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Deported With Only The Clothes On Their Back

category national | racism & migration related issues | feature author Saturday September 23, 2006 21:05author by Caoimhe - Residents Against Racism (pers caps) Report this post to the editors

Last Minute Action Stops Illegal Deportation Of Woman Still in the Legal Process.

''Caoimhe of Residents Against Racism writes: of the women with us was given another date and left with one of the RAR members. The other two women were brought upstairs. We told them not to sign anything and to say that they didn’t want to speak to anybody from their embassy. As soon as the women were brought upstairs, the porter/receptionist came over to the other RAR member and myself and started shouting at us to leave the building if we had no business in it. I informed him that we did have business there and he just kept shouting. He was quite aggressive, pointing his finger in our faces and blatantly trying to intimidate us. We were then kicked out of the (public) building.

One of the women who were brought upstairs, had a judicial review pending and didn’t have her two children with her. She rang us from upstairs (on her mobile) saying that the Guards were trying to make them sign the papers and were bring aggressive towards them. She said that the guards told her that they were deporting her. She also said that she hadn’t signed the papers. It is completely illegal to deport somebody who is still in the legal process. At this stage we informed supportive T.D.s of what was happening, who faxed letters to the GNIB and McDowell, reminding him that this woman had a judicial review pending. She was freed, an hour later....

Article as originally submitted

I was at the GNIB on Wednesday, the day the deportation took place from 10 in the morning until we all left at roughly 7:30 in the evening, so I know what happened over the day and some of the people on the flight and would like to tell people what actually happened down there. Two other RAR members and myself were down in the GNIB to accompany people signing on at 10 in the morning. We were accompanying three women signing on.

To clarify to people who don’t know what exactly 'signing on' means: Once an asylum seeker has been served a deportation order (you can still be in the legal process when served a dep order- judicial review etc), they are given a date and a time (either at 10:00 or 14:00) that they have to present themsleves 'in order to facilitate their deportation' from the State. They have to either present themselves at their local Garda station or at the GNIB on Burgh Quay. Usually what happens is that they hand in their letter (the one saying that they had to present themselves there) when they get there, then wait for roughly 30-60 mins, and then are given another letter, with another date on it telling them when they next have to sign on. On the day of a deportation, instead of simply been given another letter, they are instead brought to a private room and held for deportation. (Occasionally they are taken into a private room on days when there are not deportations happening, where they are asked if they want to talk to somebody from their embassy. Regardless of whether they agree or disagree to talk with somebody from their embassy, they are told they HAVE TO sign to say that the don’t/do want to talk to somebody from their embassy. What they are (very often forced) to sign is in fact documents to facilitate getting their travel documents in order. People have also been handed phones and told they have to speak to the person on the other end- somebody from their embassy. This is a direct breach of international law as it is illegal to inform an embassy of an asylum seeker’s identity as they are obviously fleeing that country for a reason.)

Back to Wednesday: one of the women with us was given another date and left with one of the RAR members. The other two women were brought upstairs. We told them not to sign anything and to say that they didn’t want to speak to anybody from their embassy. As soon as the women were brought upstairs, the porter/receptionist came over to the other RAR member and myself and started shouting at us to leave the building if we had no business in it. I informed him that we did have business there and he just kept shouting. He was quite aggressive, pointing his finger in our faces and blatantly trying to intimidate us. We were then kicked out of the (public) building.

One of the women who were brought upstairs, had a judicial review pending and didn’t have her two children with her. She rang us from upstairs (on her mobile) saying that the Guards were trying to make them sign the papers and were bring aggressive towards them. She said that the guards told her that they were deporting her. She also said that she hadn’t signed the papers. It is completely illegal to deport somebody who is still in the legal process. At this stage we informed supportive T.D.s of what was happening, who faxed letters to the GNIB and McDowell, reminding him that this woman had a judicial review pending. She was freed, an hour later.

When she came out of the building she was visibly very shaken and upset. She said that the guards had taken the other woman’s phone off her, and that the other woman had signed the papers, being told that she had to sign to say that she didn’t want to see somebody from her embassy. The woman still being held was living in Mayo, and only had one of her children with her. She had a doctor’s letter for her other child to say that he was too sick to travel to Dublin that day. She was deported later that evening, without her sick child. It was her first time to ever sign on.

At 2 o’clock, more people came down to sign on and were taken upstairs. Roughly 10 people were taken from the GNIB that day. These people did not know (obviously) that they were to be deported that day, and hence, had none of their belongings with them, no money. They were not allowed to go and pick any of their stuff up. They were deported with only the clothes on their back.

