Independent Media Centre Ireland

#ANTIFA ALERT: NEO-NAZI CORK CASUALS @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails @edlnews @tellmamauk @uaf @bash_da_fash

category cork | racism & migration related issues | news report author Saturday September 03, 2016 17:44author by Irish ANTIFA - ANTIFA Ireland

Cowardly homophobic, racist neo-nazi Cork soccer hooligans need exposing!

#ANTIFA : - Whilst Gaelic Football is the sport of those who oppose discrimination, football (soccer) in Ireland is inhabited by the racist and homophobic far right who glorify assaults on LGBT men and women, and foreigners, following a recruitment campaign by the openly national socialist Ireland First, represented on Twitter by Futboi (i) Adam @futboiadam and Futbol (l) Andrew @futbolandrew. Adam's Twitter timeline openly tweets about murdering black people, and Alan tweets to incite the burning of mosques, all fully aware Ireland's rightwing police force do not police internet hate crimes, not even blatant incitement to murder, nor do Twitter remove most racist accounts.

Following the demise of Pegida Ireland, the miserable failure that it was, Ireland First have copied the EDL in gathering both young and middle aged football hooligans from Ireland's soccer scene, aiming for a menacing political band of thugs who are prepared to use violence on minorities. Many of their trolling Twitter accounts masquerade under the premise of pseudo-parody, while tweeting out language designed to spur-on violent hate crimes, even murder.

Ireland First's Twitter Account (far worse than Britain First): -

Cork's football casuals have heeded the messages of hate from Andrew and Adam, joined by newcomers like Alan, who seems to think that hanging around a gymnasium makes him invincible, and pretending to be "not serious" frees them from all responsibility for their actions.

Bonehill himself, pretended to be parody, when calling for Jewish people to be murdered, but the judge dismissed his conjecture, and quite rightly took his violent anti-Semitic words at face value.

If Alan is a boxer like he claims, sooner or later, the cowardly cretin will sooner or later come up against a hard as nails bare knuckle fighter in the ring from an Irish traveller background, people of whom he frequently badmouths, who will teach the hateful bigot a lesson of manners. Regardless of who or what these racist Irish trolls are, sooner or later they will be unmasked.

CORK ANTIFA: Any info on the real identity of Ireland First's extremist trolls is much appreciated.

This racist and homophobic scumbags in Cork Casuals give Cork a bad name. Cork's genuine football fans should come forward to disown "Alan", "Adam" and "Andrew" (A for Aryan) or whatever their real names are, as they are letting the Republic Down. Ireland didn't fight for its independence just for bigoted EDL-supporting morons to use twitter to abuse refugees, black and Asian people, Eastern Europeans, Irish travellers, gay men and lesbians.

Anybody from the Republic supporting English racial nationalists is a traitor to Irish history, and is desecrating the victims of the Potato Famine, England's anti-Irish genocide. Brave Irish heroes fought in the Spanish Civil War to defeat fascism, not support it.

His #BLUEHAND supporting EDL-loving #bluehand mate, also involved with Cork Casuals, "Futbol Andrew", needs keeping a close eye on by ANTIFA: -

Last not least, the other recruiting sergeant of Ireland First, "Futboi Adam": -

Any info on Andrew, Adam and Alan is gratefully received. Make contact with your local ANTIFA! Whether pretending to be parody or not, their extreme violent racist and homophobic tweets inspire future Anders Breiviks to act upon extremist ideas. Muslim youths have been arrested and charged for satirical comments about bombs - but racial supremacists escape censure for disseminating pro-racist murder tweets.

Go figure......


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