Independent Media Centre Ireland

A Deeper Look at the Cuba Attacks

category international | sci-tech | opinion/analysis author Monday June 10, 2019 08:34author by DeepThought

Is it a computer interface?

In this article I explore the claims that microwaves were responsible for diplomats injuries in Cuba.

I have been exploring the so-called sonic attacks in Cuba which have occurred over the last several years ever sinces Castro’s death. More recently, these attacks have been theorised to be microwave in nature, but this didn’t really explain anything and the notion that this was some form of harrassment against staff didn’t add up. Let me explain that statement. While it seems simple just to turn on a microwave beam and zap people, unfortunately, things don’t quite work that way.

Microwaves Are Not Magic

A microwave beam by itself won’t do much, we observe this every day from satellite broadcasts to mobile phones. In order to cause damage to tissue, we need to convert that beam of energy to electrical current and/or a thermal output. In practice, this means a high degree of control in the far field. The far field being the point where the beam meets an object, such as the human body, some distance from the transmitter. The energy of the incoming beam needs to be matched against the tissue in a process known as impedance matching in order to transfer energy efficiently from the microwave beam to the tissue.

This typically requires control of power at depths which needs to be accurate to the mm and sub-mm levels and a knowledge of the tissue absorbing the RF power. Otherwise either too little energy is transfered, or too much causing burns and the threshold of error is quite small.

These practical considerations alone painted a picture of an overly complex system of tissue mapping, feedback, beam steering and power control which, depending the distance it was operating at could cost billions.

Even the most basic apperatus, operating within a room could cost tens of millions of dollars. Why use something that expensive as a form of harrassment? It made no sense.

Making Sense

Exploring the range of symptoms and injuries reported, it became clear that the common factor was the exploration of tissues around certain areas of the body. Spanning from the brain to the ear, extending to complete paralysis if we include the events in China, this event seemed to be aware of how the human body functioned.

It was here that things became much more obvious, this was not harrassment, but rather these beams could adjust human tissue in various ways resulting in physical effects such as paralysis or even hallucination. The requirements of that implied some form of map and computer employing that map to deliver RF power to these people. This was clearly an interface between a machine and a human.

As a defense program we can potentially understand the goals and objectives of such activity, but at this stage we are at a loss as to who the source is.

Was it Russia? China? The notion it was Cuba themselves seems a little far-fetched, especially after normalisation of relations with the US. The public has not been informed yet. Also, what do we look out for? Is it satellites or ground-based vans?

What impact does this have for Europe? Our governments need to supply us with more information so that we can defend ourselves.

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