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Irish Judges facing citizens' arrest..? Open Letter to President Higgins seeking Protection.
national |
crime and justice |
news report
Tuesday January 13, 2015 22:07 by Integrity Ireland

Integrity Ireland which was setup to expose and fight corruption in our legal
and justice system has written an Open Letter to President Higgins because of
the unprecedented obstalces and obstructions that they have encountered.
The open letter reproduced below is seeking the protection of the Presidential Office in the
event we have to arrest two of our most senior judges for criminal conspiracy on Friday January
30th next.. There is an abundance of evidence (as most of you already know) of
serious, systemic corruption and criminality being perpetrated on
ordinary citizens by some of the most powerful figures in the land -
most notably by senior Gardai, civil servants and State-sponsored
lawyers - and compounded by the knowing complicity of our Courts.
While 'connected' persons and State employees escape prosecution,
ordinary citizens get intimidated and falsely arrested; legitimate
complaints get suppressed; Court rules are routinely ignored; perjury
and lies are commonplace; documents get amended, altered or forged;
fraudulent Orders are issued by compromised Courts.. and all of this
under the watch and instructions of some of our most senior Judges who
really DO believe they are above the law - possibly because 5 out of 6
of them were appointed by political colleagues without any proper
transparency or competitive 'due process'! See [1]
None of us has the remotest chance of receiving justice in our
individual cases as long as these blatant abuses of the law and the
Constitution go unacknowledged and unaccounted for - and as long as
particular Judges simply 'make it up as they go along'!
Judges are Irish citizens too, and they ARE (supposedly) "subject to the
law and the Constitution". If they engage in corrupt activity or
facilitate criminal acts, then they too are individually complicit in
those crimes and are subject to criminal prosecution. If our so-called
'statutory authorities' and 'elected representatives' are not willing to
properly respond - then we citizens simply have to do it ourselves.
Please share these links far and wide folks - and most especially with
the international media - because it's time for the world to know
first-hand what is really going on in 'dear old Ireland'. Maybe then,
when individual Judges, Gardai, politicians, lawyers and senior civil
servants face the glare of the international media - and the risk of a
citizens' arrest - maybe then we will begin to see some real reforms.
'One by one - together - we CAN make a difference!'
The video letter can be viewed at these links. [2]
Judgements, Threats and Consequences.. an open letter to President Michael D Higgins..
Posted by: I-I Admin at 13:29, January 7 2015.
(See video of letter here..)
Dear President Higgins,
We respectfully write to you today in your role as President of Ireland regarding a grave moral and legislative crisis which threatens to undermine all of the stated values and fundamental principles of our Constitution. We write after having exhausted all other possible avenues of approach to the various ‘Statutory authorities’ and their respective agents, including multiple formal approaches and written complaints to the so-called ‘statutory oversight bodies’ (most notably An Garda Siochána, the Garda Ombudsman Commission and the Irish Courts) who have, without exception, utterly failed in their respective mandates to serve the public and protect and safeguard the Irish Constitution.
I approach you today Sir as a law-abiding Irish citizen, as a concerned husband and father of three children (one with special-needs) and as an active member of the Integrity Ireland community, to seek your personal intervention in a series of alarming incidents and events which are being perpetrated illegally by various agents of the State, including several persons in high office who are embroiled in so many acts of serious and inexcusable malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance as to render their positions in any legislative, service-related or governance roles to be absolutely unconstitutional and illegal, and therefore utterly untenable.
The immediate matters referred to include a succession of criminal acts committed against myself and my family since 2009 including an extended campaign of harassment; intimidation; defamation; physical assaults; death threats and other serious attacks (one of which is linked to an ‘unsolved’ murder which Gardaí have failed to properly investigate) – as well as to the subsequent proven cover-ups and collusion by agents of the State – which (either before or after-the–fact) have been committed with the direct personal knowledge of senior Gardaí up to and including current and previous Garda Commissioners Martin Callinan and Noirin O’Sullivan; with the full knowledge of DPP Clare Loftus and senior members of her staff including the current Chief State Solicitor Eileen Creedon; with the knowledge of Ministers of Justice Alan Shatter TD and Frances Fitzgerald TD; and with the full knowledge of Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD who has, for a period of at least three years, repeatedly failed or refused to meet with us to discuss matters. This, despite us articulating our serious concerns that the lead instigators of the criminal attacks are personally connected to Mr Kenny and/or are aligned with prominent members of local Fine Gael, and are it seems, receiving ‘protection’ and assistance in their criminal activities from State agents, including being apparently immune from criminal prosecution and being facilitated time-after-time in serial abuses of our Courts, while they continue to make an absolute mockery of our so-called justice system.
