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The Ukrainian Attack on Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant

category international | anti-war / imperialism | news report author Tuesday September 06, 2022 22:34author by T Report this post to the editors

Details are emerging of an Ukrainian attack last Thurs (Sept 1st) on the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant (ZNPP) to seize control of it while International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors were onsite and holding them as hostages. Indications are this extremely reckless raid were planned by the Western intel & NATO and given the all clear by Boris Johnson.

The Zaporozhie nuclear power plant is located in southern Ukrainian on the Dnieper river near the city of Energador and has 6 nuclear reactors on-site. Just after the start of the war the Russians took control of the plant to safe guard it and keep it out of harms away and the Ukrainian workers at the plant were in agreement with this arrangement. What the Russians found when they took it over was shocking. The plant had been badly maintained and a lot of equipment worn out and hand not been repaired in years. The workers had written to Zelenksy himself describing the conditions and asking for measures to be taken. The funds allocated for maintenance of the plant had been plundered by Ukrainian oligarchs. The risk of another Chernobyl type of disaster or worse hangs over the plant and with the recent shelling by the Ukrainians, the threat of a major accident are high. It is for this reason that Russian made a request to the IAEA for inspectors to come and visit the plant so that they could see for themselves the state of it. The visit was opposed by Ukraine but eventually they conceded under pressure and therefore it was necessary to act before the reality of the plant was revealed by the IAEA.

But this is the very reason the Zelensky regime, under orders from the West, are shelling it because they want to create a mess on Russia's doorstep and at the same time blame the Russians for it. This is why there has been persistent reports that the Russians were bombing the plant. It beggars belief why they would have taken it over and then shelled it themselves to make them look reckless internationally and create a radioactive catastrophe. And this brings us to the plot of the attack last week.

The Catastrophic Failure of the Kherson Offensive & ZNPP Attack

In the same week as the attack on Zaporozhie the Ukrainians launched their Kherson offensive using approximately 12,000 troops. This had been planned by the West and even CNN bragged about the role of the US in it. The offensive has been much talked about for months and was supposed to reverse the war in Ukraine's favour. Like all Western military campaigns it has been an utter failure and the grim facts are over 1,700 soldiers have been killed. In this video discussion from the Duran between Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris they discuss both the Kherson offensive and the ZNP attack. This second video from Russian commentator Yuri with sub titles gives an account of the ZNPP attack and then describes the utter failure of the Kherson offensive. Also available here on bitchute

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See also Ukraine Loses Soldiers - Europe Its Economies - All For No Gain

Luckily the Russians had been aware of the plot in advance and were ready to avert a major nuclear disaster. The attack started with a barrage of over 100 artillery shells and several boats containing carrying a total of 60 Ukrainian special forces landed near the ZNPP. These were soldiers were detected by the Russians and all but 3 survived. Awhile later the Ukrainians used two barges to try and launch a further attack containing a whole battalion (200 -300) of troops but once again they were detected. In all reports indicated the Ukrainians lost 260 people KIA. There are rumours some of the dead may have been British intelligence officers but so far is unconfirmed.

It seems the objective of this reckless suicide mission was to take over the plant, mine it, and seize the IAEA as human shields. They would then make demands on Russia to withdraw forces in Ukraine and make major concessions with the threat of the plant's destruction. However the destruction would be blamed on the Russians anyhow and the pliant Western media would gladly have gone along with this part of the operation.

Here is a report on the attack From Intelslava:

“The Kremlin was aware of the plans of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to take advantage of the arrival of the IAEA mission and carry out an amphibious landing in order to try to seize the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant and make statements for days that it was Russian special forces. Under ideal conditions for the work of the DRG, they calculated the task of taking the mission itself hostage and keeping the nuclear power plant under mines, making demands for the complete withdrawal of Russian troops to the territory of Crimea.

Boris Johnson brought the plan of operation and some of the instructors with him as a demobilization chord of his premiership, but if the GUR was successful, he would have refused to transfer power, referring to an international emergency threatening a catastrophe on a planetary scale. At the moment, 47 DRG fighters have been destroyed, three have been taken prisoner (!), Two are in serious condition between life and death. A group of 12 people is blocked on three sides and cut off from the water and boats, by 15:00 CTO will be over. Zelensky’s statement on this situation is expected in the late afternoon, the head of the IAEA Mission has already been notified of the situation, as well as UN Secretary General Guterres. The operation was coordinated by MI6 officers from their headquarters in the suburbs of Kyiv.

All 64 DRGs have recently completed training in the UK and traveled from Warsaw to Odessa on 29 August.”

