Independent Media Centre Ireland

GPs Obsessed with Jabbing their Patients. Old and Young being coerced into taking deadly Jab

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Wednesday June 29, 2022 22:10author by JC

Doctors Get Paid for every Jab so beware !

There are widespread reports from people saying how their family doctor or GP are using bullying tactics to force people into taking the Jab. Here's one sample account

Remember older people should not go to a GP on there own anymore they are bullies pushing vax. I went to the GP with my mother who is 84 hasn't been at a doctor for 2 years but she got a letter from GP saying she had to have a review or else she wouldn't get anymore perscriptions. When we went in GP said I see you didn't get the Covid vax to my mother she said she didn't he asked why not my mother said my best friend died after the vax. So then he asked her about the flu vax why she didn't get it with 2 years I spoke up she didn't because she used to get a very bad flu after it she had to take 2 rounds of steroids after it also she used to get a lot of kidney infections it used to take her 6 months after flu vax before she was going right. Again he asked her about the Covid vax and would she take it she said no. My mother has hearing aids she said to me I found it very difficult to understand him because of his mask. Both of us did not wear masks. This is what is happening to the older people when they are going to GPs on there own they are bullied and pressured to take these vaxes they cant understand what GP is saying with the masks on there faces

On Dara OFlaherty Telegram Channel he has a series of videos regarding situations just like this.

Please Please accompany your Elder to the Doctor's and when the Doctor initiates the vaccination conversation get him to sign the document in the PDF on the link below. All you need is a black and white printer and you can turn the trap the Doctor has imagined for your Elder into a very real trap for that Doctor.

Here is the Pamphlet Dara has been handing out in Galway. The idea is for people to get those who coerced them into taking the vaccine to sign that they are now aware of the 51,000 adverse events, and they may be less lightly to try and violently inject people with some experimental chemical the next time they come out with a Vaccine. No one can read this and say that this vaccine is safe and effective. 9400 Unknowns is not safe and effective.

If the Doctor has been bullying your Elder to take the vaccine tell the Doctor you will call the Gardai if the Doctor refuses to sign the front page of the document, if the Garda refuse to arrest the Doctor inform him that you will be bringing common informer prosecutions against the Doctor and you will require his testimony in court as to the events he has witnessed (doctor refusing to sign). I personally wouldn't leave the office untill the Gardai came but that's not for everyone If you do wait for the Gardai make sure to get the Gardai name, station, contact number, and email for his Chief Superintendent written down. If the you don't want to make a scene at the Doctors, go to the Garda station and start the paper trail, make a complaint, ask the Garda to investigate why the doctor is refusing to acknowledge the side effects of the drugs he's pushing with their signature. Again get the Gardai Name, telephone number and their Chief Superintendent's email address Go home and write out everything that happened in order that they happened both you and your Elder.

PDF Document postmarket-experience-pamphlettoprint.pdf 0.15 Mb

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