In context of the above, and in addition to scores of similar sworn complaints as recorded on the Integrity Ireland database, I wish to draw your particular attention to the fact that we have, as of December 22nd 2014, lodged a criminal complaint with An Garda Siochána (copied to Garda Headquarters) under the reporting obligations of Section 19 of the Criminal Justice Act 2011; and in context of Articles 34 & 35 of the Irish Constitution naming two of our most senior Judges (amongst certain others) as being knowing parties to an ongoing conspiracy to pervert the course of justice; incorporating the commission of—and/or the knowing facilitation of—serial incidences of fraud, deception, perjury, contempt of Court, and other unlawful breaches of the Constitution, of the law and of their respective Oaths of Office; as outlined (in part) in the copy of said criminal complaint attached.
Furthermore, inasmuch as I have received notification (as the Plaintiff in a High Court action) to attend an Appeal hearing on Friday January 30th next; and inasmuch as that hearing is scheduled to be heard in utterly improper circumstances that are predicated on an indefensible series of frauds, deceptions and other calculated abuses of position and authority which have been ‘facilitated’ (at the very least) by various agents of the State and members of the Judiciary; and inasmuch as it would now constitute knowing complicity on my part if I were to participate further in these illegal and unconstitutional activities; and inasmuch as we have written scores of formal letters and complaints to all parties concerned concerning the affiliated criminal activities of agents of the State (such as collusion and conspiracy to pervert justice for example); and given we cannot secure any proper responses from those whom we have approached to date; then I write to you Sir as the current President of Ireland, to respectfully advise that if I am to abide by the law and the Constitution, that I cannot – indeed absolutely should not – participate further in these illegal activities such as those which are currently being perpetrated by the aforesaid two senior Judges (and affiliated others) in our Superior Courts.
However, as a courtesy to the Court and as a gesture of respect to the law of the land as it is supposed to be administered – it is my intention to attend the Appeals Court on January 30th next so as not to be adjudged in contempt of Court. As a law-abiding citizen however, I also understand that it is my solemn duty NOT to knowingly participate in illegal, fraudulent or criminal activities – even if instructed to do so by any given Judge (Article 35.2) – and I am therefore stating my position in advance ‘for the record’ and copying the same to the respective parties so that there is no misunderstanding of the position. I therefore respectfully advise of my intention to initiate a citizen’s arrest of any Irish citizen (including any member of the Judiciary) who knowingly participates in or facilitates criminal activity (under the respective legislation) and I now seek your personal assurance that I will receive the full protection of your Presidential Office should any further unconstitutional abuses be visited upon us.
We further seek your assurances that a Presidential Commission of Enquiry will be immediately set up to enquire into the matters referred to herein; to ascertain as to whether or not the aforesaid Judges (amongst certain other members of the Judiciary) should be subject to impeachment proceedings – and whether other named persons in the employ of the State should be removed from Office and prosecuted for criminal offences – to which end we undertake to cooperate fully with any such legitimate enquiry.
It is probably pertinent and appropriate Sir to note that I am fully aware of the terms and conditions of the Defamation Act 2009 and of the consequences of publishing anything which I know to be untrue, and it is in this specific context that I advise of my intention to make this letter—and all materials in my possession that relate to it—freely available for inspection by any investigative, private or public source.
Thank you for your time and consideration Sir. Given the pressing timeline, I respectfully invite a timely response, and commit to being available to meet you personally at short notice.
Caption: Video Id: ntdyh3CL25o Type: Youtube Video Judge Facing Citizens
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' All things considered, and allowing for my efforts to keep her regularly informed about government wrongdoing since she took on the job of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Ireland, on July 25th 2011, I am very rapidly moving towards the firm conclusion that, in reality, Chief Justice Susan Denham is far, far more interested in supporting government crime than she is in using Bunreacht na hEireann (the Supreme Law of the Republic of Ireland) to protect "the people" of the Republic of Ireland from, for example, the growing set of outrageous criminal abuses and crimes that the banksters are imposing on us via our corrupt Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial), and our corrupt legal profession: who continue, with impunity, to refuse me legal representation for ANY of the several extremely serious criminal legal issues I have raised since 1998, such as -- for example -- the unconstitutional legislation connected with Waste Management Amendment Act 2001 referred to in my "An Bord Pleanala Appeal" (Republic of Ireland Government Planning Authority) dated February 21st 2004 referred to at: '
' To the best of my knowledge, blatant, barefaced, and obvious unconstitutional legislation of the kind outlined in my February 21st 2004 "An Bord Pleanala Appeal" at the www address immediately above, is not just criminally unlawful, but criminally unlawful in a way that is treasonously criminal for all of those people primarily responsible for producing and sustaining such legislation. With a grossly corrupt legal profession such as ours, it is little wonder the Banksters can do whatever they like in the line of looting and bullying "the people" of the Republic of Ireland: and do so with total impunity. '
The text in the section just above is from a considerably larger piece at:
Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
"The CESSPIT of government corruption, crime, cover ups, bullying, and impunity we all live in, Chief Justice Susan Denham ..."
