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The Agenda of the US Staged Chemical Attack in Syria and the Skripal Chemical Poisoning in UK

category international | anti-war / imperialism | feature author Saturday April 14, 2018 18:23author by 1 of indy Report this post to the editors

featured image Although it has the fourth largest army in the world, the United Kindom is unable to defy Russia without the support of allies. It therefore has to invent a casus belli to make its partners react and lead them to stand beside it.

Lets be clear the chemical attack last week was not done by Syria. It would make absolutely no sense. They have already more or less beaten the US/Uk/France (via Saudi proxies) backed ISIS terrorist group with the great help of Russia. Besides Syria destroyed all their chemical weapons a few years back under the watchful eyes of international agencies. So why on Earth would they bring the wrath of the world upon themselves. They are not that stupid. No this chemical attack like the other ones, is done via the terrorist cells (-trained, financed and armed by Western powers through local proxies) - against the "moderate terrorists" and ultimately arranged by their sponsors which is as US, UK & France, the very same states crying crocodile tears about human rights when they regularly bomb countries and people for "human rights". Even now as they screech in unison about this staged attack by them blaming it on the Syrians they have absolutely zero interests in the lives of the people in question. Even the most unobservable person can see it is used merely as a pretext to their agenda. That agenda however is not just to take action and drop bombs as always but something bigger and it is brilliantly outlined in the article written back before this latest fiasco where intelligence had already revealed that the US/UK were planning this latest attack. In short the agenda is to link the clumsy chemical poisoning of Skripal with the Syria chemical attack. The plan was simple. Russia is a monster for using chemical poisoning (except they didn't) and so is Syria too (except they didn't) and they are friends. Therefore Russia should be expelled from the 5 member UN security council and if that could be pulled off then the US/UK & France could safely ignore China and the "Western Free World" would have a free hand to bomb and intimidate who they like. You see the problem is the USA is in debt and technically should be insolvent but because the dollar is the global reserve currency backed by threat of US military, special forces and colour revolutions no-one dares challenge it except of course the Russia-China axis. Nevertheless USA had it's day in the sun and their power is declining. The UK think they can re-establish their colonial relationship and presumably they would be the dominant partner and need to hang on the coat tails of the USA to achieve their aims. Even though the USA is clearly the bigger of the two, the UK are much better at this game than the US could ever hope to be, hence the confidence they can successfully use them.

Here is the article by Thierry Meyssan originally published on 20th March titled: Four days to declare a Cold War

Four days to declare a Cold War

by Thierry Meyssan

The week that has just ended was exceptionally rich in events. But no media were able to report it, because they had all deliberately masked certain of their number in order to protect the story that was being woven by their government. London had attempted to provoke a major conflict, but lost to Russia, President Trump and Syria.

The British government and certain of its allies, including US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, have attempted to launch a Cold War against Russia.

Their plan was to fabricate an attack against an ex-double agent in Salisbury and at the same time a chemical attack against the « moderate rebels » in the Ghouta. The conspirators’ intention was to profit from the efforts of Syria to liberate the suburbs of its capital city and the disorganisation of Russia on the occasion of its Presidential election. Had these manipulations worked, the United Kingdom would have pushed the USA to bomb Damascus, including the Presidential palace, and demand that the United Nations General Assembly exclude Russia from the Security Council.

However, the Syrian and Russian Intelligence Services got wind of what was being plotted. They realised that the US agents in the Ghouta who were preparing an attack against the Ghouta were not working for the Pentagon, but for another US agency.

In Damascus, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Fayçal Miqdad, set up an emergency Press conference for 10 March, in order to alert his fellow citizens. From its own side, Moscow had first of all tried to contact Washington via the diplomatic channels. But aware that the US ambassador, Jon Huntsman Jr, is the director of Caterpillar, the company which had supplied tunneling materials to the jihadists so that they could build their fortifications, Moscow decided to bypass the usual diplomatic channels.

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Here’s how things played out:

12 March 2018

The Syrian army seized two chemical weapons laboratories, the first on 12 March in Aftris, and the second on the following day in Chifonya. Meanwhile, Russian diplomats pushed the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to get involved in the criminal investigation in Salisbury.

