Independent Media Centre Ireland

99.9987% of Under-20s Survive Covid, Study Finds – And 97.1% of the Elderly Do As Well

category international | health / disability issues | other press author Tuesday January 18, 2022 22:03author by 1 of Indy

The Daily Skeptic has published an article covering recent research by Professor John Ioannidis who is one of the 10 currently most cited scientists across all disciplines and it is reproduced here since the mainstream continue to carry anything other than government and corporate propaganda.

Here is a foreword by Dr Mike Yeadon:

This very helpful update from world leading epidemiologist, Dr John Ioaniddes. Even without access to early treatments, over 97% of the elderly survive infection by SARS-COV-2. Imagine what the widespread availability of HCQ, Zinc, Azithromycin, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, Budesonide, dexamethasone & various anticoagulants would do for survival?

I would add that an allegedly highly transmissible respiratory virus is likely to have reached a high proportion of the world’s population by now, leaving survivors immune.

The only unusual hazards in our environment are our governments’ “measures” (which help not at all, except to destroy the economy, civil society & sovereign currencies) & the toxic vaccines (which are ineffective, superfluous & dangerous).

Any objective reading of the data tells us that at no point was it appropriate to declare a “State of Emergency” & suspend our civil rights. Not even close.


The opening paragraphs of the article are:

How deadly is COVID-19? Early last year renowned epidemiologist Professor John Ioannidis published an analysis of seroprevalence (antibody) studies from 2020 which concluded the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 – the proportion of those infected who die – was around 0.15% globally. It varied significantly by region, up to 0.3%-0.4% in Europe and the Americas and down to 0.05% in Africa and Asia.

Prof. Ioannidis has now published an update, using additional seroprevalence studies, though still based on 2020 data, as “IFRs in 2021 may be further affected by wide implementation of vaccinations that may substantially decrease fatality risk and by other changes (new variants and better treatment)”. The new study has a special focus on the IFR in the elderly, but also includes estimates for all age groups, though not a new overall estimate.

From analysis of 25 seroprevalence surveys across 14 countries, Prof. Ioannidis and his colleague found the IFR varied from 0.0013% in the under-20s (around one in 100,000) to 0.65% in those in their 60s. For those above 70 not in a care home it was 2.9%, rising to 4.9% for all over-70s. This means that even for the elderly, more than 95% of those infected survive – 97.1% when considering those not in a care home. For younger people the mortality risk is orders of magnitude less, with 99.9987% of under-20s surviving a bout of the virus. These survival rates include people with underlying health conditions, so for the healthy the rates will be higher again (and the fatality rates lower).

For the full article see the link below

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