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The Lab Leak Psyop

category international | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Friday June 25, 2021 17:13author by Gary Jordanauthor email thecovid19illusion at protonmail dot comauthor address Dublin Report this post to the editors

And The Truth About COVID-19

The Wuhan Lab Leak Story Is Designed To Keep You In Fear And Off The Scent Of The Real Conspiracy

Our friends in the alternative media have rejected the official mainstream and government narrative on every major topic of the last 100 years. They’ve refused to believe the rubber-stamped accounts of the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks, the John F. Kennedy assassination, the war in Syria, the Oklahoma bombing, the Sandy Hook school shooting, the Jewish Holocaust, the Moon Landings and the death of Jeffrey Epstein, among other subjects. In most cases, their repudiation of the official story has been justified and they have been bravely unwavering in their disavowal of the corporate media rhetoric, sometimes to the detriment of their reputations and careers. Vociferously and consistently, they have challenged the official story.

So why now are many of them doing an about-face, going along with the government-backed, MSM-pushed Wuhan Lab Leak theory? Don’t they know that the most far-fetched conspiracy theories are those that are promoted by the Deep State? Don’t they know that the most baseless and ludicrous of fabricated disinformation campaigns are born of government and disseminated by the mainstream media? QAnon is one example - a movement shown to have ties to US military intelligence and Big Tech. The lab leak tale is the latest.

Who would have thought that we would see We Are Change’s Luke Rudkowski, for example, on the same page as Mockingbird characters like Jon Stewart, who now appears regularly on prime time TV shows in the US, propagandizing the fictitious lab leak myth?! Who would have thought that the journalists of the Guardian newspaper would find common ground with the editors of Summit News, as both outlets promote the latest psychological manipulation of the masses?

It is all simply an effort to convince the population that SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 exist.

They don’t.

Jon Stewart - Peddler of the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory
Almost a year ago, I wrote a book called The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies. Even back then, in the very early stages of the pandemic hoax, there was a dearth of evidence to show that the SARS-COV-2 virus, far from been made in a lab, was instead made up in someone’s mind. Why bother to go to all the trouble and hard work of engineering a virus, when you can create the illusion of one? Why the necessity of releasing a wayward virus among the nations of the world, when you can just create the perception of one, leaving you in complete control of it?! The idea that there is a deadly virus raging rampant throughout our planet has proven to be enough to convince billions of people that they should line up for an emergency use, unapproved, experimental, gene therapy, which of course, has always been the end goal. No lab leak necessary. Incessant propaganda and government lies get the job done in a more efficient and timely manner than any manufactured infectious agent ever could.

Even if we were to suspend disbelief for a moment and imagine that there was a conspiracy to discharge a lethal microorganism into the world, with the aim of depopulating the planet, killing off huge swathes of the population - wouldn’t you, if it was you had funded the dastardly plan, be asking for a refund now? I know, if I had purchased a made-to-order pathogen and it turned out to have a 99.97% survival rate among those who were infected and was only efficacious when it came to killing octogenarians in nursing homes, I sure would. I’d be pretty pissed to think that I’d paid to have a virus created that is less deadly than regular influenza. Damn right, I’d want my money back.

We’re expected to believe that Dr. Anthony Fauci is responsible for the lab leak. We’re told that this man, who was outed via FOIA requests made by Buzzfeed - an organisation that has been closely involved with a government-funded information warfare group called Open Technology Fund - and the Washington Post - owned by Jeff Bezos, who has profited immensely from the pandemic hoax - is culpable for the 3.9 million deaths that have supposedly occurred worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. That’s 1300 times more people than Osama Bin Laden was accused of killing on 9/11. With Bin Laden, we bombed entire nations in oblivion, killed him and threw his body into the sea. But with Fauci, we’re going to pass the Fire Fauci Act, and he’ll be handed a pink slip, forcing him into retirement. What a horrible, cruel punishment for an 80-year-old multi-millionaire, who supposedly helped kill millions of people.

Dr. Anthony Fauci - Facing early retirement at 80 years of age, due to his crimes against humanity,
Who writes this stuff? And how do some people who are supposedly investigative journalists fall for it?

As well as the crew at Buzzfeed and the Washington Post, there are others in the media industry pushing this scam. One, in particular, is Michael R. Gordon. of the Wall Street Journal. Gordon has been lying on behalf of his handlers for decades. He holds the distinction of being one of the very first journalists in the world to allege the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In a September 8th 2002 article titled ‘US Says Hussein Intensifies Quest For A-Bomb Parts’, Gordon cited anonymous sources. Today he is citing undisclosed intelligence reports as proof of the Wuhan hoax. We all know how reliable his WMD sources were 19 years ago, yet still, there are those in the independent media who advance his pseudo-journalism today, buying into the latest psyop.