In the House of Commons, British Prime Minister Theresa May violently accused Russia of having ordered the attack in Salisbury. According to her, the ex-double agent Sergueï Skripal and his daughter were poisoned by a military nerve gas of a type « developed by Russia » under the name of « Novitchok ». Since the Kremlin considers Russian citizens who have defected as legitimate targets, it is therefore highly likely that they ordered the crime.

« Novitchok » is known by what has been revealed by two Soviet personalities, Lev Fyodorov and Vil Mirzayanov. The scientist Fyodorov published an article in the Russian weekly Top Secret (?????????? ????????) in July 1992, warning about the extremely dangerous nature of this product, and warning against the use of old Soviet weaponry by the Western powers to destroy the environment in Russia and make it unlivable. In October 1992, he published a second article in the News of Moscow (?????????? ???????) with a counter-espionage executive, Mirzayanov, denouncing the corruption of certain generals and the traffic of « Novitchok » in which they were involved. However, they did not know to whom they may have sold the product. Mirzayanov was first of all arrested for high treason, then released. Fyodorov died in Russia last August, but Mirzayanov is living in exile in the United States, where he collaborates with the Department of Defense.

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« Novitchok » was fabricated in a Soviet laboratory in Nurus, in what is now Uzbekistan. During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it was destroyed by a US team of specialists. Uzbekistan and the United States, by necessity, have therefore possessed and studied samples of this substance. They are both capable of producing it.

British Minister for Foreign Affairs Boris Johnson summoned the Russian ambassador in London, Alexandre Iakovenko. He gave him an ultimatum of 36 hours to check if any « Novitchok » was missing from their stocks. The ambassador replied that none was missing, because Russia had destroyed all of the chemical weapons it had inherited from the Soviet Union, as witnessed by the OPCW, which had drawn up a certified report.

After a telephone discussion with Boris Johnson, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in turn condemned Russia for the attack in Salisbury.

Meanwhile, a debate was under way at the UN Security Council concerning the situation in the Ghouta. The permanent representative for the US, Nikki Haley, declared - « About one year ago, after the sarin gas attack perpetrated in Khan Cheïkhoun by the Syrian régime, the United States warned the Council. We said that faced with the systematic inaction of the international community, states are sometimes obliged to act on their own. The Security Council did not react, and the United States bombed the air base from which al Assad had launched his chemical attack. We are reiterating the same warning today ».

The Russian Intelligence Services handed out documents from the US staff. They showed that the Pentagon was ready to bomb the Presidential palace and the Syrian Ministries, on the model of what it had done during the taking of Baghdad (3 to 12 April 2003).

Commenting the declaration by Nikki Haley, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, who had always called the attack in Khan Cheïkhoun a « Western manipulation », revealed that the false information which had led the White House into error and triggered the bombing of the Al-Chaayrate air base, had in fact come from a British laboratory which had never revealed how it came to possess its samples.

13 March 2018

The Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs published a Press release condemning a possible US military intervention, and announcing that if Russian citizens were harmed in Damascus, Moscow would riposte proportionally, since the Russian President is constitutionally responsible for the security of his fellow citizens.

Bypassing the official diplomatic channels, Russian Chief of Staff General Valeri Guerassimov contacted his US counterpart General Joseph Dunford to inform him of his fear of a false flag chemical attack in Ghouta. Dunford took this information vey seriously, and alerted US Defense Secretary General Jim Mattis, who referred the matter to President Donald Trump. In view of the Russian insistence that this piece of foul play was being prepared without the knowledge of the Pentagon, the White House asked the Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, to identify those responsible for the conspiracy.

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We do not know the result of this internal enquiry, but President Trump acquired the conviction that his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, was implicated. The Secretary of State was immediately asked to interrupt his official journey in Africa and return to Washington.

Theresa May wrote to the General Secretary of the United Nations accusing Russia of having ordered the attack in Salisbury, and convened an emergency meeting of the Security Council. Without waiting, she expelled 23 Russian diplomats.

