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An Open Letter To The Lamestream Media

category national | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Tuesday September 21, 2021 22:38author by F. Makay Report this post to the editors

If you believe the government will lift the restrictions in October, I have beachfront property in Switzerland I can sell to you.

I firmly believe there are a lot more worse lockdowns coming instead unless the public unite to say no.


We all know the “pandemic” is based on PCR test results right? But what did the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, say about it? There’s a video interview of him on youtube you can watch, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWOJKuSKw5c …or just type in ‘What Kary Mullis says about PCR testing - some take away lessons for #COVID19?’ ), wherein he said

“you can find anything in anybody”

“if you can amplify a single molecule up to something you can measure, which the PCR test can do, there’s very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of in your body. So that could be thought of as a misuse of it to claim that it is meaningful.”

“PCR is a just a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something.”

“It doesn’t tell you that you are sick.”

Here is another link where you’ll see that on the 21st of July last, the CDC said they will withdraw the PCR test after the 31st of December 2021. They acknowledged that the PCR test did not differentiate between Covid 19 and the flu, which is a bit of an understatement in my considered opinion. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html

So on the basis that you can just make up whatever results you like with a PCR test, the “Pandemic” upon which it is based must surely also be fake.

And what about the Irish Examiner’s 3rd of July 2020 article, in which they quoted Leo Varadkar’s description of HIQA’s overestimation of Covid deaths as being “interesting but not a surprise.”

The article also stated that, “Mr Varadkar said: "In Ireland we counted all deaths, in all settings, suspected cases even when no lab test was done, and included people with underlying terminal illnesses who died with Covid but not of it."

The article stated the Tánaiste said “this skewed the numbers but was the right method as the "priority is to save lives not look good in league tables."

If you have read Daniel Estulin’s authorised book on the Tavistock Institute (Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the masses) or Edward Bernays’ “Propaganda” book, like I have, I’m guessing you would think like I do that those comments by Varadkar are a masterclass in gaslighting.

So what is really going on you might ask. Being told the virus won’t infect you if you’re sitting down mask-less in a restaurant, but it can if you stand up, is clearly ridiculous, isn’t it?

I have beachfront property in Switzerland that I can sell to anyone who believes that NPHET will be shut down (As reported by the Irish Independent on August the 28th), and the government will lift the restrictions in October.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that the general public are being put into a mass Stockholm syndrome situation. They can be likened to a woman in an abusive situation. The State could be likened to the abusive partner who isolates them from their social circle via lockdowns and social distancing, and then solidifies the Stockholm syndrome with occasional acts of kindness like the lifting of the abusive Covid restrictions from time to time.

But each time the noose is loosened, a harder tightening follows, until eventually it all leads to a tragic result for the victim whose will has been completely broken down by then.

Based on my findings, from official sources, I firmly believe there are a lot more worse lockdowns to come instead, unless the public unite to say enough is enough, and here is why.

There are enormous elephants in the room that have been ignored by the media to date, namely

1. The Great Reset. The head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab wrote three books on the subject, namely ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, ‘Reshaping The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, and….wait for it…..‘Covid -19: The Great Reset’.

In ‘Reshaping The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ Schwab states that “since 2020 we are in the fourth revolution, where eventually everything will be centrally managed”. Sounds like communism already doesn’t it?

It will be up to Klaus’ ‘stakeholder’ friends how everything will be distributed.

As well as not being allowed to drive your own car, other things you can look forward to include, becoming a cyborg, tiny living in giant mega cities, augmented and virtual reality surrounding us, a complete lack of privacy, robot police, and meat eating being a rare treat, and that’s not all.

I don’t see any room for old people in the circular gig economy Schwab advocates, as constant job re-training will be required.

It also seems to me that the majority of the World’s population may be surplus to the requirements of this system, as robots will be doing everything seemingly.

2. Technology & Industry The next massive elephant in the room that has been ignored by the media are the Four scenarios for the future of technology and industrial development that were published by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010. The Rockefeller foundation website linked them to this site


I believe each of the scenarios have elements that seem to be coming into play now. They admit they’re not mutually exclusive.

The first strange thing you should notice is they depict the countries of the world in binary, like the Matrix movie!

In the introductory letter, its President, Judith Rodin says “We believe that scenario planning has great potential…..to simulate and rehearse important decisions”

On page 9 of the document they say the “scenarios are not predictions. Rather, they are thoughtful hypotheses that allow us to imagine, and then to rehearse, different strategies..”

As is usual for the elite publications I’ve read, there is concern about population growth. At page 13 it states “One demographic certainty is that global population growth will continue and put pressure on energy, food, and water resources.”

As I stated before, they admit the scenarios will not be mutually exclusive. On page 14 they state “the future will be shaped by multiple forces playing out over time.”

On page 15 they promote the supposed benefits of ‘global political and economic alignment’ (sounds like World government to me).

