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International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

43rd successive Cabhair Swim, Christmas Day , 2019.

category international | history and heritage | event notice author Tuesday November 26, 2019 20:38author by Sharon. - Individual. Report this post to the editors

This will be the 43rd successive Cabhair Christmas Day swim : 1976-2019.

On Christmas Day next (Wednesday 25th December 2019) at 12 noon , the CABHAIR organisation will , for the 43rd successive year, hold a sponsored swim at the 3rd Lock of the Grand Canal , at Inchicore , Dublin (opposite Kelly's 'Blackhorse Inn' pub).
A pic taken in 2010, at the Cabhair Swim. Not expecting that weather this year. Hopefully..!
A pic taken in 2010, at the Cabhair Swim. Not expecting that weather this year. Hopefully..!

Hi !

On Christmas Day next (Wednesday 25th December 2019) at 12 noon , the CABHAIR organisation will , for the 43rd successive year, hold a sponsored swim at the 3rd Lock of the Grand Canal , at Inchicore , Dublin (opposite Kelly's 'Blackhorse Inn' pub) .
All money raised at this event goes directly to the dependants of Irish republican prisoners , as expenses are not claimed or taken by anyone involved.
A turf fire , Irish rebel music , lemonade and mince pies for the kids and 'soup' for the adults will be provided , as usual , and Santa will more than likely pay the event a visit !

If you are in the area between 12 noon and 1pm, hungry , bored or hungover (or looking to acquire a hangover !) then give us a shout. And bring yer togs.... !
A report and pics from the 2018 Swim can be viewed at the 'Related Link' below.


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed Mar 04, 2020 16:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Local!

Apologises for the delay - I had important stuff to be gettin' on with!

Anyway - you should try and find a hobby, as you have waayyy too much time on your hands and are obviously in need of something useful to be doing - but confirming that there are indeed three of us who run the '1169' blog isn't time well spent for you, as that info is freely available on the net, as you discovered when you went trawling for it. You make it sound like you found something that we were trying to keep secret!

And, apparently, you haven't discussed your concerns (!) re the Cabhair Swim with Waterways Ireland? Why not? You obviously have a bee in your bonnet about the event, yet you're not prepared to lift the phone etc to voice those 'concerns' with those you deem to be the authorities that should have the final say re the issue?

Regarding 'not recognising the Republic of Ireland', I fully recognise it but I am aware of the difference between it and the 26 County State. Likewise re the difference between Leinster House and Dáil Éireann - perhaps someone in Waterways Ireland could explain it to you, as you seem to take 'State authority figures' at their word...

Finally (for now!) - Johnny Nash had a hit song in the 70's entitled 'I Can See Clearly Now'. The lyrics would be wasted on you at this time, I'm afraid, but keep them to hand, anyway, as it's early yet. It's only 2020...



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author by johnpublication date Sat Jan 18, 2020 03:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why are you such a prick Local? Just leave the poor woman alone.
Are you and the organisation you represent so threatened by a public swim
that you have to resort to this kind of behaviour attacking this lady?
How sad you are.

Hope all went well with the swim Sharon! :-)

author by Localpublication date Wed Jan 15, 2020 14:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for one of your usual meandering and obfuscating responses.

I was away over New Years for a break so am only getting back to this now.

You must love that song "Wasn't me"?

"On December 4th, we (ie the three of us that run the '1169' blog) " Now you sign off on your 1169 site as "Sharon" some time back (2006-2009 it was "Sharon, John, 'Junior' " your (1169) Twitter states "Sharon John" there is an email address with two numbers indicating your (Sharon, John, Junior) political aspirations connected with that account, So smoke screens and it "wasnt me" indeed

Talk about tying one's self up in knots YOU (Sharon) posted "Anyway, now that that's cleared-up (!) ; I'm* surprised (*that's a reference to myself, by the way, not to any other person or group!) that 'Waterways Ireland' was 'open for business' over the last few days, when you apparently had a conversation with them about the Swim. "

I never stated in my post that I had a "conversation with them about the swim". What I posted was "As for waterways Ireland well I am sure you're aware that your event is/was in breach of of the by-laws". So just to avoid YOU getting confused... The by-laws are on their website and online.