At the request of President of the House of Commons Interior Committee Yvette Cooper, British Secretary for the Interior Amber Rudd announced that MI5 (Military Interior Secret Services ) is going to re-open 14 enquiries into deaths which, according to US sources, were ordered by the Kremlin.

By doing do, the British government adopted the theories of Professor Amy Knight. On 22 January 2018, this US Sovietologist published a very strange book - Orders to Kill - the Putin régime and political murder. The author, who is « the » specialist on the ex-KGB, attempts to demonstrate that Vladimir Putin is a serial killer responsible for dozens of political assassinations, from the terrorist attacks in Moscow in 1999 to the attack on the Boston Marathon in 2013, by way of the execution of Alexandre Litvinenko in London in 2006 or that of Boris Nemtsov in Moscow in 2015. However, she admits herself that there is absolutely no proof of her accusations.

The European Liberals then joined the fray. Ex-Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt, who presides their group in the European Parliament, called on the European Union to adopt sanctions against Russia. His counterpart at the head of their British party, Sir Vince Cable, proposed a European boycott of the World Football Cup. And already, Buckingham Palace announced that the royal family has canceled their trip to Russia.

The UK communications regulator, Ofcom, announced that it might ban the channel Russia Today as a retaliatory measure, even though RT has on no occasion violated British law.

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The Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs summoned the British ambassador in Moscow to inform him that reciprocal measures would soon be indicated in retaliation for the expulsion of Russian diplomats from London.

President Trump announced on Twitter that he had fired his Secretary of State, with whom he had not yet been in contact. He was replaced by Mike Pompeo, ex-Director of the CIA, who, the night before, had confirmed the authenticity of the Russian information transmitted by General Dunford. On his arrival in Washington, Tillerson obtained confirmation of his dismissal from White House General Secretary General John Kelly.

Ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is a product of the Texan middle class. He and his family worked for the US Scouts, of whom he became the National President (2010-12). Culturally close to England, he did not hesitate, when he became President of the mega-multinational Exxon-Mobil (2006-16), not only to wage a politically correct campaign favouring the acceptance of young gays into the Scouts, but also to recruit mercenaries in British Guiana. He is said to be a member of the Pilgrims Society, the most prestigious of Anglo-US clubs, presided by Queen Elizabeth II, a number of whose members were part of the Obama administration.

During his functions as Secretary of State, the quality of his education provided a bond for Donald Trump, considered by US high society to be a buffoon. He was in disagreement with his President on three major subjects which allow us to define the ideology of the conspirators -
- Like London and the US deep state, he thought it would be useful to diabolise Russia in order to consolidate the power of the Anglo-Saxons in the Western camp ;
- Like London, he thought that in order to maintain Western colonialism in the Middle East, it was necessary to favour Iranian President Cheikh Rohani against the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei. He therefore supported the 5+1 agreement.
- Like the US deep state, he considered that the swing of North Korea towards the United States should remain secret, and be used to justify a military deployment which would be directed in reality against the People’s Repubic of China. He was therefore in favour of official talks with Pyongyang, but opposed to a meeting between the two heads of state.

14 March 2018

While Washington was still in shock, Theresa May spoke once again before the House of Commons to develop her accusation, while all around the world, British diplomats spoke to numerous inter-governmental organisations in order to broadcast the message. Responding to the Prime Minister, Blairist deputy Chris Leslie qualified Russia as a rogue state and demanded its suspension from the UN Security Council. Theresa May agreed to examine the question, but stressed that the outcome could only be decided by the General Assembly in order to avoid the Russian veto.

The North Atlantic Council (NATO) met in Brussels at the request of the United Kingdom. The 29 member states drew a link between the use of chemical weapons in Syria and the attack in Salisbury. They then decided that Russia was « probably » responsible for these two events.

In New York, the permanent representative of Russia, Vasily Nebenzya, proposed to the members of the Security Council that they adopt a declaration attesting to their common will to shed light on the attack in Salisbury and handing over the enquiry to the OPCW in the respect of international procedures. But the United Kingdom refused any text which did not contain the expression that Russia was « probably responsible » for the attack.