During the afternoon, a woman came running out to the reception of the building, in complete hysterics, screaming ‘Rosanna, Rosanna, my son, my son’. (Rosanna is an RAR member) She was quickly slammed against the wall, by her neck, by one of the Immigration guards. The uniform guards (from Pearse St) who had been standing ‘guarding’ the door of the (public) building ran in to the reception area, followed by myself and other RAR members to see what was happening. A man (Immigration guard) was visibly hurting her neck a lot and was refusing to let her go, despite the fact that she was extremely distressed. She was screaming for her son the whole time. There was a crowd of people shouting at him to let her go. At this stage more immigration guards arrived and the uniform guards forcibly removed the RAR members from the reception area. The woman ended up on the ground of the reception area, still extremely distressed and still being held by the guards, although they had let go of her neck. She was brought back into the seating area of the building to wait for news on her son. None of us were allowed into her.

A short while later she came out to us at the front of the building. She was visibly in severe shock. She was crying constantly, and shaking all over. She came to Ireland with her husband and 6 children three years ago from Nigeria. Her eldest (who is 19 now) had just been taken upstairs to be detained and deported. He was deported that night. He doesn’t know his way around Lagos (where the people are deported to) or anybody there. He has nobody to take him in. He wasn’t allowed to pick up his belongings (despite the fact that he was only living in Mosney) and was deported with no money and only his college books in his bag. He is currently in prison in Nigeria, trying to find a way to pay the bribe that the Nigerian authorities demand before they release deportees.

Once the children of parents that come here turn 18, they are subject to deportation. It is completely barbaric.

The woman stayed with us at the front of the building until we left that night, crying the whole time. By half 5 the bruising was already starting to come up on her neck. She was accompanied home that evening.

Another woman, who stayed outside the building with us until we left that evening, was there because her husband was taken. He had been in Ireland for 7 YEARS. They have been married for 3 years. She was given leave to remain 2 months ago.

For all those people who have said that this is the law of the land, and therefore it is right, I would ask you to think again. Slavery was the law of the land in the USA. Does that mean that it was not racist?? Married women were legally barred from working in the public sector in Ireland up until 1973. Just because that was the law, does it mean that it was sexist? The law in every country is there to be challenged/abolished/ changed/ protested against. It is our duty, as humans, to fight these injustices. What will you do???