From page 18, they describe their “Lockstep” scenario. In it, they describe “a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback in a fictional pandemic scenario”.
On the Rockefeller Foundation website they admit “Now that we’re well into a real pandemic, we see some chilling similarities between our current Zoom-centered world and Lockstep.”
The pandemic they describe in it sounds very similar to the “pandemic” we are experiencing now, and even refers to global supply chains being broken, mandatory mask wearing, body temperature checks in public places, shops and offices being left empty for months, and China faring better than other countries and thus re-opening their economy faster. All of these effects have either recently happened, or are happening in real life now. Remember this was all published over eleven years ago in 2010!

Lockstep also referred to India outlawing high emitting cars to improve the air quality. In real life we are now witnessing the narrative being switched to talk of climate lockdowns.

For example, on the 21st of October 2020, a mere few months after the “pandemic” started, the World Business Council for sustainable development reposted an article on their website entitled “avoiding a climate lockdown”. Here is the link

The membership of the world business council for sustainable development includes many of the fortune 100 corporations.

The article states that “in the near future the world may need to resort to lockdowns again- this time to tackle a climate emergency……. “under a climate lockdown, governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently”.
Although the article seems to have a veneer of being against climate lockdowns, it nevertheless gives us an idea of what they would be like if implemented. And it seems to me it is are arguing for Schwab’s Great Reset to be implemented when it states “To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently”.

The narrative that lockdowns are helping the planet heal has been spun since very early on in the “pandemic”.

Here are some examples:

18 March 2020:

April 11 2020:

June 5 2020:
https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/how-coronavirus-lockdown-helped-nature-to-heal-even-if-temporarily-from-human-damages-2652815.html This article claimed that dolphins were seen swimming in the port of Venice.

17 September 2020:
https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/20/debunked-video-does-not-show-dolphins-in-venice-s-canals-thecube This article debunks that claim that dolphins were seen swimming in the port of Venice by saying “The video was actually taken in the port of Cagliari in Sardinia, around 750 km away from Venice.”

29 December 2020:

3 March 2021:
https://web.archive.org/web/20210303160620/https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/03/global-lockdown-every-two-years-needed-to-meet-paris-co2-goals-study This one actually calls for climate lockdowns every two years.

30 March 2021:

Getting back to the Rockefeller “Lockstep” scenario……It also talks about the rise of virulent nationalism which is something the real life media are quite obsessed about now.

In describing life under “lockstep” they describe a fictional Indian girl being tempted to dip her tow in the Ganges before deciding against it because it was illegal to enter it. This ties in with the Climate lockdowns that are now being proposed.

The “Clever Together scenario refers to a fictional flooding of New York City. In real life we just had Hurricane Ida causing the same effect.

Fake meat is mentioned in their description of “Life in Clever Together””. In real life fake meat is being promoted.

The next scenario which is entitled “Hack Attack” brings the recent cyber ransom attacks on the HSE and others around the World to mind.
It refers to a doom decade of sudden disasters, the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan where the Taliban seized power again (that just happened), food shortages (now reported in the U.K and elsewhere), tainted vaccines (In real life we just had tainted Moderna vaccines withdrawn in Japan. Here is a Reuters report about that
Here are some quotes from that August 28th Reuters report
“Two people died after receiving Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine shots that were among lots later suspended following the discovery of contaminants, Japan's health ministry said”
“Japan halted the use of 1.63 million Moderna doses shipped to 863 vaccination centres nationwide, more than a week after the domestic distributor, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co (4502.T), received reports of contaminants in some vials”

If you look into this matter, you will find that the contaminants they found were magnetic metal in nature. This is interesting in light of the reports worldwide of magnets and metal objects sticking to people, and in respect of the transhumanist agenda that is unfolding.

Getting back to the Rockefeller Foundation “Hack Attack” scenario from 2010….It refers to hackers taking down corporations, banks and government systems, and the have/have not gap widening. We’re seeing that now with the record profits Jeff Bezos and others are enjoying while the rest of us are losing our jobs and businesses, and the recent hack attacks on the HSE and others I’ve already mentioned.

The final Rockefeller scenario is called “Smart Scramble”
It talks about the U.S losing its credibility and status on the international stage, which is something we are seeing now, over eleven years later.

In the conclusion of the four Rockefeller scenarios document they state “these scenarios have served to kick-start the idea generation process” So you’d be forgiven for thinking the scenarios might be actual plans they meant to carry out.

3.Another massive elephant in the room is the elite’s obsession with population control. Why don’t we hear very much about this May 24 2009 article?

