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Indymedia Video Screening - Bush's Hundred Thousand Unwelcomes

category dublin | indymedia ireland | feature author Monday August 30, 2004 21:29author by Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group - Indymedia Ireland Report this post to the editors

Indymedia Premiere - 7.30 pm, IFI, Temple Bar, Friday September 3rd

Premiere Screening of Indymedia Ireland's latest two video productions documenting Bush's visit to Ireland in June 2004 and the protests against it.

Protestors halt tank

On Friday, June 25th 2004 approximately 20,000 people turned out in Dublin to let George W. Bush know that he was not welcome in Ireland. Thousands also travelled from all over the country to Shannon Airport and the nearby Dromoland Castle (where W holed up while in the country). The Irish State deployed masses of police and military to hide Bush from the protestors while the Media deployed masses of cameras and journalists focused primarily on on grandees and dignitaries in an effort to play down the extent of the protests.

Indymedia Ireland has created two video compilations which focus on the opposition to the Bush visit that was largely ignored at the time by the propaganda machine that has the cheek to call itself the media.

Reclaiming Dignity by Rasta4i and Bush Weekend by indyvidhead include interviews and comments from people involved in the "Bikes Against Bush Critical Mass", the Shannon Peace Camp, the Dublin March, the Anti-War Ireland protest at Shannon, the IAWM protest at Dromoland and, most sensationally, the AmBush protest at Shannon which was confronted by massive ranks of riot police and armoured military vehicles. Despite being completely blanked by the mainstream media this protest managed to delay Bush's departure by two hours.

All of this has been documented by independent camera-people interviewing real people with real opinions, a scarce commodity in the compliant Irish media.

Indymedia Ireland will be holding a screening of these two documentaries about the Bush visit on Friday September 3rd in the Irish Film Institute in Temple Bar, starting at 7:30pm. There will be a 5 euro charge on the door and all funds will go towards sustaining and strengthening the Indymedia project. Come along and support our media - we are all the media.

Previous Indymedia Feature on Bush Visit

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=66328

audio testing 0 Mb

author by Vidhead - IMC VIDEO GROUPpublication date Mon Aug 30, 2004 15:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

These indymedia documentary's record 2 major events in Irelands EU Presidency
1) Mayday 04 - 10 new member States join the EU - a weekend of Resistance against Racism.
2) EU/US Summit - BUSH Visits Ireland 20,000 in Dublin and thousands in Shannon/Dromoland

The 2 Bush Edits were sent to Indymedia New York for screenings during the forthcoming RNC Republican convention in N.Y. City on Monday.

PROGRAM OF EVENTS (subject to change)
A short talk /Q+A on what is Video Activism - Indymedia - Tactical television for social change or just more propaganda? Let us know what you think.
1 - Bush Weekend - Lights! Camera! Direct Action! Weekend of Resistance. Indymedia Video Crew - 25min
2 - MAYDAY 04 - new AUDIO MIX - Noize Hacker ReMix - Civil Resistance and party against the Bosses of Europe Dublin Style. 25min.
3 - RASTA 4iS - IRISH PREMIER - Reclaiming Dignity - Artistic look at the events Surrounding the BUSH VISIT from the critical mass across Ireland to the effective direct action in Shannon - 42min
4 - E. Lees indymedia debut - Music, Marches, Songs and Poems from the 20,000+ Protest in Dublin - 18min

Guerrilla "Video Vigilantes" spawn of a failed mainstream media bringing you the World in crisis.
New technology - a Peaceful, democratic and imaginative use of information technology which strengthens the rebel in all of us, and gives us the chance to stay one step of those we oppose.

Dont hate the media
Dont hate the media

Be the media
Be the media



author by “Corporate bastard FONO”publication date Wed Sep 01, 2004 02:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

indymedia.ie T-shirts for sale on the night 10 euro each, reductions for doleers T.B.A. Also Limited number of Mayday CDROMs available 5 euro each. . Money going towards printing of indymedia end of year DVD release.

But wait there’s more! (sad I know, acting like a corporate bastard for one night only)

50 DIVX CDROMs of Bush Weekend Video, Reclaiming Dignity will be sold on the night, those who contributed will get a complementary copy.

Hope to see yous all down there.

“Corporate bastard FONO”

author by Ed Leepublication date Wed Sep 01, 2004 13:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Damn i would love to go to the screening but i'm working in hong kong.
Is this gonna be in the room upstairs in the IFI or on the big one?
Hope there'll be a good turn out, good luck.

PS: can any of the indy heads tell me which of my 18 mins of footage you're showing? Cos my original edit was 28 mins. (not that i'm complaining :p)

author by VID GROUPpublication date Thu Sep 02, 2004 12:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

NO Censorship HERE
Sorry typo, all 28mins of Ed LEEs Dublin Anti Bush Documentary will be played.

author by an imcerpublication date Sat Sep 04, 2004 16:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And a great reaction to the consistently excellent videos - rock on and up the video crew who showed off their hard work .