As for this "Finally, I'm puzzled as to why you wrote that "(I) don't recognise the right of our government or nation to exist", and look forward (genuinely!) to your explanation for that claim" More semantics on your (Sharon, John, Junior) behalf lol

You (Your organisation your, blog) do not recognise the Republic of Ireland, you (Sharon, John, Junior) consistently refer to it as "the 26 County State", "Free State" etc. You (etc) do not recognise "Dail Eireann" (Members of which have been elected by citizens of our nation) you refer to it in varying terms as "Leinster House" etc see the extracts from your (Sharon, John, Junior etc) blog.

Not to worry in any case, until you put your policies to the electorate of the Republic of Ireland Indymedia can be your sounding box.

I will check in again in December for any notification of this event..... please feel free to post some more meanderings


From your (Sharon, John, Junior) own blog are various examples.

This one from 2016 makes it clear where you (Sharon, John, Junior etc) stand with regards to our nation.

"By "Dáil Éireann", the author was referring to Leinster House, which are two different institutions : the description of the current Leinster House assembly as being "the Thirty-second Dáil" is incorrect as the First and Second Dáil Éireann were parliaments of a 32-county republic whereas the 30th Leinster House institution now assembled is only a 26-county Free State assembly and there is no "Constitution of Ireland" (there is, however, a Free State constitution and a later 26-county document which purports to be 'the Constitution of Ireland').

Plenty more

"FACT .......

....... The All-Ireland (32 County) Dail continued to function underground until 1938 , when it delegated its executive powers to the Army Council of the IRA , in accordance with a resolution of the First Dail in 1921 . With the 1969 split , Tom Maguire , the last and faithful survivor of the All-Ireland Dail stated that the Provisional IRA was the successor of the 1938 body - similarly , following the 1986 split , he nominated the Continuity IRA as the legitimate IRA . Tom Maguire died in 1993 , aged one-hundred-and-one (101) ." (George Washington's axe and Trigger's brush pops to mind with this post....)

Then "No , it's not: whether the IMF are here or not, not one person fought or died , in 1916, for the establishment of a 26-County so-called 'republic'...."
And even those who, a short few years after the 1916 Rising, shouldered weapons in a campaign to ensure the establishment of just such an entity must surely be equally sickened to see that their political 'cousins' in Leinster House could not maintain the falsehood represented by a false and immoral 26 County 'Ireland'.

More "Then on June 16th he says that Minister Michael D'Arcy would not take a place on the platform for the launching of Feile na Gael in Gorey by GAA President , Paddy Buggy . The Gorey Saint Patrick's Day parade was not the only one affected by the new Government policy : Patrick Cooney , the Minister for Defence , ordered members of the 26 County defence forces not to take part in any Saint Patrick's Day parades where members of Sinn Fein were directly involved in reviewing it or organising it ." Note "26 County Defence Forces" should read "Óglaigh na hÉireann"

More still "In March 1973, IRA leader Joe Cahill was arrested by the Free State Navy in Waterford, aboard the Claudia, a ship from Libya loaded with five tons of weapons, and was sentenced to three years imprisonment, and another IRA leader, Seamus Twomey, was appointed IRA Chief of Staff" NOTE : "MARCH 1973 FREE STATE NAVY"

More still "I should of course have remembered that Fine Gael , like every political party in Leinster House , are 'good politicians' in the sense that , once bought, they stay bought , despite making noise now and again to the opposite effect. My faith in the Free State political system has been restored."

2019: "But, as expected from such a shabby and false institution as the Free State institution was then, and still is, it was (and is) 'evolution of the self' that O'Higgins and his Free State colleagues were interested in."

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Dec 30, 2019 17:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi again, 'Local/Paul'!

Lol! You have tied yourself up in knots, in the hope of 'proving' something that doesn't exist!

On December 18th last, we (ie the three of us that run the '1169' blog) wrote , on that blog - "We'll actually be here (ie at the 2019 Swim) with a group of our colleagues, comrades and friends, observing as a good deed and brilliant fund-raiser takes place in the great outdoors.." There is a difference between 'observers' and 'organisers', regardless of whether you agree or not that there is such a difference.