Michael R. Gordon - Still searching for Sadam’s WMDs
With all this in mind, and in the knowledge that the mainstream media, and seemingly some within the alternative media, want us distracted, believing that COVID-19 does indeed exist, it’s important to remember a few points - most of which are covered in greater detail in my book.

-By the admission of the CDC, SARS-COV-2 has never been isolated. It has never ever been proven to exist. Koch’s postulates have not been performed, as they should be to identify any new virus.

-Despite (allegedly) hundreds of millions of cases of COVID-19, there does not exist any electron microscope (EM) photograph of the SARS-COV-2 virus. What we have seen so far, are a handful of digitally simulated images and artists renderings.

-The diagnosis of COVID-19 is based on a PCR test. Hundreds of millions of cases have been ‘confirmed’ using this method. The PCR test is not reliable, should not be used to diagnose illness (according to its inventor, Kary Mullis) and has even been called into question by the World Health Organization. Therefore, the hundreds of millions of diagnosed cases, which have sparked mass vaccinations and unconstitutional lockdowns, are based on lies.

-Death rates in nations worldwide have remained the same, or in some cases, decreased since the WHOs declaration of a pandemic in March 2020. In the UK, for example, age-standardised mortality rates have been at the lowest level ever recorded. So what has the engineered virus been doing all this time?

- It’s not a new concept. Pandemics have been manufactured before. The 2009 Swine Flu was deliberately designed to foment panic and sell vaccines. This was even acknowledged by Forbes magazine, before they pulled their article in October 2020.

-The vast majority of reported deaths from COVID-19 were of elderly patients who had been moved out of hospitals and transferred into care homes, where they would no longer receive the treatment that was required for the illnesses they were initially hospitalised for. On top of that, it is reported that a huge number of those who died had been on ventilators, which evidently damaged and then blew out their lungs. This has been confirmed by numerous whistleblowers in destinations worldwide such as Italy, the UK and the US, proving that any major wave of death that did occur was due to the genocide of the elderly by government-backed eugenicists, as opposed to the contraction of a deadly contagion.

- Health officials worldwide have instructed hospital staff to label everybody who dies after testing positive for COVID-19 as a COVID-19 death, even if they were sick from other illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In some cases, car crash victims and people who had been terminally ill for months have been certified as COVID-19 deaths. This is a deliberate scam, aided by a faulty PCR test, in an effort to boost numbers, turning up the level of fear that little bit more.

Ignoring facts such as these, in favour of an MSM-sponsored conspiracy theory citing the dubious claims of dubious groups and dubious individuals, the so-called independent journalists are doing a disservice to themselves and to their audience.

Until we can develop immunity to the powerful propaganda and the psychological attacks that have been waged upon us, and finally, see what is very plain to be seen - that COVID-19 is a hoax - we will not progress and we will remain in the nightmarish dystopia that has been thrust upon us.

Gary Jordan

Author - The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies


Related Link: https://waketfupweekly.substack.com/p/the-lab-leak-psyop
author by Tpublication date Sun Jun 27, 2021 23:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Vladimir Lenin was famously asked what should we do about the opposition?

His reply. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

And so it follows that much of the alternative media is controlled opposition. The most obvious ones are the easiest to spot like Alex Jones, the Flat Earth society and many others. Then there are progressively harder ones to make out.

The way it works is that they all tell a bit of truth as a form of bait and to draw you in. They work then in numerous ways. Some sites then add in loads of nonsense and in that way discredit the truth by association. Yet the aim of others is to misdirect you. You can actually learn a lot of stuff over the huge array of alternative media outlets, far more than the mainstream which is just the first layer of defense but once you have dipped your toe into alternative media, the blatant propaganda of MSN is a lot easier to see.

As more and more people realize certain realities they (PTB) have to try and keep ahead, as you can only redirect and misdirect when you are out in front of the main crowd.

Once you realize that much of the alternative media is controlled -there to catch people who give up on the MSM, it has the multiple lines of defense. Now however with the Covid scam we are in the final stages of completing global tyrannical state and all forces available are being thrown into the battle and this goes a long way to explain why much of the alternative media have joined forces with the mainstream media because whatever is in the plan, this huge push indicates it is central to it's aims. Perhaps, they will setup a good guys, bad guys scenario.

Either way, this is a good opportunity to see which are the more blatant controlled opposition alternative media sites, because the ones that push most eagerly are quite likely ultimately disinfo and control operations.

So you have to use your own judgement, see what makes sense, look for the inconsistencies, learn as much as you can, read as widely as possible, retain as much as you can, be skeptical yet discerning too. Eventually you get better at it and it is really like peeling the layers off an onion.

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