Independent Media Centre Ireland

Paris Siege author ‘Met Sarkozy in 2009’

category international | eu | opinion/analysis author Sunday January 11, 2015 01:36author by anon

Paris Attacks Echo NATO Gladio Ops

Spun as an anti-Semitic affair in light of Friday’s events at the kosher supermarket, the majority of the mayhem’s victims in fact fell on Wednesday in the Charlie Hebdo massacre, framing events rather in the light of NATO’s past Gladio false flag anti-Communist operations in Western Europe and exposing both the spin and events as the most corrupt of manipulations.

Paris Siege author ‘Met Sarkozy in 2009

Saturday 10 January 2015

Amedi Coulibaly, the reported author of the hostage taking Friday in the east of Paris in which five people were killed, including himself, met former president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009 Le Parisien newspaper reported yesterday.

Coulibaly had met the then president of the republic at the Elysee Palace as part of a youth jobs policy initiative, the French daily reported. The Paris-born Coulibaly was a former trainee employee at Coca Cola in the Paris region but also had a heavy criminal record, a follow-up report today added.

Tale of two sieges
On Friday he was identified as the instigator of one of two simultaneous police sieges that both ended with the deaths of the police targets. Coulibaly had reportedly taken hostages at a kosher supermarket next to the Vincennes Park. Four of the hostages were reported killed in the initial attack and Coulibaly in the ensuing siege. While massive media and police attention was focused on Vincennes, a second siege, 40km north of the city near the CDG airport, saw the two suspects ID’d after the Charlie Hebdo executions reportedly shot and killed by police while exiting their refuge in a printing warehouse, with one employee present upstairs on the Friday afternoon workday. Journalists were turned away from the 2nd siege site, French reports said.

Left to Speculate
Coulibaly, brother of nine sisters, had been released from prison last year after serving less than one year of a five-year term, according to Le Parisien, which fact, along with his being presented to the ex-president despite an extensive criminal record, would be consistent with the profile of a police informer. In the absence of trials -- circumstance which also fits the profile-- we are left to speculate: If an operative, Coulibaly may have been used to ‘muddy the waters’ in the wake of the shocking military-style execution of five leading Leftist journalist cartoonists in their offices near the Place de la Bastille. Coulibaly’s target--a kosher supermarket--enabled the shift of emphasis to the more politic narrative we are now hearing (from Hollande and Valls) of anti-Semitism along with the mourning of ‘fallen police heroes’ (four wounded at Vincennes).

Apropos of informers and false flag operations, two fairly recent precedents come to mind: Likewise there was no trial of the Muslim author of the 2012 terror attack in Toulouse, Mohammed Merah, who was found to have worked as a police informer to the DGSE or DCRI, according to the Italian Il Foglio news. Merah was defenestrated after a similar siege, as was the shooter who in 2002 shot and killed Communist members of the Nanterre city council during their council meeting (a Frenchman, who fell to his death from a window in the Paris Palace of Justice) !

The destabilizing Nanterre city hall attack, which left 8 dead, came in the run-up to presidential elections with a former Trotskyist--Lionel Jospin, the prime minister-- favored to win. After calls for greater security in the wake of the traumatizing violence, Jospin was eliminated in the first voting round. The incumbent Jacques Chirac was re-elected over FN leader and convicted racist Jean Marie Le Pen.

The attack on the Paris newspaper’s offices on Wednesday Jan. 7 saw a dozen killed including five famous Leftist cartoonists, whose satirical covers had recently lampooned the PM Valls as a baton-wielding fascist martinet and the Far-Right National Front Party leaders as black-clad Bavarians.

It came as the journalists assembled for an editorial meeting in their office, suggesting that the attackers had access to inside information in the well-organized, military-style assault leading later to the Beirut-level violence in the decorous streets of Paris, now filled with police, police vans and tanks.

Spun as an anti-Semitic affair in light of Friday’s events at the kosher supermarket, the majority of the mayhem’s victims in fact fell on Wednesday in the Charlie Hebdo massacre, framing events rather in the light of NATO’s past Gladio false flag anti-Communist operations in Western Europe and exposing both the spin and events as the most corrupt of manipulations.

NATO’s Gladio operations in West Europe, especially in Italy, sought to eliminate Leftist political power and to discredit the Italian Communist Party with false flag operations like the Bologna train station bombing and ‘Red Brigade’ attacks, the best known of which was the kidnap and murder of the Italian Christian Democrat PM Aldo Moro, who had been reportedly ready to enter into coalition government with the Communist Party.

At Charlie Hebdo, the editorial director, Stephane Charbonnier (dit Charb), was a longtime Communist Party member and at the time of his death a supporter of the Left coalition of Jean Luc Mellenchon. Several of his murdered colleagues were also either PC members, formerly associated with the Communist newspaper L’Humanite, or supporters of the Left.

Paris’s 11th district, where the newsweekly’s offices are located, has long been the venue for virtually weekly protest demonstrations. Going back to the 19th century, the district was a bastion of the Paris Commune (look it up).

Like Coulibaly, the Charlie Hebdo massacre suspects, the Kouachi brothers, were also Parisians with criminal records and known to police. Cherif Kouachi was the subject of a 2005 TV documentary on radicalisation. His brother Said was a City of Paris garbageman, who reportedly received paramilitary training in Yemen in 2011, and was like Coulibaly on early release from prison. Both of the Parisian brothers had been under police surveillance until last summer 2014.

Although the attackers were masked at the crime scene, they were identified, police said, after both of their IDs were found in the getaway car !

The motives and connections of the two separate groups of men, now deceased, were spelled out in posthumously reported telephone interviews, allegedly done during the sieges, with French channel BFMTV as well as by the C.H. employee Corinne Rey, dit ‘Coco,’ who allowed the armed men to enter the newspaper offices where she worked in the exceptional absence of the regular security detail.

France along with other NATO allies like Turkey and the Gulf States has reportedly thrown its support behind the terrorist groups in Syria in the longstanding regime change operation there against the elected president Assad--reportedly toward the creation of a Greater Israel--which has caused the deaths of 200,000 and the exodus of millions of Syrian refugees.

President Hollande’s government however had recently sought independent ground in announcing its doubts over Russian sanctions and its support of a Palestinian state, presenting a possible additional motive, along with the anti-Communist influence operation, for intervention.

At the same time, the politics of division have hit a new low in Europe with calls from a prominent TV pundidiot for the deportation of Muslims from France.

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