This came out about a year before the Rockefeller scenarios.
Here are some quotes from it to chew on…
“SOME of America's leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world's population”
“The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder,”
“Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America's wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey”

This meeting and books like Obama’s science czar Paul Ehrlich’s ‘The Population Bomb: Population control or the race to oblivion?’ are not isolated examples of this kind of elite thinking in my considered opinion. Population control is quite foremost in their minds in my considered view. Kissinger’s ‘National Security Study Memorandum 200’ is an another example. As is what the top technologists in the World had to say in the following wired magazine article “Why the future doesn’t need us” (https://www.wired.com/2000/04/joy-2/)

4. Another huge elephant in the room that is being ignored is the flawed basis upon which the “pandemic” is based, namely the PCR test. I’ve already referred you to what the inventor of it said.

So what’s it all about? It seems very clear to me from reading the Rockefeller scenarios from 2010 and Klaus Schwab’s books that it might all just be a trojan horse to bring about their dystopian Great Reset 4th industrial revolution. And it seems to me that lockdowns are being used to destroy businesses and make the public totally dependant on the State, so they can build back better for their Great Reset.

I challenge the entire media to read those documents and research the links I have given, and then broadcast your own honest conclusions.

You would think a book by the WEF chairman that is entitled ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’ would be widely discussed by the media, but it hasn’t been. Why not?
The narrative now being spun worldwide is that it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. With 90% of the Irish adult population now fully vaccinated, can someone plausibly explain how the remaining 10% unvaccinated can infect them?
What vaccinated people should do when they start getting sick is look at their healthy unvaccinated friends. How many times have we seen it reported that people have been hospitalised for Covid, despite being double jabbed? Look into how the highest cases of Covid are in countries with the highest vaccination rates, Israel being the most obvious example.
And can someone please explain to me how a virus cannot infect you if you’re sitting maskless at a restaurant table, but it can infect you if you stand up.
Should we replace kids’ desks at school with restaurant tables, so they can sit down without a mask?
What the mainstream “experts” are telling us is not science in my opinion. It is the scientism that the inventor of the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk, Julian Huxley, and H.G Wells et al. proposed should be the new religion. It’s make it up as you go along b.s to serve the elite’s agenda of bringing in their dystopic great reset, in my considered opinion.
Here is a link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa3G8aLky-Q) to a video of Klaus Schwab being interviewed in 2015, in which he says and I quote
“And you see, the difference of the fourth industrial revolution is, it doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes you. If you take genetic editing just as an example, it’s you who are changed. And, of course, this has a big impact on your identity.”
Seems obvious to me that he’s talking about transhumanism. It’s another obsession of the elite. And now we see videos of people online with magnets sticking to them. All you have to do is set up a google alert for “transhumanism” and you’ll get reams of stuff on it in your inbox. Or just read the celebrated inventor and futurist, Ray Kurzweil’s books ‘The Age of spiritual machines’, ‘The singularity is near’, ‘The singularity is nearer’, and ‘Fantastic Voyage’ etc.
If any ordinary people think they’ll get this life extension technology, my beachfront property in Switzerland is still available at a good price for them.
Regardless of whether you’re in favour of the experimental gene therapy or not, is this the dystopic future you want for your kids and grandchildren?
The experimental gene therapies are dangerous in my considered opinion.
Please note the following information which was ‘Forwarded from Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar Channel:
The Covid-19 injection is not authorised, approved or licensed.
The injections are still in Stage 3 Clinical Trials that do not finish until early 2023:
They have currently been given emergency approval (EUA), Conditional Marketing Authorisation (CMA) etc. All these terms mean they are only being used because of an “emergency” situation. These injections have not been fully licensed anywhere in the world.
AstraZeneca Trials: AZ Trials
(https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04516746)Pfizer Trials :Pfizer Trials
(https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728)AZ example short term approval terms: AZ Approval Terms
Pfizer example short term approval terms : Pfizer Approval Terms
(https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download) The public should only begin to use drugs or vaccines that are in Stage 4 clinical trials
Pfizer tells us this : Stage 3 not normal
The animals trials for coronavirus vaccines have always failed because the animals got sick and/or died:
Studies in Ferrets :
Mice :
The initial trials were short and flawed:
More information on the vaccines is shown in the links below:
Pfizer Trials
(https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5fa5866942937a4d73918723/6018018e4b1729f3251e4281_UKMFA_Pfizer_COVID-19_Vaccine_(Public1-2).pdf)AZ Trials
(https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5fa5866942937a4d73918723/6018018ee97688debe23c551_UKMFA_AstraZenica_COVID-19_Vaccine_(Public1-2).pdf)Covid-19 Injection information leaflet
What is the latest scientific evidence saying on the efficacy/ effectiveness of these Vaccines:
Absolute Risk Reduction i.e. the true impact that the injection itself was shown to have at reducing your chances of getting sick with Covid-19 was just 0.84% for Pfizer and 1.28% for AZ (per the Lancet study linked below).
Link https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext
The injections have numerous serious and fatal short term side effects and no long term safety data
