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Why does Ireland refuse to campaign for peace in Ukraine?

category international | anti-war / imperialism | press release author Monday July 25, 2022 22:22author by pana - Peace and Neutraility Alliance Report this post to the editors

PANA Press Release

The world still applauds the great effort that our government made in advocating negotiations for peace that led to a settlement, and the 1998 Good Friday Agreement on this island.

So why is our present government, rejecting neutrality, and refusing to lead the campaign for negotiations for peace to end the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Instead, we are parroting pro-western/NATO war propaganda, that Ukraine can win this war, with more weapons, and that at the same time we can help destroy the Russian economy.

PANA since the start of the war in Ukraine has called for an immediate ceasefire and for negotiations. Unfortunately, the response from Taoiseach Micheál Martin has always been increased EU militarisation, membership of NATO, whilst dismissing the right of Irish people to a referendum on this issue. NATO is now a global military alliance that works actively to spread nuclear missiles to its member nations in support of US militarism.

Roger Cole, Chairperson of PANA stated, ‘we reject the idea that the expansion of the NATO military alliance represents a legitimate response to the current war in Ukraine, when that alliance is dominated by imperial powers such as the US, UK, France, and Germany with their own bloody history of murderous imperial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and who continue to support brutal and oppressive regimes such as Israel and Saudi Arabia’.

The fact that ever-increasing energy and food costs, rapidly growing inflation and the cost-of-living crisis is the number one concern to Irish people and to the vast majority of people in the EU and elsewhere. This growing anger and increasing awareness of the geopolitical interests in prolonging this war may yet influence this government to accept the need for peace negotiations in Ukraine.

The Taoiseach has stated that Ireland is not a politically neutral country and that it needs to reflect on its military non-alignment. He then went on to state that Ireland would not need to hold a referendum to join NATO. This implies he favours Ireland’s inclusion into NATO, which would terminate its neutrality and cause a rise in defense spending. Ireland’s current €1.1 billion in defense spending makes up 0.3% of its national GDP. It is required of all NATO countries that they spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense. This would mean defense spending would increase by at least €6.2 billion from current spending.

Recent research by the ‘European Council on Foreign Relations’ now show, while Europeans feel great solidarity with Ukraine and support sanctions against Russia, they are split about the long-term goals. They divide between a “Peace” camp (35 per cent of people) that wants the war to end as soon as possible, and a “Justice” camp that believes the more pressing goal is to punish Russia (22 per cent of people). (See link below)

So how representative is our Taoiseach Micheál Martin and other EU leaders who attended their consultative dinner this week in Madrid hosted by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez of Spain, for all 27 EU member states and all 30 members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), demanding more justice or war against Russia.

To confirm this Press Release.

Tom Crilly, Communications Officer, PANA.

Tel 0035387 2937558

Roger Cole, Chairperson, PANA,

Tel 0035387 2611597

Padraig Mannion, Irish Language Spokesperson, PANA,

Tel 0035387 6911293

For more information…

As the conflict in Ukraine turns into a long war of attrition, it risks becoming the key dividing line in Europe. And, unless political leaders handle this difference in standpoint carefully, it could spell the end for Europe’s remarkable unity. See ECFR Research…

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The EU could have offered Ukraine conditional European membership in exchange for restoring neutrality in Ukraine and ending the war in the Donbass long before now in line with the Minsk agreement it would have avoided the present war…Mick Wallace MEP

If we want to be serious in our commitment to helping people seeking international protection, we have to end the double standard on how #asylum law is applied, and we have to look seriously at the policies that make people #refugees in the first place.

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author by leftypublication date Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Martin just does what his owners tell him. They ordered him to merge FF with FG to keep the shinners out of government last election.
And now they want Ireland to spend more on weapons and support their shady operations in Ukraine
and take a disproportionate and open ended number of refugees from that conflict into our country which we simply cannot afford
to do in the middle of an energy crisis and a housing crisis.

This war was engineered by washington. If germany kicked out the 40,000+ US personnel still in their country, closed all their military bases and told them to just fuck off, then opened Nordstream II gas pipeline tomorrow
then things would be a lot better for most European countries. But all key German officials are either bought off. blackmailed or threatened into compliance in their own economic suicide "for the glory of Ukraine", which was accepted as one of the most corrupt countries in the world before all this kicked off.

The US were meddling in Ukraine for years and now we all pay the price every day in our bills
and in the loss of our precious neutrality. And 99% of our self serving traitorous spineless political class will never EVER
stand up to these warmongering cunts. It's just not in their nature ....or in their personal financial interests!

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