During the public debate which followed, UK chargé d’affaire Jonathan Allen represented his country. He is an agent of MI6 who created the British War Propaganda Service and gives active support to the jihadists in Syria. He declared - « Russia has already interfered in the affairs of other countries, Russia has already violated international law in Ukraine, Russia has comtempt for civilian life, as witnessed by the attack on a commercial aircraft over Ukraine by Russian mercenaries, Russia protects the use of chemical weapons by Assad (…) The Russian state is responsible for this attempted murder ». The permanent representative for France, François Delattre, who, by virtue of a derogation by President Sarkozy, was trained at the US State Department, noted that his country had launched an initiative to end the impunity of those who use chemical weapons. He implied that the initiative, originally directed at Syria, could also be turned against Russia.

Russian ambassador Vasily Nebenzya pointed out that the session had been convened at London’s request, but that it is public at Moscow’s request. He observed that the United Kingdom is violating international law by treating this subject at the Security Council while keeping the OPCW out of its enquiry. He noted that if London had been able to identify the « Novotchik », it’s because it has the formula and can therefore make its own. He noted Russia’s desire to collaborate with the OPCW in the respect for international procedures.

15 March 2018

The United Kingdom published a common declaration which had been cosigned the night before by France and Germany, as well as Rex Tillerson, who at that moment was still US Secretary of State. The text reiterated British suspicions. It denounced the use of « a neurotoxic agent of military quality, and of a type developed by Russia », and affirmed that it was « highly probable that Russia is responsible for the attack ».

The Washington Post published an op-ed piece by Boris Johnson, while the US Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, established new sanctions against Russia. These are not connected to the current affair, but to allegations of interference in US public life. The decree nonetheless mentions the attack in Salisbury as proof of the underhand methods of Russia.

British Secretary for Defence, the young Gavin Williamson, declared that after the expulsion of its diplomats, Russia should « shut up and go away » (sic). This is the first time since the end of the Second World War that a representative of a permanent member state of the Security Council has employed such a vocabulary in the face of another member of the Council. Sergueï Lavrov commented - « He’s a charming young man. He must want to ensure his place in History, by making shock declarations [...] Perhaps he lacks education ».


In the space of four days, the United Kingdom and its allies have laid the premises of a new division of the world, a Cold War.

However, Syria is not Iraq and the UNO is not the G8 (from which Russia has been excluded because of its adhesion to Crimea and its support of Syria). The United States are not going to destroy Damascus, and Russia will not be excluded from the Security Council. After having resigned from the European Union, then having refused to sign the Chinese declaration about the Silk Road, the United Kingdom thought to improve its stature by eliminating a competitor. By this piece of dirty work, it imagined that it would acquire a new dimension and become the « Global Britain » announced by Madame May. But it is destroying its own credibility.
Thierry Meyssan

Pete Kimberley

Some follow up on things:

The Western corporate and state press regularly quoting the Syria Human Rights Observatory which is run by a PR company backed by British MI6 regularly put out reports that the situation is chaos due to all the "barrel bombs" dropped by Assad and the continual bombing of hospitals. At last count there must be at least a hundred hospitals in Aleppo. There is no hint that these bombings might be carried out by the ISIS terrorists backed by them via local proxies in the Middle East -ala that great country Saudi Arabia the one where they are always announcing billion dollar or euro sales of weapon systems too.

The reality while not pleasant is certainly not what they want you to believe. So here is a report by the official representative of Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov and it is a transcript.


he Russian Centre for Reconciliation jointly with the Syrian authorities is completing the large-scale humanitarian operation in the suburbs of Damascus – the Eastern Ghouta. In total, 170,152 people have been evacuated during the operation, including 63,117 militants with their families.

All the settlements in the Eastern Ghouta are currently under the control of the Syrian government.

The Russian military police has been deployed in the Eastern Ghouta in order to monitor situation and maintain law enforcement.