I'm still in shock from seeing those Indymedia Y - Fronts on the merchandise stall. Was that real or what?

author by dunkpublication date Sat Sep 04, 2004 17:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

top night- thanks to all

listen to intro here on how the world is changing, how anyone can be part of it and how it is affecting our lives

content of all vids was top class but so too was the editing- top quality- imc ireland is not 3 years old yet but is already producing such top quality stuff
where will we be in 10 years time?
all schoolkids using the global imc network for help on projects "how to make the world better"

guy working from indymedia chiapas there too gave away imc chiapas rain top and t shirt, money went to buy imc vids to show back in latin america
(tried to add imc-chiapas link but cant get it, anyone else having this problem?)

there was no open forum for discussion but there was plenty of little chats going on around the place

like to add my own little half minute vid manifesto here
FUSPEY-fun sustainable peaceful existence

upstairs to irelands bestest crew
upstairs to irelands bestest crew

the imc table
the imc table

imc process board
imc process board

the vid is mightier than the sword
the vid is mightier than the sword

premier man does a bit of liltin
premier man does a bit of liltin

author by dunk - FUSPEYpublication date Sat Sep 04, 2004 20:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

vids were class as were the 2 main international events in ireland:
mayday and bush visit
but there are a few points i would like to make and perhaps should have made last night

my agenda is to point out what is wrong and to act with others to change that.
trying to get more and more people aware of this and with that more people active is very important, as opposed to just the "same old heads"
an example of this-
festival of world cultures was on last weekend in dun loaighre,
could/ should indymedia gone out and set up a stall giving out free copies of printflare, talked with people about the indymedia system and from that got them involved?
yes we could/ should have, a call was put out to no avail, a call was put out for printflares to distribute, again to no avail

when protesting against bush i carried a placard, this was briefly shown on rasta4 i`s vid, thanks for that, i feel these are important issues that we have to communicate to more people, when i eventually reached riot line, when it finally formed after all the rushing and running and dodging i opened up my placard and said, more or less..
"how are ye lads, no violence here, no threat of violence, have you been briefed on some of the reasons that we are taking such drastic action?"........pause
no response, just riot cops staring into distance as they are told to do?
so i outlined some points to back up the points
the placard stated
-7,000,000 people die every year because of UNFAIR trade rules
-bush rejects KYOTO agreement
-help change this crazy world
in smaller print was...
-TROCAIRE asked everybody to go to GENO in 2001to help change the unmfair rules of G8 -WTO - IMF
-MARY ROBINSON said in WTO talks @ cnacun "when you see the rules of how this works (WTO) you cant help but see how unfiar they are"
-nobel econonmics prize winner JOE STIGLITZ who was in the world bank(chief economist) "those protesting aganist WOT, WORLD BANK, are right, it has to change"

re KYOTO- this is the most improtant agreement made in world history = what must we do to sustain life on this planet

i talked with cops, army and civilians along demo outlining topics, i got thumbs up from quite a few cops, many others said, "were against him too, but we have to do our job"
(fair enough but if there was a critical mass of support in favour of not supporting bush things could have been different)

when the cops and armored cars tried to move us on we put on the "black blanket" die in, as best we could, we incorporated it into a piece of street theatre in which we read out the indictment for bushs arrest for war crimes, a legal document put together by
human rights watch or amnesty?
(i am unable to find the document from a quick google search, perhaps the galway grassroots could find it, link it here or tell us more, surprising that there is so little of it on a net search, maybe its an avenue worth pushing?)

heres the brief report of that
black blanket - die in

as well as this, after the visit by indymedia to the "irish anti war movemnet" agm after bush in which some points were made by IAWM re the downsides of indymedia (ireland) im wondering did anything concrete come from that?
and our own discussion

last comment
"by Padraic Monday, Jul 26 2004, 6:37pm

The SWP aren't the problem, its certain individuals within the leadership of that organisation who are just congentially sectarian and unable to get on with broader forces (unless they're non-participating rubberstamping 'broader forces'). Witness how they behaved towars Anti-War Ireland in the build-up to the Bush visitation.

I reckon that minus one particular individual the SWP in Ireland would be much much easier to work with. Do the ordinary members ever get fed up with the sectarianism?"

so thats about it
i will have the "petit cinema" up and running soon, so i hope you can get the relevant equipment for me to do it (laptop, vid recorder, beamer,) i have a screen and plugs, adapters, and long long cable
so hopefully we will have further communication action on the streets

and on a final note, i belive art gallerys should be the most exciting places in cities.
i believe indymedia and social forum are the 2 most progressive systems on planet at the moment
i put my first 2 audio pieces on line the other day
1-muralismo @ festival of world cultures- 7 mins
2- "modern art is bollox"- half hour disscussion re the relationship between art and activism

this is all constant feedback for the "development of indymedia"


so a i dragged down a few heads last night
maybe some of you could drag yourselves into one of my places
here please:
a discussion re art, activism, architecture, urbanism, play, a better world

slán libh

black blanket die in
black blanket die in

author by dunkpublication date Sat Sep 04, 2004 20:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

meant to be above


author by paulcpublication date Sun Sep 05, 2004 01:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

you asked for printflares?
there available on the web print them out yourself????

author by dunkpublication date Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

dident have facilities or time to get it together, i imagined others had them, old ones, that i could distribute

what are your views re fact that a call was put out to do something at festival and we did not.
i feel this alone shows our problems, we need to outreach, we have talked about it, we dont do enough on that front
so hopefully next time a call goes out, you might have a few printflares, hopefully i will, hopefully more people get involved

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