Related Email:
Titled "OUR MASSIVE, SOCIALLY-DESTRUCTIVE IMPUNITY PROBLEM", and sent on December 30th 2014 to a selection of Irish lawyers and law-firms, to three members of the Garda Siochana (Republic of Ireland Police), and to Republic of Ireland Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD:
Related "IRISH WATER" Issues:
MOST IMPORTANT of all (in my opinion), our corruption-and-crime-ridden Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) is AGAIN completely ignoring the factual existence of Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann: the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland, and as such the SUPREME LAW of the Republic of Ireland.
Article 6.1 of THE SUPREME LAW of the Republic of Ireland reads (in full) as follows:
"All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good."
Related Internet Search Engine Listing:
('Government USURPING of the right of "the people" of the Republic of Ireland to have the "FINAL" say on "all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good" is completely UNLAWFUL ...')
USURPING: To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force or without legal authority.
so... we get to have a referendums on gay marriage and abortion and toothless lipservice referendums about childrens abstract rights but none on real stuff like staying in the EU, the bank guarantee or privatisation of water or politicians wages!!
Thats political cynicism for you!! But it sure as hell ain't democracy
The text in the section just below has come from a considerably longer piece at the following www location:
Any person can arrest someone who they have reasonable cause is in the act of committing or has committed an "arrestable" offence, that is one punishable by more than 5 years in prison.[20] The arrest can only be effected if the arrestor has reasonable cause that the person will attempt to avoid apprehension by Gardaí and the arrestor delivers the person to Garda custody as soon as is practicable.
"In Ireland powers of arrest are to be found both at common law and in a large number of diverse statutory provisions. These powers for the most part are exercisable only by a member of the Garda Síochána. However, as the Deputy avers, there are situations where any person may effect what is known as a “citizen’s arrest”. The basis for these important powers is set out below.
At common law all persons, including a member of the Garda Síochána, may arrest without warrant any person who has committed or is committing a breach of the peace in his or her presence or any person whom he or she reasonably believes is going to commit a breach of the peace in the immediate future.
Turning to the key statutory provisions in this area, the Criminal Law Act 1997 confers two distinct powers of arrest on any person including a member of the Garda Síochána regarding arrestable offences. “Arrestable offences” in general terms refer to offences which are punishable by imprisonment for five years or more and include an offence of attempting to commit such an offence.
Under section 4(1) of the 1997 Act any person “may arrest without warrant anyone who is or whom he or she, with reasonable cause, suspects to be in the act of committing an arrestable offence.” Section 4(2) provides that where an arrestable offence has been committed, any person “may arrest without warrant anyone who is or whom he or she, with reasonable cause, suspects to be guilty of the offence.”
Where either of these powers is exercised by a person other than a member of the Garda Síochána, two further qualifications apply: the power may only be exercised if the arrestor “with reasonable cause, suspects that the person to be arrested by him or her would otherwise attempt to avoid, or is avoiding, arrest by a member of the Garda Síochána”, and once an arrest has been effected by the ordinary citizen he or she must transfer the person arrested into the custody of the Garda Síochána as soon as possible. This was already the position with respect to the citizen’s common law power of arrest.
Finally, under section 19 of the Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976 any person may arrest a person whom he or she reasonably suspects of being in the act of committing, or having committed, any offence scheduled in that Act, these are offences of the kind associated with terrorism, if committed in Northern Ireland.
The scope of these powers has been examined by the courts and I would refer the Deputy to Professor Dermot Walsh’s text Criminal Procedure published by Thomson Round Hall 2002 for a more detailed treatment of the law relating to the citizen’s powers of arrest." (Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Mr. McDowell))
Internet Search Engine Listing:
"Citizen's arrests in the Republic of Ireland ..."