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offsite link Don?t Expect Abolishing NHS England to Change Anything Fri Mar 14, 2025 17:05 | In-house doctor
Keir Starmer dramatically announced the closure of NHS England this week. But don't expect anything to change, says the Daily Sceptic's in-house doctor. It's returning us to the NHS pre-2012, which was no better.
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offsite link Starmer Set to Relax Ban on Hybrids in Electric Car Climbdown Fri Mar 14, 2025 15:00 | Will Jones
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offsite link No. 10 Slaps Down Reeves After She Blames Trump for UK Economic Woes Fri Mar 14, 2025 13:12 | Will Jones
Downing Street has contradicted Rachel Reeves with an insistence that Donald Trump?is not responsible for the UK economy's dire straits, despite the Chancellor earlier indicating the US President was to blame.
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offsite link Mark Steyn?s Vanquishing of Michael Mann Continues Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:00 | Tilak Doshi
Mark Steyn's last laugh against climate scientist Michael Mann keeps getting louder. Now, in an eviscerating judgment, a judge has ruled that Mann and his counsel acted in "bad faith" to an "extraordinary extent" during the libel trial against Mark.
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offsite link Why is Rachel Reeves Cutting Benefits Before Defunding Gay Porn Studies? Fri Mar 14, 2025 09:00 | Charlotte Gill
Rachel Reeves is eyeing ?6 billion of welfare cuts in the spring Budget. But why cut benefits and winter fuel allowances when you're still funding 'gay porn studies' and 'queer archives', wonders Charlotte Gill.
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Rolling Covid-19 Health Information

category national | health / disability issues | news report author Sunday May 10, 2020 01:10author by 1 of indy Report this post to the editors

This page will contain updates and tips on how to stay health and any known measures to boost the immune system and help prevent getting ill from Covid if you are in he vulnerable group. The key advice though is to boost your immune system by taking Vitamin C and Zinc. Vitamin D which can be generated by your body's skin in sunshine is also very good and is well known to protect. Getting outdoors into fresh air and walking, hiking or swimming are all also excellent ways to improve your immunity. Eating good nutritious food rather than junk food is another important component of boosting your immune system.

Role of Vitamin D

This paper: Optimisation of Vitamin D Status for Enhanced Immuno-protection Against Covid-19 here. from the Irish Medical Journal outlines how Vitamin D or being in the sunshine helps boost your immune system.

This is completely contrary to the government advice to older people to stay indoors where their immune system will steadily go down

From this report

It reports:

As a public health specialist at the National Institutes of Health, I outlined how a lack of sun-induced vitamin D in the winter and early spring leads to epidemic acute respiratory infections (and this probably includes viruses like COVID-19). That review, cited almost a thousand times, argued that groups with low vitamin D levels -- the obese and the elderly and those with dark skin -- may require 5,000 IU of vitamin D each day to obtain the 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of 50 ng/mL that appear to protect against viral respiratory infection.

A government-sponsored research strategy to address this issue has not been developed, as officials explained that there was no mandate to explore an alternative to the existing vaccination program. However, other researchers picked up the ball and provided convincing evidence that vitamin D could reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infection.

Update 3: More Studies Supporting for Vitamin D

“Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study”

Summary provided here: says:

So, what were the results?

Among the 26 participants who did not receive vitamin D, 13 were admitted to the ICU (50%), and two died (8%). Of the 50 participants who did receive vitamin D, only one individual (2%) was admitted to the ICU, and no-one died.

On the face of it, these results are pretty damn impressive! Vitamin D supplementation resulted in a 48% absolute reduction in risk of ICU admission, and a 100% relative reduction in risk of dying! If that isn’t an effective cure for covid-19, then I don’t know what is.

Covid-19 Cures

Hydroxychloroquine is a drug widely used for malaria. It is a mass produced, safe and very effective treatment for Covid-19. It is readily available and cheap. It has been used by the Chinese and has been shown to cure Covid-19 after treatment and have significant benefits within hours. The cost of Hydroxychloroquine works out at approximately 10 cents. Keeping people in hospital can goes up to €1000 per day.

Instead government have opted to go for invasive treatments like intubation (i.e. respirators) which is highly intrusive and can trigger off inflammation in the lungs. Only a small percent of those who go on respirators survive. On the other hand hydroxychloroquine is being ignored. This is criminal negligence.

Update 1:
According to this report, black people who may have some immunity to malaria because of a genetic adaptation may turn out that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous for them because of the bio-chemistry.

Did Widespread Use of Hydroxychloroquine to Treat COVID Kill Thousands With a Genetic Adaptation to Malaria?
A portion of black and Mediterranean men has an enzyme deficiency that makes HCQ dangerous for them

Update 2:
See: Dr. Meryl Nass Discovers Hydroxychloroquine Experiments Were Designed to Kill COVID Patients – How Many Were Murdered?
Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than safe of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units
Full story at:

Lockdown Lowers Immune System

You must boost your immune system. The immune system needs to be constantly challenged. Therefore it is healthy to be out and about. Staying in doors and not getting any exercise, fresh air or sunshine means your immune system will steadily go down.