As environment in the suburbs of Damscus stabilizing, people are making their way back home. In total, some 63,000 people have return to their homes now. It makes a half of those who had left the area.

The Syrian government working on rehabilitation of destroyed civilian infrastructure. Power and water supply systems have been recovered; reconstruction is underway in the area. People are provided with medical assistance.

Thus, the present-day Eastern Ghouta is far from a “black hole” where no one could get to, but a capital suburb returning to peaceful life.

Situation is under control of the lawful authorities that is taking measures to recover trade, adjust prices, render services for civilians, and rehabilitate schools.

All conditions are being established to ensure swiftly normalize environment in the area.

Meanwhile, residents of the Eastern Ghouta that had suffered violation from terrorists for many years badly need humanitarian assistance.

Russia was the first to render this assistance.

The Russian Centre for Reconciliation has delivered 520 tons of food supplies, more than 50,000 liters of bottled water, 9,000 sets of bed linen, and provided with engineering equipment to remove rubbles.

Today, a convoy carrying construction equipment, trucks, steel tubes for water supply system, and required equipment for overhauling power systems have been sent to the city of Douma.

Another five such convoys are to depart to Douma next week.

It is to be stressed that all the construction equipment and materials delivered by the convoys to the Eastern Ghouta shall be handed over to the UN representatives in Syria for further distribution among civilians. It is Russia’s contribution to the UN humanitarian assistance for people in Syria.

One should pay attention that it is the real help that Russia is providing to real civilians in Syria, rather than hollow promises made by some western countries.

Russia urges world community to join Russia and provide Syrians with necessary humanitarian aid.

It is common knowledge that not everybody feels comfortable with such progress on the way to restoring peaceful life in Syria.

The Syrian legal government has been receiving from the USA and western countries baseless and flimsy accusations of alleged chemical attack against civilians in the Eastern Ghouta.

After about a week, the USA and some European countries provided no evidence on alleged using of poisonous agents by the Syrian troops on April 7 in the city of Douma.

The Russian Ministry of Defence has overwhelming evidence that in Douma on April 7 there was a planned provocation in order to deceive the world community. Its original purpose was to provoke missile strikes by the USA against Syria.

It is to be reminded that a video clip recorded at the Douma hospital where injured people were allegedly brought to is the key ‘evidence’ of all these accusations made by western countries.

However, we managed to find those who directly had taken part in this footage, and to ask them questions.

Today, Russian shows an interview with these people.

Citizens of Douma told how a staged clip had been recorded, in which episodes they had participated and what roles they had had.

Besides, they showed shots with them in the clip.

Both persons involved in the clip have medical degree and work in emergency department of the Douma Hospital.

According to them, those who had been brought to the hospital had no injuries caused by chemical agents.

When civilians were receiving first aid, some unidentified people rushed in the hospital.

Some of them had video cameras. These people started shouting, spreading panic, and dousing other people with water. They shouted that all people in the hospital were victims of chemical weapons use.

Patients and their relatives started dousing each other with water.

After the action was filmed, the unknown persons escaped immediately.

As it can be seen, these Syrians demonstrate themselves at the footage.

It is to be noted that these people do not hide their names. These are not some impersonal messages on social networks or statements of anonymous activists.

It is to be stressed once again that these are people who became direct participants in filming these footage.

These facts are the evidence in the civilized world, and are not unfounded and irresponsible accusations spread with the aim of hanging labels and denigrating the leadership of other countries.

Earlier, Russia had made numerous warns on all levels about provocations of chemical weapons use organized by insurgents in the Eastern Ghouta.

Today, there are other evidences at the disposal of the Russian military department, which testify to the direct participation of Great Britain in organizing this provocation in the Eastern Ghouta.

The Russian party knows for certain that from April 3 to 6, representatives of the so-called White Helmets were influenced by London for the speedy implementation of the provocation prepared in advance.

The White Helmets received information that Jaysh al-Islam militants were to conduct a series of powerful artillery shelling of Damascus on April 3 to 6.

This will promote a response from the government troops, which the White Helmets’ representatives will have to use to carry out provocations with alleged chemical weapons.