Link Adverse Reaction :https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions
If the injections don’t work on “the variants” (given people are still getting sick and dying and indeed in increasing numbers), why continue to inject people with these same experimental injections that have shown themselves not to work?’
Why are people all of a sudden trusting the same politicians who did nothing for the homeless and those on hospital trolleys? It’s not long ago they were all complaining that they didn’t vote for them.
On Covid….I listen to Nobel prize winners like Luc Montagnier (virology), Cary Mullis (PCR test), Robert Malone the inventor of MRNA, and others like the former VP of Pfizer Dr. Michael Yeadon, and Geert Van Den Boesche who designed many of the vaccines that are on the market. I don’t listen to the likes of Luke O’Neill because he has ties to big pharma
A company he co-founded, Sitryx, received 50 million U.S dollars from Eli Lilly for an exclusive global licensing and research collaboration. Eli also made a $10 million U.S dollar equity investment in Sitryx
The company he co-founded, Sitryx, received another $30 million from a syndicate that included Glaxo Smith Kline.
You can slice it any way you want, but I believe he's helping the vaccine manufacturers make huge profits, by promoting their vaccines every time he goes on the airwaves it seems. I'm of the belief that this would help him a great deal if he ever wanted to do deals with those companies.
I’m at a loss as to why the public believe anything Tony Holohan and the HSE have to say. Have they forgotten their roles in the Swine Flu Pandemrix and Smear test fiascos?
I’m equally confused about why the vast majority of people believe the government cares about us too. Have they forgotten how they treated the homeless and people on hospital trolleys?
Why should I trust the elite with my wellbeing? Have the public forgotten about how they were robbed blind in my view, in 2008? All you have to do is read the books written by them or their minions to see what they really think of us. They see us as useless eaters taking up space on their land and want us to die is my view.
I prefer to listen instead to what Nobel Prize winners have to say, who are getting nothing but hassle for what they're saying!!
Why are the media ignoring the global death tally and adverse reactions to the jab? It's weird that this roll out has been allowed to proceed despite thousands of deaths officially linked to the injection.
Here is a link to the Yellow Card Scheme https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/
As its “about” section states “The Yellow Card scheme run by the MHRA and is the UK system for collecting and monitoring information on safety concerns such as suspected side effects or adverse incidents involving medicines and medical devices. The scheme relies on voluntary reporting of suspected side effects or medical device incidents to be reported by health professionals and the public, including patients, carers and parents”. So the likelihood of underreporting happening seems quite high.
I looked at it yesterday and their report was, I quote,
“As of 1 September 2021, for the UK, 111,317 Yellow Cards have been reported for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, 230,499 have been reported for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 15,079 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 1061 have been reported where the brand of the vaccine was not specified.”
Here is a link to Vaers https://vaers.hhs.gov/
As its “about” section states …
“established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (possible side effects) after a person has received a vaccination. Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention.
VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA.”
So already you can see the adverse events are probably under-reported.
I found them very difficult to find. I eventually found them and they total 537,975 deaths and adverse effects to date. I seriously doubt any member of the public would take the experimental shot if they had a chance to view these horrible events.
Here is a link to Eudravigilance.
When I clicked on their website I got the following message, “The public information on this website has been incorporated into the European Medicines Agency corporate website.
The public pages of the current EudraVigilance website have been decommissioned,
but Registered EudraVigilance users will continue to access the restricted area as usual.”
I then went as directed to https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/research-development/pharmacovigilance/eudravigilance
The adverse events information was extremely difficult to find, but I eventually did. Here is the link to that information
And here are the stats….
“The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414) is 112,252 (up to 11/09/2021)”
“The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for TOZINAMERAN (Pfizer Biontech) is 419,921 (up to 11/09/2021)”
“The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) is 370,122 (up to 11/09/2021)”
“The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) is 26,833 (up to 11/09/2021)”
The other issue I raised earlier is the recall of 1.6 million Moderna vials in Japan due to contamination. Why has the media ignored this massive story?
And why is the media playing down the power of early intervention treatments like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in order to push the very dangerous experimental jabs? Is it because the lucrative vaccines would not have been given emergency use authorisation if other treatments are available like some are saying?
Listen to what the Chairman of Tokyo’s Medical Association has to say about ivermectin here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ja06aILm10
Why are children being targeted when the risk outweighs the benefit? The HSE website states a child between the ages of 12-17 has a 1 in 16,000 chance of myocarditis after the jab. I hear that's a conservative estimate.
I find it hard to believe they won’t be jabbing very young kids soon, now that Pfizer has advanced Phase 2/3 clinical trials for 5- to 11-year-olds.
Note how they said they’re using up to 4,500 kids in their experiment. Do people think their own 5 year old child won’t be next?
Someone has to stand up for the kids, and everyone else’s rights under the Nuremberg Code. Will you?

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