On December 4th, we (ie the three of us that run the '1169' blog) wrote , on that blog - "And they've done it again ; on the 25th December next, the 43rd successive Swim will be held.." (ie 'they' being the Swim organisers) and the blog reference to "our second job" is in relation to the blog team "helping out" with the Swim ; the word "our" being a reference to the blog team.

The "we" and "our" that you declared as being in reference to the Swim organisers are actually in reference to the '1169' blog team, but I can understand that that fact might not sink in (bad pun intended!) to someone who wrote about watching an event which they then stated had been "stopped" from occurring in the first place (!) but, indeed, you had quoted us as writing on the blog that "..we're helping them (ie the blog team helping the Swim organisers) to distribute leaflets and sponsorship cards etc" yet, having quoted the blog as such, you still managed to trip yourself up by confusing our use of the terms "we" and "ours"?

Also, another quote you used from the blog - "The organisers were then notified that a vehicle, carrying two other swimmers and some supporters, had been stopped en route to the swim site and confiscated, leaving the passengers stranded..." (from the '1169' blog, dated Thursday, December 26, 2019) : note that that blog post didn't state that 'I was then notified that a vehicle etc..', nor did it state that 'We were then notified that a vehicle etc..' - instead, it referred directly to "the organisers" having been notified but still, somehow (!), that short sentence confused you.

Re the car (or "the jalopy", as you called it) - one such 'jalopy' was indeed on site, as is evident from one of the pics we posted on the blog. But - obviously (!) - rather than offend you again, the vehicle confiscators obviously decided to prevent any other such 'jalopy' appear on site least they* occur your wrath (!) by permitting two such not-to-your-liking vehicles park there. You tipped them off last year that you prefer a Porsche/posh car over a Yaris and I suppose they* were only trying to make your Christmas a good one. (*re 'they' - my use, in the above paragraph, of the word 'they', is in reference to the vehicle confiscators, and not to the Swim organisers. Just sayin', like, in the hope that you won't be further confused...!)

Anyway, now that that's cleared-up (!) ; I'm* surprised (*that's a reference to myself, by the way, not to any other person or group!) that 'Waterways Ireland' was 'open for business' over the last few days, when you apparently had a conversation with them about the Swim. Well done, you - with your perseverance, you should be put in charge of some Leinster House Department or other, if you're not already...

Finally, I'm puzzled as to why you wrote that "(I) don't recognise the right of our government or nation to exist", and look forward (genuinely!) to your explanation for that claim but not, hopefully, before you study the 'Related Link', below.

Thanks, 'Local/Paul' - a pleasure chattin' with ya!


Related Link:
author by Localpublication date Sat Dec 28, 2019 16:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi shaon,

I posed my questions to you because you are one of the organisers (you use the terms "we" and "our" in your notifications.

"Our second ‘job’, already started, involves helping-out with the behind-the-scenes work entailed in organising the yearly Ard Fheis , which will take place in a Dublin venue, over the weekend of the 16th and 17th of this month…

..and our third (and final!) ‘gig’ which, again, we have already started, is in connection with the 43rd successive Cabhair Swim(1976-2019) ; this fund-raiser will be taking place, as usual, on Christmas Day, and a fair bit of organising goes into it, by the committee involved, and we’re helping them to distribute leaflets (pictured) and sponsorship cards, collecting the Christmas Day ‘goodies’, which are donated by the local shops, pubs and businesses, organising lifts there and back etc."

As for the reason the vehicle was stopped and allegedly confiscated you stated "
And I suspect that vehicle was confiscated because those doing the confiscating were aware that it was a "little jalopy" that was due to be "parked by the railings" of the Swim site.." unlikely as the jalopy you refer to was already parked there. lol.

As for waterways Ireland well I am sure you're aware that your event is/was in breach of of the by-laws

Your event may not have been stopped fully this year as I erroneously inferred but it was "half hearted" despite the spirits. You also did state "but the State 'blockade' had been a 'success' : dozens of people, who had made their way to the swim site from either the Inchicore, Bluebell, Naas Road, Benbulbin Road/Drimnagh direction were either stopped or deterred from going further by one or other of the State obstacles, thus drastically reducing the crowd in attendance." So technically the event was stopped being what you wanted it to be.