Today, a group of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is arriving in Syria.

The Russian Reconciliation Centre is ready to provide security and necessary work conditions in the Eastern Ghouta to them.

The Russian party hopes that the OPCW group will be guided not by some third party’s requirements and anonymous pseudo-evidences from social networks, but will conduct an objective and independent investigation to ascertain the truth.

The Russian Defence Ministry is confident that the responsible position of the OPCW will reduce the degree of tensions in the region and thereby preserve the fragile peace that was established in Syria.

Taking into account that peaceful life is returning to the Eastern Ghouta, the attention is to be drawn to the ongoing humanitarian disaster in Raqqa, which had been liberated five months ago by the United States and the countries of the so-called International Coalition.

On April 10, the World Health Organization (WHO) prepared a report.

The document indicates that civilians returning to the city of Raqqa are daily endangered by the huge amount of scattered ammunition and improvised explosive devices.

According to the WHO experts, from October 1, 2017 to February 28 2018, more than 660 Syrians received wounds and injuries of varying severity. More than 130 people were killed.

Every day, up to six explosions of civilians occur. In this case, most often the victims are children and adolescents.

According to the WHO, there are only two hospitals in Raqqa. They are overcrowded and fail to provide assistance to all injured.

The experts emphasize that residents of Raqqa are deprived of humanitarian aid because of the lack of representative offices of international profile organizations in the region and the inability of local authorities to remedy the situation.

Extremely severe and epidemiological situation is in Raqqa. Until now, thousands of corpses are decomposing under the ruins of the city.

The city is 70 percent wiped off the face of the earth as a result of the bombing by the US AF.

These are assessments made by representatives of international organizations.

In this regard, it is to be reminded that the work of schools, hospitals, and social institutions has been restored in all territories liberated from terrorists by the government troops. There are markets, businesses and housing are being restored.

Throughout its long history, England has never hesitated to lie and betray its oath in order to defend its interests. This is how it earned its French nickname of « perfide Albion » (after the Latin name for England)
Throughout its long history, England has never hesitated to lie and betray its oath in order to defend its interests. This is how it earned its French nickname of « perfide Albion » (after the Latin name for England)

author by anonpublication date Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Interesting that when the daughter Yulia Skripal gave her first interview you would think if the Russian's did it she would never want to return there but no. The first thing she says is that her long term goal is to return to Russia. She clearly has a good idea who poisoned them and she isn't going to say much more until she is safely out of the UK.

What was more interesting though was Boris Johnston on the same day in order to distract any news attention from this story starting ranting on about evil Russia again and how they must answer questions about the downing of the Malaysian plane over Ukraine in 2014 -the same year as the organised neo-nazi coup in Kiev.. The real investigation clearly showed it was a bomb onboard as the marks on the remains of the cockpit showed holes blown outwardly. Incidently prior to that we had the other Malaysian plane that disappeared over the Indian ocean and the claims there are it was a test of cyber hack to demonstrate how to take over complete control of an aircraft. Malaysian is perhaps more famous for not letting the IMF into their country to loot it financially during the Asian Tiger meltdown crisis. although they are doing a good job themselves of destroying their own rainforests at a very rapid rate.

author by anonpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2018 23:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Looks like some folks with a lot to lose and access to Novichok
couldn't handle the world cup in Russia being a PR success
and a possible detente after the Trump Putin meeting!!

Too much money and spy agency wages at stake perhaps??

Cue another Novichok death to remind us all about how evil the Russians are.

My money is on MI6 and rogue CIA working together on an operation,
knocking off some innocent couple near Sailsbury before the world cup finals
to safeguard all the money from military contracts and spy jobs in the west
all tied up with their new cold war with Russia

author by Porton_down_syndromepublication date Thu Jul 12, 2018 18:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The plot thickens even more

apparently some kid was feeding ducks in a different park in Salisbury that day.
Park was not sealed off or given the cleanup treatment like the other one. Nor was this incident even mentioned in mainstream or police accounts despite police getting the kid to burn all the clothes he was wearing that day.

weirder and weirder!!

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