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NUIM Student's Union fails to support strike

category kildare | education | other press author Thursday November 19, 2009 22:01author by Aidan Rowe Report this post to the editors

The Student's Union of NUI Maynooth has confirmed, via email correspondence, that they will not be encouraging NUIM students to support the strike on Tuesday. The full text of the email correspondence is presented below.

Aidan Rowe
to Brian [Murphy, SU President]

11:50 AM

Hey Brian,

Just wondering will the SU be asking students not to cross the picket and to join the protests on Tuesday? The USI is supporting the ICTU strikes, so I presume we are as well.

Aidan Rowe

Elizabeth Murray [VP Welfare]
to me

12:22 PM


The Students' Union support the students' right to education and to be educated. The university has said that the college will be staying open and we will be still expecting educators to educate.

Best wishes,

Aidan Rowe
to Elizabeth

1:34 PM

Sorry Liz, just to be clear, the SU won't be asking students to support the strike (for the reasons you outlined)?

Elizabeth Murray
to me

1:42 PM

The Students' Union will be remaining neutral on the strike, but as Student reps who want what is best for the students we are standing strong for education, and believe you all should be able to come into college and be educated. On those grounds we will not be 'taking off' Tuesday the 24th. If students wish to support the strike they are more than welcome to make that decision but as we are not part of any union (other than the Students' Union) and for the reasons outlined above we will not be encouraging students to 'strike'. If your lecturers are happy to come in and teach you, we would encourage you to attend.

Best wishes,

Related Link: http://free-education.info/
author by StudentGrantpublication date Thu Nov 19, 2009 22:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

as long as we have free fees, we don't care about anything else. After all, we are being "educated" to become part of the establishment, or go abroad to get a good job after we get educated for free, compliments of the irish taxpayer....

It's naive to expect students to get behind a workers strike.

author by JJpublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 00:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

..be on Uni picket lines?

Curious about what they mean by 'support'

Related Link: http://usi.ie/index.php/press-releases/2-release/1240-usi-supports-ictu-protests.html
author by Aidan Rowepublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 14:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In the interest of fairness, here's the official SU statement on the strike:

Strike Action 24th November

On 24th November, various trade unions representing staff will be partaking in industrial action. Dr David Redmond - the Registrar - has confirmed that the University will not be closed, since this is not a dispute with University Authorities, but a response to a perceived threat to pay and conditions in the upcoming budget. There may, however, be disruption to various services. The Students' Union believes strongly in education and in preserving quality third level education in Maynooth. The Students' Union is not taking a stance on Tuesday's dispute between public sector workers and their employers - the Government - and will remain open in order to provide vital services to our members. Tuesday is not a day off from education and we encourage students to use the day and university facilities to study, as we are fast approaching exams. Whether individual students, or groups of students, wish to support or oppose the action is their own prerogative

author by Gar Fitzpatrick - Class Reppublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 15:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Liz says:
"The Students' Union will be remaining neutral on the strike, but as Student reps who want what is best for the students we are standing strong for education, and believe you all should be able to come into college and be educated."

- In other words, we're neutral, but really, we're against the strike.

Although the official statement is closer to neutrality in fairness to them.

author by Aidan Rowepublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 16:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Gar: Well they're asking students to pass the picket and go to class if the classes are on, which means they are de-facto against the strike.

author by The Sultan of Shamepublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 17:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Despicable behaviour. If it hadn't been for actions such as this, there would be no university, no access to third level education, no student unions. No doubt a cabal of Blueshirts and Efff Effers has been instrumental in this.

author by Rob Munnelly - NUIMpublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 17:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ask ten different lecturers - like I have - why they're striking and you'll get ten different answers. Ask ten people as much as a week ago and you'll get another ten different answers and the united view that you are a cad.

I'm down with any action in the name of the intelligent handling of resources. But as it stands yet one lecturer has yet to give me that answer. So far we've banned photocopying but a professor emeretis (read: does mostly nothing) is still on 140k+ salary before pension.

Show me a genuine manifesto for change and I'll be right there with them. Until then, I'm putting my registration fee to good use and cracking open some books in the library - this seems to me to be the SUs position. On one hand, it's a bowl of neutral mush. On the other, it's ''so there's a strike, join if you want but we recommend learning something''. So it's not useless by any means.

author by Aidan Rowepublication date Fri Nov 20, 2009 22:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Rob, its not just about workers on campus, we should be supporting low-payed workers across the public sector in their strike action against cuts to workers wages and to education, health, welfare etc. If you cross the picket, you're saying don't care about those workers or the struggles they face.

author by Batt-manpublication date Sat Nov 21, 2009 05:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Maynooth SU is essentially after republishing the offical University statement. John Hughes could call on this crowd to clean his car.

Students shouldn't pay any notice to this, and instead should either

1) Not attend University on the 24th
2) Join the Pickets.

The SU remains pathetically weak. Its tragic SUs in Ireland became over-run with Fine Gael- Fianna Fail types, as this kind of nonsense is the norm. Still, in this case- it seems even USI are in favour of the ICTU action. Like O' Keefe last year, NUIM SU are out on their own.

After backing a call to support IFUT/Siptu at Union Council not too long ago (For Nov6th!), to turn around and issue this piece of Mé Féin-ism shows their true colours. Well done on posting it.

author by Godotpublication date Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The embargo on public sector recruitment, coupled with pressure on colleges to reduce their pay budget by 3%, mean that classes, lectures, tutorials, library hours and science labs have been cut - and the SU is neutral on this? Off with their heads.

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