Independent Media Centre Ireland

Fermanagh Men Released

category fermanagh | miscellaneous | press release author Friday July 18, 2008 17:18author by Richard Walsh - Republican Sinn Féin

RSF have welcomed the release of three men arrested in County Fermanagh on Thursday morning.

Three men being held in Antrim's so-called “Serious Crime Suite” following raids in County Fermanagh on Thursday morning were released without charge between 4p.m. And 4:45p.m. on Friday.

Meanwhile, on Friday morning two relatives of one of the men being held were stopped by around twenty members of the RUC between Lisnaskea and Derrylin, backed up by Customs officials. One of the men was called a murdering bastard, a w***ker and a prick. The other, who suffers from a disability, was called a crippled bastard and an RUC man spat upon his face.

They were also stopped that afternoon by the same personnel, who included RUC Constables Miller and Paddy McCullough and no fewer than three sergeants.

A spokesman for Republican Sinn Féin said that the remarks made by the RUC to the relatives were scurrilous. He welcomed the release of the three men, adding that this demonstrated that the raids and arrests were merely about punishing known Republicans for their steadfast stance against English rule in Ireland.

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author by Mike - Judean Popular Peoples Frontpublication date Fri Jul 18, 2008 17:27author address author phone

Why dont you go the whole hog and refer to them as the RIC ?

author by JJ O'Kellypublication date Fri Jul 18, 2008 18:07author address author phone

Mike is that really the problem that you have with this incident?

It appears that RSF - at least- feels that change other than the most merely cosmetic (ie: a name change) is needed. This is still same RUC, operating under foriegn law in Ireland. Too bad only RSF are the ones standing up for truth, but don't take out your self hatred regarding your cowardly inability to do so as well. Someday you may get a backbone.

author by Frank Walshpublication date Sat Jul 19, 2008 09:51author address author phone

Dia dhuit JJ

"To bad only RSF are the ones standing up for truth"
I think you will find groups such as éirígí , 32csc , IRSP etc are also feel the same. Same brit force new name PSNI/RUC untied we stand

author by Jacqueline Fallonpublication date Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:13author address author phone

I welcome the release of the three Irish Republicans by the British military police force. I wonder what sort of treatment was meted out to them in custody, given the fact that their relatives on the outside were subjected to: unlawful imprisonment, harassment and a tirade of verbal abuse.

The RUC/PSNI has an appalling human rights record on this island and until its disbanded and all armed forces of British rule and their intelligence forces (MI5/MI6) are removed from this island, I see no hope at all for a just and lasting peace on this island. I yearn for the day when we could have just one Irish police force truly representative of all the people in the four provinces, then there might be some hope of justice and peace (and we all want peace), but the current state of affairs with British forces maltreating Irish citizens seeking a just and free society for all, is unacceptable and untenable.

author by Ardboepublication date Sat Jul 19, 2008 22:34author address author phone

great post Jacquline. and good work RSF defending the Republican position. Never has a group like RSF been more needed.

author by Realistpublication date Sat Jul 19, 2008 22:57author address author phone

A 32 County Irish socialist republic?

Do you really believe you can unite Ireland by force against the will of the majority of people who live in Northern Ireland?

Do you believe that you can force the democratically elected governments of North and South into an arrange that is counter to the wishes of the majority of people on this island?

Do you really believe that despite all the evidence at the ballot box that Irish people do express any significant interest or support for hard left socialist revolutionary politics?

Do you really believe that the people of Ireland will stand for another 30 years of pointless nihilistic sectarian and ethnic violence on this island?

You people have contempt for ordinary people who could not care less about the colour of a cheap rag, the words of some stupid anthem or what so and so forgotten poet died on the scaffold for.
You have appointed yourselves our protectors and our executioners.

You are sadistic psychotic sociopathic narcisstic dinosaurs.

Crawl back under your rock and stay there.

author by JJ O' Kellypublication date Sun Jul 20, 2008 00:40author address author phone

The fact is it is this 'police force' which is in the wrong. They are the one operating on Irish soil arresting Irish people for the benefit of a foreign power who is occupying a part of the nation. They are a british paramilitary police force who enforce foriegn rule against self determination.This was not in relation to the (Continuity) IRA attacks against crown forces, it was to suppress and harass RSF which is the organised political body of Republicans.

You do not have to be a Republican to acknowledge this. Maybe you think the 'Paddy"s are too thick to be able to run their own nation, we all dont however, and as long as there still are those who feel that way RSF will continue.

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