As for your assumption I wasnt watching well I actually did notice, having left my home close by to visit family, the very low key attendance and was waiting for your report.

So as one of the organisers of this event thank you for responding although your avoidance of directly answering the questions posed clearly highlight that you did not have permission for the event. Is your "charitable organisation" registered with the regulator?

As for your "un-natural" state reasoning if you were/are that concerned your swim would be for the people mentioned or you would actually put your policies to the test in front of the people of the country, oh wait you wont because you don't recognise the right of our government or nation to exist.

As a local I am entitled to query the use of our amenities.


author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sat Dec 28, 2019 14:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi (again*), 'Local/Paul'!

No, 'Local/Paul' - the event wasn't "stopped", as I stated in the post you replied to ; it was interfered with, but not "stopped".
And I believe any State deserves to be called "an unnatural State" when its citizens are forced into a position where they eat food from a foodbank from a cardboard 'plate' on the footpath, because it's either do that or go hungry.
Re "permission from waterways Ireland" - ask the organisers, 'Local/Paul', or ask "waterways Ireland", and/or ask the people throughout the State if they have "permission" to swim and picnic on such spots during Summer time (but perhaps best not to do so while on site with them!).

And I suspect that vehicle was confiscated because those doing the confiscating were aware that it was a "little jalopy" that was due to be "parked by the railings" of the Swim site...(*) !

Finally (for now, at least!), 'as a local who has watched this event take place every year...' , you obviously didn't do so this year as you are of the opinion that the event was "stopped" : I don't think the organisers would hold it again just for your edification, 'Local/Paul', but sure you could ask them when you're querying them re 'permission' received?
Good luck with that - and a Happy New Year to you as well!

(* - see 'Related Link' , below.)



Related Link:
author by Localpublication date Thu Dec 26, 2019 22:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This event was allegedly stopped by what the author describes as an "unnatural state". Un-natural to who? A minority?

Did the organisers have permission from waterways Ireland to conduct this event for an alleged charity?

An interesting comment from the link provided?

The organisers were then notified that a vehicle, carrying two other swimmers and some supporters, had been stopped en route to the swim site and confiscated, leaving the passengers stranded. " why was the vehicle confiscated as alleged? Was it untaxed? Was the driver a provisional licence driver? So many legitimate reasons to confiscate a vehicle.

As a local I have watched this event take place every year, so it's interesting to note developments.

Happy New Year

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Thu Dec 26, 2019 20:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors


The Cabhair Swim went ahead yesterday, Christmas Day 2019, almost as planned - nature was very kind to us but the State (the 'unnatural') wasn't (as expected) and, although improvised in part, the event - the 43rd successive 'gig' - was held, and was a success, despite the efforts of others.

A few words and pics can be seen at the 'Related Link', below.



Related Link:
author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Dec 22, 2019 18:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors


I have been asked to mention that Cabhair swimmers will also be belly-flapping (!) their way to raising a few bob in Wexford, at Rosslare Strand, on Christmas Eve at 11am.
As with the Dublin event, on-lookers welcome!



Another pic from the 2010 Cabhair 'Big Freeze' swim in Inchicore, Dublin on Christmas Day that year!
Another pic from the 2010 Cabhair 'Big Freeze' swim in Inchicore, Dublin on Christmas Day that year!

Related Link:
author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed Nov 27, 2019 15:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi again!

So far (but it's early yet!) , four swimmers have been sponsored for this event, and 400 leaflet packs, each containing at least three republican-themed leaflets, have been distributed in the Swim area. The usual 'goodies' have been donated by shops and pubs in Inchicore, Ballyfermot, Walkinstown etc, and the 'lemonade' from Donegal has been organised!

The Cabhair Christmas Crew are way ahead of themselves and are expecting another successful event!


Four-hundred leaflet packs - between 1,200 and 1,500 leaflets - have been distributed in connection with this Cabhair Swim.
Four-hundred leaflet packs - between 1,200 and 1,500 leaflets - have been distributed in connection with this Cabhair Swim.

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