Independent Media Centre Ireland

Courts rubberstamp corruption

category down | crime and justice | press release author Thursday June 14, 2007 09:27author by Gerry Rice - The Human Raceauthor email gerrice at btopenworld dot comauthor address 11 Newcastle Road, Ballynahinch, Co. phone 02897562773

State violence

In Northern Ireland we must pay rates - by law. The rates payments go to pay for government services. When corrupt government authorities refuse to provide those services which have already been paid for, the ratepayer has a right to refuse payment.

That is what I thought when I was summoned to the Magistrates Court some years ago. As I explain in the almost new house I bought in 1976 proved to be defective and built with an illegal material creating a smoke nuisance between each of the houses in the block of four terraced houses. Rates money paid the wages of the corrupt Council Building Control inspectors who wrongfully passed these houses so when I complained like the others in the block about the nuisance, the Down District Council's Health inspectors refused to force the abatement of the nuisance in order to protect their corrupt fellow inspectors in Building Control. I persisted in my demand for justice but without success. Eventually I became short of money and became unable to afford my Rates payments. I was taken to Court on an annual basis and the owed money was added to by Court charges and charged against the Deed of my defective home. I tried to explain to the Magistrate what had happened and on one occasion I told the Magistrate about the fraud that Down District Council was involved in. He abruptly told me that he would not allow me to use the Court for such statements and told me I must pay my Rates. There was no way the Court would allow me to challenge the validity of the demand for Rates money even though the services the the money goes to pay for were criminally refused to me by my local Council.

Here in Northern Ireland our Court system protects corrupt and criminal conduct deliberately conducted by local and central government authorities who know they can get away with their foul deeds at the expense of the ordinary people whose authority put them where they are. Our 'Courts' are a rubber stamp for criminals in the public sector who have hijacked the law and put in place, and have been allowed to put in place, a set of rules made up by themselves for their own financial gain and the people are allowing this to happen. I have been protesting against this evil now for thirty years and my only 'success' has been the gift of a criminal record from these official crooks. Oh, and they also took me to the High Court and made me bankrupt because I became unable to pay for the services in Rates payments that were refused to my family and me. Our Courts in Northern Ireland are run by mutineers who have reversed the roles of citizen and civil servant, and the British Parliament knows all about it. In the circumstances here, the 'Mother of Parliaments' is happy to turn a blind eye to the fake legal system we are being lumbered with just to keep the political peace which is an outrageous sham.
When are people here going to waken up to the scandalous way we are being lied to by our politicians who also know all about what I am saying and are actually deeply involved in the massive housing fraud I have blown the whistle on either directly or in the coverup of the fraud by their stupid and sick silence?
When are people here who are living in the terralux-built houses going to stand up with me and call the politicians' bluff on a 'peace process' when they are involved in the very opposite by their determination to promote injustice and worse, to cover it up by criminal silence?
This evil stranglehold must be broken. This evil must be challenged. Our political representatives must be challenged. How can progress towards peace be made if their goal is not justice? It just cannot be done. In fact, our political representatives, across the board, are just allowing themselves to be used as pawns, taking large bribes to allow their legal and other masters to get on with their own dirty work.
We all talk about democracy. It isn't going to happen in this environment.

Gerry Rice.

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