And here is another report from the Tass News Agency

Ukrainian saboteurs who plotted to seize Zaporozhye plant were MI6 trained — authorities Vladimir Rogov earlier told that Ukrainian saboteurs, according to preliminary information, were planning to carry out a terrorist attack at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

MOSCOW, September 1. /TASS/. Ukrainian saboteurs who planned to seize the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant were trained in the UK, Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the military-civilian administration of the Zaporozhye Region, said during a Rossiya-1 TV broadcast on Thursday.

"Not only did [they] study English <...> but underwent special training under the guidance of the British Secret Intelligence Service, the MI-6. After that they returned to Ukraine, <..>, through Warsaw, ending up in Odessa and from there, by the end of August, [they] arrived in the Dnepropetrovsk region, on the right bank of the Dnepr River, where they got ready and moved out to execute the criminal orders given to them," he said.

Rogov earlier told TASS that the Ukrainian saboteurs, according to preliminary information, were planning to carry out a terrorist attack at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, timing it to coincide with the visit by the IAEA’s fact-finding mission.

On the morning of September 1, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Ukrainian troops attempted to disembark at 07:00 at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, near the Vodyanoe village. The landing was thwarted by Russia’s Armed Forces, when they sunk two self-propelled barges carrying saboteurs that departed from Nikopol.

Also, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, at 06:20 Moscow time, the Kiev regime carried out a landing by two Ukrainian sabotage groups with a total number of up to 60 people on seven speedboats on the coast of the Kakhovka reservoir, three kilometers north-east of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian servicemen were blocked by units of the Russian National Guard and the Russian Armed Forces.

The much-awaited IAEA mission has now arrived in Energodar and at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The mission will assess the physical damage to the plant, determine the operability of the facility's security and safety systems. Specialists will also have to assess the working conditions of plant personnel and take urgent measures to ensure the safety of the facility.

And this report refers to the letter from plant employees on the deplorable state of the nuclear plant
(Translated by Yandex translation service)

Zaporizhia NPP: what is Ukraine really trying to achieve by firing at a nuclear facility?

The militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been regularly shelling the largest nuclear power plant since the end of July. Internet users are already tired of asking an almost rhetorical question – why?

The fact that the shelling was the work of Ukrainians began to be recognized already in foreign media, in particular, the German "Junge Welt" wrote about it. However, Kiev stubbornly continues to hit the NPP, not feeling guilty. There is a reason for this, and Readovka found it out. Behind the attempts to arrange an accident at the plant is the desire to hide the real state of affairs at the NPP and not give an opportunity to check and analyze anything. So that no one except the Russian Federation, which, of course, no one in the civilized world would believe, would find out in what condition the station was transferred to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The NPP equipment is in a worn-out, deplorable condition. It has not been repaired for years, the funds allocated were totally plundered, the famous Kiev oligarchy in the person of Rinat Akhmetov profited from exploitation. As evidence – an original document: a letter from the employees of the nuclear power plant to the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, where they reported on the condition of the equipment and asked to take measures to repair it.

The risk of getting Chernobyl 2.0, or even a more serious nuclear catastrophe, remains if the shelling continues, and the dilapidated power units will be operated in the same conditions. The latter will now be under the control of experienced Russian power engineers, but who is to blame that critical equipment turned out to be in such a state?

Readovka will soon present arguments confirming the above theses and answers to questions of concern to the public in a large exclusive investigation about the Zaporozhye NPP.

Earlier, Readovka wrote that the APU is preparing provocations in the area of the nuclear power plant.

Finally this report from the West were aware of the plans for this attack in advance for this report appear in mid August on Yahoo News priming public opinion for the idea of an attack on the nuclear plant which would be blamed on the Russians. It seems the West & NATO are under some sort of delusion that they could win a war against Russia and are itching for an excuse to get into war. Luckily the plan was foiled.

The West considers applying NATOs Article 5 in response to possible accident at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Tobias Ellwood, Chair of the Defence Select Committee at the House of Commons of the UK Parliament, has stated that if the Russians orchestrate a deliberate accident at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant with radiation outflow, it must be treated as an attack on NATO states.

“Let’s make it clear now: ANY deliberate damage causing potential radiation leak to a Ukrainian nuclear reactor would be a breach of NATO’s Article 5.”

His stance was backed by Adam Kinzinger, a member of the House of Representatives of the US Congress from Illinois.

“That’s 100% true. Not even discussed. Any leak will kill people in NATO countries, this is an automatic inclusion of Art. 5,” he tweeted.

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IAEA knows that Ukrainians are still shelling nuclear power plant but mum. UN & lemming leaders of Europe are taking an unconscionable risk so as to blame any Chernobyl-type catastrophe on Russia. US sits safe & smug, doubting the fallout can cross the Atlantic.
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Map of where the attacks started on the ZNPP
Map of where the attacks started on the ZNPP

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