmadi Mosque which
Will have links to radical and milatent Islamic concepts , this sharia council has no legal status
Therefore has no right to demand or suggest that our Mosque should not be called
Mosque ! This is just another attempt by such fanatics to create problems for peaceful
Muslims it is Mosque just accept it ! And alhamdulillah Galways first and only Mosque .
This web site also has done an injustice by not getting the the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islams views and comments regrading the theological postion of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is an ummti nabi ( follower prophet ) of the holy Prophet ( sa) who he himself
Proclaimed would come in the latter days when Islam would start to go into spiritual decline and three times calling him ' nabiullah ( prophet of God) therefore he had to reform Islam he has not brought a religion or a new book our book is the Holy Qur'an our prophet is Muhammad ( sa) our faith is Islam our Kalima is 'la illaha ilillah muhammdurasoolilah ' there is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah . Therefore we are Muslims and our place of worship is a Mosque !!!

Imam Ibrahim Noonan
Imam of Galway Mosque Masjid Maryam

Related Link:
author by nomercyinallahpublication date Thu Aug 28, 2014 09:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They should not be allowed to do what they want if they are not law-abiding..

You sound like an arrogant so and so bobby.

I have no time for sectarianism,civil war will ensue if we let enough of these different muslim tribes in the front door.

When their numbers increase they will not be so peace-loving as this video link of information will illustrate when you click the link below:

As you can see once the muslim population are at 5% they are peaceful and law abiding.

Once they reach 10% they start aggressively making more and more demands to accomodate their way of life even imposing on others who have a different set of values and beliefs.

Once at 20 % you will notice hair trigger rioting,car burnings,lootings and all out mayhem.

Once over 50% you will see civil war ,persecution of christians,like lebanaon,syria and iraq.

author by Bobbypublication date Fri Aug 22, 2014 16:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

''If the Ahmadiyya muslims are law abiding and generally peaceable then they're entitled to build their mosque''

Maybe this is a horribly moot point, but I don't see where you get off thinking you can decide what Muslims can do if they're ' law abiding and generally peaceable'. They can do whatever they want really, I don't know what all this law-abiding nonsense is about..

author by un-nerved by this storypublication date Fri Aug 15, 2014 09:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Salam alaykum

I do not know why you are bringing Douglas Duff into this. Are you trying to suggest that Galway hosted a man who indirectly contributed to the suffering of the citizens of the greater Gaza city area and that because of that, the people of Galway should watch their actions in future, such as not tolerate these “heretics” in Islam.

It’s a bit of a stretch !

author by Gary Boynepublication date Thu Aug 14, 2014 20:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot tell a Municipal Government in a parliamentary democracy what to do.

The Application for Planning Permission by the Galway-based Ahmadiyya Movement must have met the criteria laid down by the Urban Planning Office of Galway County Council.

It took so long to make this state as secular as it is that many people who are ideologically Liberal, left-wing and Progressive will resist any attempts to make rules based on religious teachings.

It doesn't mater if the powerful people in mainstream Islam believe that Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad was a dissident.

A central characteristic of the sort of state I want to live in is toleration of people with different opinions.

author by A Freemanpublication date Thu Jul 31, 2014 21:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If the Ahmadiyya muslims are law abiding and generally peaceable then they're entitled to build their mosque. Irish authorities should take no interest in sectarianism within Islam as grounds for whether planning permission should be granted or not.

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