 #   Title   Author   Date 
   Again.     Oscar    Fri Sep 22, 2006 20:03 
   Clarification needed from RAR     Question    Fri Sep 22, 2006 21:09 
   Well done Caoimhe     Chris Murray    Fri Sep 22, 2006 21:10 
   man who assaulted woman     Revolt    Fri Sep 22, 2006 22:51 
   .     Revolt    Fri Sep 22, 2006 23:12 
   .     Revolt    Fri Sep 22, 2006 23:40 
   The first world white boy bubble is unsustainable     Ciaron    Sat Sep 23, 2006 01:17 
   "A MISFITS REFLECTION IN A SHOP-WINDOW PANE"     mf    Sat Sep 23, 2006 04:42 
   Responses...     Ciaron    Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:57 
 10   Mc Dowell     Chris Murray    Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:52 
 11   Please elaborate Chris.     Maureen    Sat Sep 23, 2006 15:51 
 12   I made a suggestion.     C murray    Sat Sep 23, 2006 16:07 
 13   reply to Ciaron     gerri    Sat Sep 23, 2006 16:38 
 14   Maureen, do more research     Caoimhe    Sat Sep 23, 2006 16:47 
 15   woolly hats     matt    Sat Sep 23, 2006 18:07 
 16   Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill 2006     Chris Murray    Sat Sep 23, 2006 22:01 
 17   They should be ashamed     Jamie.S.    Sat Sep 23, 2006 23:31 
 18   Response to gerri....     Ciaron    Sun Sep 24, 2006 00:16 
 19   best way forward to challenge the immigration system?     sympathiser    Sun Sep 24, 2006 23:27 
 20   Reform...?     gerri    Mon Sep 25, 2006 21:51 
 21   Boarder control     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 01:45 
 22   pot..kettle...     hehe    Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:23 
 23   goodo     jasus    Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:38 
 24   Alarmist?     Vin    Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:50 
 25   more teary eyed nonsense....     jasus not again    Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:32 
 26   Response     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 13:26 
 27   Response     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 13:28 
 28   Vin     Fake name    Tue Sep 26, 2006 13:35 
 29   !     jasus not again    Tue Sep 26, 2006 13:48 
 30   And by the way     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 14:00 
 31   !     jasus    Tue Sep 26, 2006 14:25 
 32   Not following suit     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 14:32 
 33   Integration     Fake name    Tue Sep 26, 2006 14:41 
 34   stop lying ffs     wtf    Tue Sep 26, 2006 15:19 
 35   Assault     Fake name    Tue Sep 26, 2006 15:25 
 36   pants on fire     Liar,liar    Tue Sep 26, 2006 15:31 
 37   Tit for tat     Fake name    Tue Sep 26, 2006 15:41 
 38   Liar, Liar     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 15:43 
 39   Indeed     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 16:12 
 40   it just gets more and more fairytale like...     liar liar    Tue Sep 26, 2006 16:24 
 41   Written especially for the lovely Liar Liar...     VeryMad    Tue Sep 26, 2006 16:39 
 42   Once again     Fake name    Tue Sep 26, 2006 16:43 
 43   ....     gerri    Wed Sep 27, 2006 02:50 
 44   Gerri     Fake name    Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:52 
 45   Woman in photo did give permission     Revolt    Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:03 
 46   VeryMad     VeryMad    Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:56 
 47   bah     liar liar    Wed Sep 27, 2006 13:17 
 48   yeh!     hardnut    Wed Sep 27, 2006 13:25 
 49   lets b clear     zzzzzz    Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:34 
 50   Human rights first     Joanne    Mon Oct 02, 2006 18:02 
 51   ftw     deporter    Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:09 
 52   assumptions joanne     zzzzzz    Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:09 
 53   .....and again.....     gerri    Tue Oct 03, 2006 20:09 
 54   RAR's characterisation of us...     Gerri    Tue Oct 03, 2006 20:37 
 55   Gerri     Fake Name    Wed Oct 04, 2006 07:52 
 56   more assumptions     zzzzzz    Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:50 
 57   made up zzzzzz     Fake name    Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:11 
 58   wrong again     zzzzzz    Wed Oct 04, 2006 14:21 
 59   Dear zzzzzz     Fake name    Wed Oct 04, 2006 14:57 
 60   Fake or not?     Serena    Wed Oct 04, 2006 16:11 
 61   tell the truth please     observer    Wed Oct 04, 2006 23:30 
 62   from the horses mouth     septic skeptic    Thu Oct 05, 2006 01:25 
 63   More nonsense abounds     Fake name    Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:24 
 64   fake and incorrect     zzzzzz    Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:07 
 65   ps     zzzzzz    Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:26 
 66   Fake or not??     Serena    Thu Oct 05, 2006 16:08 
 67   Comment     Emma RAR per cap    Thu Oct 05, 2006 16:30 
 68   VeryMad     Serena...    Sat Oct 07, 2006 19:48 
 69   let them stay     matt    Sat Oct 07, 2006 21:54 
 70   Matt's concept of No Borders!.     Maureen    Mon Oct 09, 2006 01:57 
 71   oh matt...     gerri    Mon Oct 09, 2006 02:28 
 72   let them     all stay    Mon Oct 09, 2006 23:48 
 73   Actually there is deportation to non-developing countries     shoegirl    Sat Oct 28, 2006 16:14 
 74   Very Confused!     VeryMad    Sat Oct 28, 2006 19:38 
 75   facts     sane    Sat Oct 28, 2006 22:27 
 76   Still Confused     VeryMad    Sun Oct 29, 2006 01:11 
 77   AND ONCE AGAIN...     Gerri    Sun Oct 29, 2006 01:58 
 78   maddo     BrowSa    Sun Oct 29, 2006 02:37 
 79   more facts     sane    Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:31 
 80   The Hard News     VeryMad    Sun Oct 29, 2006 14:33 
 81   exactly what?     sane    Sun Oct 29, 2006 15:32 
 82   Yes I am...angry     VeryMad    Sun Oct 29, 2006 19:21 
 83   answer     sane    Sun Oct 29, 2006 20:57 
 84   .......     VeryMad    Sun Oct 29, 2006 22:43 
 85   more faxcts     sane    Sun Oct 29, 2006 23:23 
 86   Yoruba     Precious    Mon Oct 30, 2006 00:08 
 87   Igbo     Blessing    Sat Nov 11, 2006 17:26 
 88   Illegal Immigration Is Genocide- Deporting The Illegals Is Survival     John    Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:55 
 89   PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS- How we are self censored and manipulated into silence and submission     John    Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:52 
 90   psychological and ideological underpinning of pc     Pedro    Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:55 
 91   Illegal immigration is a crime.     Bob    Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:27 

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