The longer people stay locked down, the greater impact on mental health as well. There will be a second of illness from all the people staying locked down and because of lower immunity they are at a greater chance of getting all types of diseases. For people who already are borderline developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes and various aliments run a very high risk of tipping full blown into these conditions and will die but it will not be from Covid but because of the lockdown.

The Fallacy of Wearing Face Masks

Unless you actually have Covid and or you are seriously ill with some disease and in the presence of someone with Covid, then you probably should wear a mask. However in order to keep the myth that Covid is more deadly than it really is, governments everyone need to protect themselves from the inevitable blacklash and probable court cases, they therefore need to keep the myth going and that is the only reason they are promoting the wearing of masks. Doctors who echo their line are either just keep one eye on their careers and or are just spineless and corrupt. In a general sense the medical establishment has sold out to big money interests long ago in the form of big pharma and all they are doing just like the church did, is destroying their reputation and credibility in the long run. However not medical people have weak minds and this US former surgeon (do note he is retired and probably would have said nothing if still working) says: Former neurosurgeon says masks are ineffective against COVID-19 and can cause health problems

This is from the report link above:

Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote for Technocracy that people who aren't sick should not wear a face mask. The publication of his opinion piece comes as more businesses and locales make masks a requirement, such as in Los Angeles where residents are now required to wear a mask when they leave their homes.

Blaylock said that since there have not yet been any studies of the effectiveness of masks in slowing or preventing COVID-19 transmission, the best thing that can be done is to look at what impact masks have been proven to have against the flu. He cited a 2012 analysis on this point:

As for the scientific support for the use of face mask, a recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that, "None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection."

Blaylock noted that people wearing the most effective masks, N95 respirators, are at risk of negative effects of having their oxygen intake limited for extended periods of time.

Vaccination and Old People

In an interview on the Lancet Voice podcast (Eps 11 May 20th) Arne Akbar Professor of Immunology at UCL, London pointed out that the vast majority who get severe disease are older. He said: It is well known that vaccination doesn't work very well in older people as the immune system goes downhill as you get older and is very hard to energise after vaccination. It wont work equally well in young and old people which is why other therapies should be considered. These should include anti-virals. Drugs to subdue parts of the immune system can be used since people with severe disease over react with inflammation because immune system is not as controlled and these drugs can be used to turn down the inflammation. A Key factor in the whole disease is the aging aspect in the fact that aging and vaccination are not very good together. This thereby verifies that the obvious approach should be to find ways to boost the immune system in both old and young people and this should be strongly encouraged but it is not given near enough emphasis as vaccination.

Related Stories of Note:
Swedish PM says face masks for Covid-19 offer ‘false sense of security’ to wearers

6.3 Million Will Develop Tuberculosis as a Result of COVID-19 Lockdown, 1.4
Million Will Die

Global anti-TB effort will be set back 5-8 years

Lockdown Will Kill an Additional 18,000 Cancer Patients That Wouldn’t Have Died Otherwise, Cancer Doctors Calculate
That's just in the next 12 months

The Way ‘COVID Deaths’ Are Being Counted Is an Attrocity
When we needed autopsies more than ever steps were taken to curb them

EXPLOSIVE: “It’s All Bullshit,” Russia’s Coronavirus Information Chief Says of Virus Fears
“It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality. Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know

Spain revises virus death toll DOWN by nearly 2,000

Unvaccinated Children are Healthier than Vaccinated Children – Most Censored Topic in the U.S.?

Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries

PDF Document Optimisation of Vitamin D Status for Enhanced Immuno-protection Against Covid-19 0.39 Mb

Caption: Video Id: Avc6_ftzk3w Type: Youtube Video
Prof. Dolores Cahill talks about many ways of curing the virus and how to boost your immune system

author by tpublication date Thu May 14, 2020 14:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dallas Physician Heals COVID Patients Successfully with non-FDA Approved Hydroxychloroquine

Dr. Ivette C. Lozano from Dallas, Texas recently addressed a crowd during a rally to express her frustration over successfully treating COVID patients.

She claims that patients were coming to her because they were being turned away from hospital emergency rooms and other doctors, and were simply being told to go home and quarantine themselves “to save the rest of society” without getting any treatment.

Dr. Lozano said she received no help from the American Medical Association, the Texas Medical Association, or the Dallas County Medical Association on how to treat COVID patients.

She explains how she heard about Hydroxychloroquine from the President Trump press briefings, and how this drug had been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients in other countries. It is a drug with a 60-year history of being safe, and it is inexpensive.

So she started prescribing it to her patients, and they were feeling better and symptom-free within 24 hours.

Full story at:

Related Link:
author by fppublication date Sat May 16, 2020 13:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's the Lockdown not the Virus that Threatens us

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